Sudden Strike 4 Reviews
An unsurprising RTS in every sense of the word, but solidly entertaining and well-designed for console.
A complete RTS if you are looking for a single player experience, but an awful online experience.
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The return of Sudden Strike is a little bit disappointing for the fans of the saga due to its difficulty and multiplayer mode, but it stays strong in everything else. Sudden Strike 4 offers lots of hours of entertainment.
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Sudden Strike 4's issues are a real downer, as they get in the way of what is an otherwise well put-together challenge.
Despite some buggy unit pathfinding and poor voice acting, Sudden Strike 4's tactical depth, excellent controls, and gorgeous overall presentation make it the best console RTS since Halo Wars 2.
It's better to play this game on PC. Console version is disappointing.
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Imagine what would have happened during World War II if Winston Churchill had issued orders and his subordinates had just stood still – slack-jawed, disinterested, and non-compliant. Or perhaps what would have happened if Johannes Blaskowitz had directed a battalion of German panzers to move through a tight alley in Stalingrad, only for the first tank in line to inexplicably grind to a halt four metres into the alley, leaving the rest of the squad to be picked off by Soviet anti-tank soldiers. Consider how Stalin would have reacted had he found out that an entire squadron of his finest Russian soldiers were indiscriminately wiped out when his own tanks blew up the building they were holed up in aiming at enemies on the other side of the structure. Thanks to a control scheme that doesn't make sense and sometimes doesn't do what it's supposed to, and appalling AI for both allies and enemy units, Sudden Strike 4 is a game that answers all of these questions and a bunch more you were probably afraid to ask.
A decent if distinctly workmanlike RTS, Sudden Strike 4 should certainly appeal to tactical newbies but is too limited to appeal to really anybody else looking for a sophisticated, strategic challenge.
Sudden Strike 4 is a sound tactical game with a great depth of units and tactical options. It is, however, let down by limited AI which leaves missions feeling more like set problems to solve rather than dynamic battlefields, limiting any replay value.
Sudden Strike 4 modernizes the old gameplay: tactics are trumps, every unit counts. Strong campaigns, thin multiplayer content.
Review in German | Read full review
Sudden Strike 4 is a great example of a challenging real time strategy game without all of the 'dirt farming' aspects of other titles. It requires real thought instead of simply pouring all units into the path of the enemy. There are a few hiccups in terms of pathing and AI, as well as a baffling choice for voicework, but the game has more high points than low. It would also be nice if there was just a little more handholding to bring in new players, but overall Sudden Strike 4 is a welcome addition to the genre.
Sudden Strike 4 barely manages to work on even a basic level, with so many glitches constantly stopping my game. If there were no glitches and if there was a working control scheme then maybe, just maybe, Sudden Strike 4 would be a totally average World War 2 RTS that doesn't really stand out in any way. In its current state, it's just a horrid mess.
Sudden Strike is series with PCs roots which are heavily imbedded, mainly because of the controls that on PS4 aren't most comfortable thing on planet.
Review in Polish |
I’ll close as I opened. I found Sudden Strike 4 to be merely adequate. It has a (to me) wonderful array of clever mechanics that promise interesting tactical gameplay, but a laundry list of quibbles ends up draining the glamor from the game. It’s very hard to recommend Sudden Strike over any of the other tactical offerings out there right now, which feels to me to be a shame.
Sudden Strike 4 is an old style RTS, with classic control and game mechanics, but has some serious problems about the AI and pathfinding.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Sudden Strike 4 might appeal to strategy gamers who want a WW2 experience, but it doesn't deliver as much as it could.
Overall, this was a very fun game to play. Slowly working through several long missions is very enjoyable, even with the vision issues and how painful controlling an individual tank can be.The freedom of choice each mission involves is fantastic, as is how intense the campaign is.
Fans of the WWII era or the RTS genre — or both — will get the most out of Sudden Strike 4. It is a high-quality product in terms of graphics and immersion, and the title provides a great experience full of tense and satisfying moments. There's a lengthy campaign that'll take more than a dozen hours to get through, and multiplayer and skirmish modes offer endless playability. The multiplayer portion requires planning ahead with friends or joining the small online community. Gamers who are on board with all of that will be fine with buying the title now, but others may want to wait until the price drops a bit.
A generic RTS about WWII which will be more engaging for those who prefer to play slowly and use every little opportunity to succeed. Three campaigns could be fun for two evenings, but after that you'll hardly think about returning to Sudden Strike 4 ever again.
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