Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Reviews

Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2018

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a massive step-up when compared to the game that came before it.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 28, 2018

Level-5 has made something truly special, managing to capture the whimsical and heartfelt charm of a Ghibli story even more so than when it worked with Ghibli itself! This is an absolutely wonderful tale; a fantastic fable that makes up for every little flaw by giving the player a monumental amount of things to do and play with. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a must play for Ghibli fans, fans of the first Ni No Kuni, fans of JRPGs, Suikoden fans, and just about anyone who appreciates a good adventure in general.

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8 / 10
Mar 25, 2018

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom strives to bring many contrasting fun modes. All of the different and addictive aspects of the game made me overlook the tiny flaws in this experience.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2018

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom isn't a conventional sequel. It has mostly superficial similarities to the first game, but it's one of the most genuinely enjoyable and fun JRPGs to come out in a long time. A charming story, delightful cast of characters, exciting gameplay and amazing presentation combine to make a game that is a boatload of fun to play. Its only real flaw is sometimes getting too bogged down in its own systems, and the story could be meatier. JRPG fans of all ages should find a lot to love here, and it's a must-have for anyone who loves the genre.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 1, 1970

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a beautiful game that takes the soul of PS1 era JRPG to create a must play experience for every fan of the genre. Despite a great presentation and atmosphere, the game can feel like a drag by it's fetch quest format.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 20, 2018

This game delivered a great, colorful locations and provided a lot of ways to have fun, but the weak voice acting and the lack of challenge hurt the overall experience.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2018

At first glance, don't get fooled by the colorful childish shape of the game since it provides a unique gaming experience coming from two focal points, the game style and the presentation of the world in it, I can easily say this game fits all different ages and characters providing a "spotless" experience of gaming avoiding some points that might drive some gamers away, I would have loved to see a more mature and deep story telling like the first one that came earlier but this doesn't mean it's a shallow sequel, at all, it fits the game world presenting it in an amazing artistic view and let me add a cherry on the top of this cake saying that the gaming system suggests presenting micro-transactions in it and can be put in many different places and aspects in it fitting it all as a whole package and yet the company didn't choose to go after this fast cash-in-revenue style and didn't even come close to it, also grinding is not an option here in this open RPG except for a place or two and how clever you're can keep you away from following this method, the whole game is a unique package of a new presentation to an old school loyal to fans game that is worth both your time and money.

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9 / 10
Mar 19, 2018

Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is essentially a complete reboot offering a clean slate. The new Kingdom Builder mechanic is extremely addicting and even though the combat has its flaws, the visuals and the beautiful soundtrack make it one of the most enticing RPG released by Level 5 so far.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2018

Ni no Kuni II is one of those games that delivers a positive vibe not just through gameplay, but deeper stories, solid characters, as well as outstanding visuals and soundtrack. Moreover, it comes with fresh ideas that make it more engaging and fun, something that we rarely get these days from major franchises.

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Mar 19, 2018

We're two (main) games in now, and on the strength and consistency of these two I think it's safe to say that Ni No Kuni has every chance to become a major JRPG franchise that will last into the very long term.

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97 / 100
Mar 19, 2018

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is an animated masterpiece that deserves to be played. Besides the novelties in the gameplay, it also enhances all the aspects of its predecessor, and can be considered one of the best PlayStation 4 games released so far.

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Mar 19, 2018

Revenant Kingdom is an instant classic.

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Top Critic
Mar 18, 2018

Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is a wholesome, delightful adventure that any fan of traditional JRPGs would be wise to jump into.

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Top Critic
Mar 18, 2018

Overall, Ni No Kuni 2 accomplishes what it sets out to do: It's a fun but deep fantasy world with heroes who remind us there is good in the world and villains who remind us that sometimes the worst-seeming people are just… misguided.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2018

Level-5 has done it again as they delivered another thoroughly enjoyable JRPG thus proving that the genre isn't going anywhere.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom has a fun fast-paced combat system with several mechanics that enhance this experience, and this experience is only hindered by the normal story and technical issues

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William Haderlie
Apr 9, 2018

While there wasn’t a huge drop in the art quality, you can still tell that the full Studio Ghibli backing was not there because of how few monster designs there are. More noticeable was the serious drop in music quality. The only really memorable song in the game was a remastering of the theme song from the first Ni No Kuni. The music isn’t exactly bad, it’s just nowhere near the quality that I was expecting after the first game. And that’s my overall feeling with this game. I do sincerely hope our readers have more fun with this game than I did, I likely would have had more fun if I never played the first title. This is not a bad game, just uneven and has a lot of different ideas thrown in without spending enough time in the oven. I wouldn’t call it a waste of your $59.99 even with the much shorter story. 30 hours is still not bad for a game, even a JRPG, and if you want to max out everything in the game it is double that. But if you end up going through the game and like it at all, I strongly recommend you go back and play Wrath of the White Witch, that is a true classic. Hopefully there will be a third game in this series that can get back to those heights.

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4 / 5.0
Mar 23, 2018

Ni no Kuni II offers a fully immersive world, and takes players on a wholesome and fun adventure that is sure to appeal to the inner child in everyone.

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Apr 11, 2018

The Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom offers a vast in-game world to explore. The battle system is impressive and the story is simply entertaining. So, you must get this game to play on your PC or PS4.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2018

While the presentation takes a slight hit, the improved combat easily makes up for it. In a lot of ways, Ni no Kuni II is much better than its predecessor.

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