Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Reviews
Ultimately, Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is a beautifully crafted and original tactical RPG. While this particular package is lacking in special features, it’s still a perfect opportunity to play a charming cult classic at a budget price.
There should be no doubt that Valkyria Chronicles is a modern classic that has earned each one of its fans and accolades.

A great remaster of a timeless classic RPG that must be experienced by anyone looking for a great combat system and memorable characters.
This remaster adds slightly improved graphics and frame rate, trophies and the bells and whistles coming with a modern console release. Arguably, this isn’t an enormous change, but fact is that the original game was already a masterpiece on its own, and Valkyria Chronicles Remastered brings back all that charm. What’s not to love?
Valkyria Chronicles is a charming and deep JRPG; perhaps not so difficult, but very funny, with strong emotion and depth. The excellent cel shading frames a truly excellent game.
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As bizarre a mix of genres, art style, and subject matter as you could ever hope to see. But it all works together surprisingly well and this remaster is well deserved.
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is just as great of a game as it was eight years ago. Having it perform better and run smoother is a gift. A few things hold it back from perfection, but I'd rather have a war game strive for something new and risky like this than go with safe boilerplate action sequences. I'm happy Sega took a chance on this one. And maybe if enough people pick this up, the next game in the series will come this way.
Deep challenges and rich rewards await if you decide to take on Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. If you’re playing it for the first time, this is as good a version as any to get a taste of the excellent blend of turn-based strategy and real-time action that made the game such a hit on PS3; if you’re a returning fan, on the other hand, you might be slightly disappointed to learn that this “remastering” doesn’t look much different from the original version (or offer any new content, for that matter). In any case, there’s no denying that it’s a true original that mostly stands the test of time — and if it does well, perhaps Sega will consider bringing new PS4 exclusive Valkyria: Azure Revolution over here. We can dream, can’t we?
Valkyria Chronicles is a must-have for any tactical RPG fan,and even if you’re not a fan of the genre, the story is worth the purchase alone. Valkyria Chronicles is still one of the best tactical RPGs this century.
Valyria Chronicles remaster is an excellent addition to the PS4 library. Its turn based, real time antics are just as fun and challenging as ever before. If this is a player’s first time trudging into battle, expect to be blown away, as long as patience persists.
In the end, this is the best version available of a great game, so if you haven’t played it, and want the most up-to-date/complete version, this is the one for you. Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is highly recommended for fans of Tactical RPGs, JRPGs, or games that uniquely blend gameplay elements to create original gaming experiences.
SEGA has put together a simple, heartfelt tribute to the original Valkyria Chronicles that feels at home on the Playstation 4. Being able to command the Edelweiss one more time has given me a longing to play through the other two PSP-exclusive entries if they can be given the same treatment. A new Valkyria Chronicles has been a long time coming and having the entire series on one platform would be a dream if given the same high-definition makeover.
Eight years after its initial release, and Valkyria Chronicles remains a thoroughly enjoyable strategy game. Its mix of real-time movement and tactical, turn based decision making still feels unique, and proceedings are carried by a story that blends the harsh realities of war with more intimate, personal narratives. Parts of the remastered package do feel a little worn by today's standards, but those who missed out on joining Welkin Gunther and the gang the first time around should certainly consider enlisting for this return to the battlefield.
Valkyria Chronicles lands on PlayStation 4 with the same determination that it had eight years ago. The game is still brilliant, thanks to its intense story and a solid gameplay. This current-gen version won't have a top-notch look, but includes some interesting DLCs.
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Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is a compelling game that holds up to this very day and still provides one of the best strategy RPG experiences you’ll find. It’s the same game we all know and love, just prettier.
The original Valkyria Chronicles redefined the strategy genre for many players thanks to its unique melding of turn-based combat with third-person flair. All that goodness from the original is in the remastered version, though I wish it also added more new things for returning series vets. For newcomers or series lovers who want to experience it all again, however, a good story, likeable characters and challenging combat make this game highly recommended.
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered looks fantastic on the PS4, and both its visuals and gameplay hold up well today. It tells a gripping tale of difficult battles and the bonds that blossom from conflict, and it serves up a story that will keep you invested in its development and characters from start to finish.
Though it was received well critically the first time around and became a cult favorite, VC largely flew under the radar upon its initial release. I’m glad it’s getting another chance to shine a generation later.
While this is easily the best version of Valkyria Chronicles yet, it still doesn't quite live up to its potential.