White Day: A Labyrinth Named School Reviews

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is in many ways akin to the horror games that flourished in the PS2 era.

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6 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

It's good to see the cult classic on PlayStation 4, but there are certain flaws you can't excuse, and tropes which become overused after a while.

7 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School presents a thrilling story, the player is constantly surprised, the situations are very exciting, the chase is breathtaking, but it is very difficult in the second half of the events and confrontations that have been dominated by randomness and similar design to all the floors of the school, and also suffered from the level of the graphics that does not fit a game released in 2017.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2017

White Day A Labyrinth Named School may be a legend out of South Korea, but the truth be said, it's not as scary as they told us. On the other hand, it's an intense, hard and efficient survival horror experience, scary as hell and also with a high level of re-playability.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

Let it be known that White Day: A Labyrinth Named School frightened me on multiple occasions and kept me feeling anxious through most of the story, like every good survival horror game should. For a game originally released in 2001, there are some truly terrifying scenes to experience, but the repetitive Janitor encounters and reused assets make the game feel frustrating and repetitive towards the final puzzles of the game.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

In any case, White Day has some good scares and decent puzzles that you have to play hide-and-seek to reach, but it doesn't quite live up to its legends. In 2001, it was probably one of the scariest games in existence, and you can't fault it for not matching modern horror heights, but in any era the backtracking and waiting for the janitor to pass over and over isn't the greatest gameplay experience. Still, this will do the job if you can't wait til Halloween for a six- to eight-hour ride.

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5.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: Labyrinth Named School is an anachronistic, game that comes out on PS4 out of time and shows a lot of years on its shoulders. Despite the obvious efforts to keep up the graphic and the atmosphere at times disturbing, the Korean title White Day: Labyrinth Named School is an anachronistic, awkward title that comes out on PS4 out of time and shows a lot of years on its shoulders. Despite the obvious efforts to keep the technical sector and the disturbing atmosphere at times,White Day: Labyrinth Named School is an anachronistic, awkward title that comes out on PS4 out of time and shows a lot of years on its shoulders. Despite the obvious efforts to rejuvenate the technical sector and the atmosphere and sometimes disturbing, the Korean title fails to thrill.

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4 / 10
Aug 22, 2017

White Day has plenty of problems though it's easy to see why some may see it as a cult hit and why its creators wanted a revival. It's a clunky, vague, and often frustrating game yet, at the same time, there's this great setting and some clever puzzles at work. It's just a shame that, in order to get to the good stuff, you're almost guaranteed to face some hardship.

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Dec 29, 2017
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School - Terror Of The Random Janitor (Jimpressions) video thumbnail
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is worth checking out if you're into horror games. While the main story is a bit simplistic, and it is far too easy to overlook a key item resulting in unnecessary time spent back-tracking, White Day has a perfectly terrifying ambiance. A campaign length of 8-12 hours is also justified by its $29.99 USD asking price. Sure, some of White Day‘s mechanics may be stuck in the past, but there's a certain charm in being limited in the number of saves you can have, and experiencing new and exclusive horrors at higher difficulty levels.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 24, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is an interesting horror, which connects urban legends in the style of Korean horror movies with good puzzles. Annoying factors and some flaws seriously spoil the final impressions, but if you like exploration, reading notes and logical solutions in games, this project will give you a lot of fun.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2017

White Day is a game that might not make a lot of sense, but is a very interesting touchstone for building a atomsphere of anxious, awkward horror.

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75 / 100
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Called School has a strong and very compelling narrative. Finding out the school's hidden secrets and more about the ghouls that meander the halls will be a riveting experience to gamers.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is a shocking surprise that has come out of nowhere. The suspense, encounters, and puzzles make for an unforgettable experience deserving of the horror moniker.

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5 / 10
Aug 22, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School may not be the king of fear and terror anymore, but it could still be a worthwhile experience for horror fanatics. This blast from the past certainly brings with it a lot of baggage such as the clunky puzzles and glitchy AI, but it has enough intrigue to it that we're still left pondering its story and themes long after the credits rolled. White Day is most definitely not a remake for everyone, but those wanting to take a trip down memory lane may leave somewhat satisfied.

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7.4 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2022

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is a great experience for those looking for nostalgic old school survival horror. What it lacks in modern day graphics and mechanics it makes up for with a plethora of lore and swimsuit DLCs. Still, many questionable and outdated design choices hold it back from being truly amazing.

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5 / 10
Aug 29, 2017

In terms of fear, White Day does the job most of the time, but the game is visually weak, repetitive and not surprising.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2017

If you can get past some minor control issues, White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is a unique horror experience with great level design, a gripping story, and more ghosts than you can shake a purification stick at.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2017

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School offers some chilling ghostly encounters, provides seemingly endless terrors and new ways to be frightened.

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3.7 / 5.0
Jun 16, 2020

Overall this game may have some flaws but it did entertain me for two playthroughs and really what more could I ask of a video game? If you are in this strictly for the horror you may find yourself a little disappointed but if you enjoy lore hunting and digging into the meat and potatoes of the story around you, I would suggest giving this a try. I’m giving this game 3.7 Stars out of 5.

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