Death Squared Reviews
While we've seen plenty of games that have similar themes and mechanics, the way they're presented in Death Squared makes for a rare experience. Having a game that is cooperative at its core but imminently playable as a solo experience is a boon, but it must be said its wily charms are exponentially more effective when sitting next to a friend or loved one whilst you giggle at each other's faux pas. If you want your puzzlers to be thought-provoking with a dash of dry humour, you can't go wrong with Death Squared.
If you have a bunch of friends with high tolerance levels readily available then it might be worth giving this a punt, otherwise, if you're the type that throws controllers then you may want to avoid.
In short, Death Squared is an incredibly fun puzzle game for Nintendo Switch. While it may be unrewarding for second playthroughs and in-game progression, the fact that there are over a 100 levels means that players who love puzzle games will love this too. Not only that, but the seamless drop-in/drop-out co-op means that whether you want to play by yourself, or with a friend, or three other friends, you'll be able to with the just a push of the Joy-Con release. If you have a love of puzzle games and a Nintendo Switch, or if you're having a get together with your friends soon, Death Squared should be on your short-list.
Overall, Death Squared is an entertaining game that has been carefully refined until it can out from the crowds of other indie puzzle games. It's easily recommended for gamers who appreciate the puzzle, platform and party genres individually or when combined together.
As much fun as it is to share with loved ones, Death Squared is considerably more difficult than Snipperclips, which didn't even have a failure state. Even though it has a "party mode," it's not a game I'd advise pairing with alcohol, since fine motor control is one of the first things to go when you're hammered. If you're persistent and willing to work together though, Death Squared is a good time, and definitely worth picking up on the Switch.
Death Squared is a decent co-op puzzle game that works best when playing with friends in real life. It manages the perfect mix of simple and intuitive controls with complex and challenging level progression, and it really stands out as a game with which non-gaming friends and family could easily get involved.
Death Squared is a solidly fun and challenging experience with friends, and even more so when played as a single-player game. Its lighthearted nature, lengthy story mode, and couch co-op possibilities are all good selling points, but SMG Studios' puzzler suffers thanks to a lack of innovation. Test passed - just.
If you're looking for a puzzler that tests your brain as well as your reflexes, then Death Squared will fit the bill nicely.
While not perfect, Death Squared is pretty darn close to it. This game should be a go-to for any age group who’s looking for a small party game that could keep them occupied for hours. You’ll rarely be bored with the puzzles, rarely be frustrated with the mechanics, and rarely annoyed by anything other than excessive team-killing (which is hysterical in its own right). If you’re looking for a puzzle game to play with someone who doesn’t like puzzles, this is the one.
Death Squared might have launched on Steam, but it feels like this game and the Nintendo Switch were made for each other. Deceptively smart puzzles, an endearingly smarmy sense of humor, and organic, instantaneous multiplayer all at a great price make Death Squared a must-buy on Switch.
Death Square is game where many friendly robots will have to overcome levels and challenges. Use your brain and play the 'party mode' with other 4 players. A unique and innovative puzzle game that will keep you addicted to it for several days. The worst part is its short duration and its discreet technical aspects.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
A fun and entertainingly chaotic puzzle experience is what Death Squared brings to its players, whether they choose to go solo or accompanied. Its very well designed (and plentiful) levels will keep everyone busy for a good amount of time and the more players join in the better, as Death Squared fully maximizes the experience with four players.
Review in Portuguese |
Death Squared is a nice surprise to the puzzle genre, delivering comic relief at all the right moments. It really does teach you to laugh at yourself, while not taking itself as a video game too seriously. Some great things come in small packages, and this one's got nuts…and bolts. And lasers. And explosions.
If you're desperate for a local co-op puzzle game, then Death Squared will certainly scratch that itch. However, lack of variety in levels means that it can get pretty monotonous very quickly.
Death Squared is a great example of a game that fights you every step of the way. However, its sharp and witty narrative mixed with simple pick-up-and-play controls guarantees that you'll have some frustrating fun with a partner. Just make darn sure to leave your best friends out of party mode if you want to stay that way.
Puzzle fanatics will enjoy it, even in solo mode. Players looking for some widely-appealing games to play with non-gamer family and friends will definitely find value here, and may discover they're no longer the best player in the room.
Australian-made Death Squared is a challenging yet gratifying puzzler that will satisfy even the most fervent puzzle fans
There are 80 levels to be played solo here — most if not all of them more challenging as a solo venture — but it's only with a group of friends that you'll extract everything Death Squared has to offer.
Death Squared doesn't do anything particularly new but its execution is wonderful. More to the point, with the right group of friends, it's a downright hilarious way to spend an evening.
This colorful, robotic puzzler will get your friends talking and laughing -- even as they die. Repeatedly.