RiME - Nintendo Switch Edition Reviews
Rive is a challenging side-scrolling shooter with tight platforming and a tenacious affection for over-the-top action.
Rime is still a moving experience. Beautiful, intimate, and fun. But Nintendo Switch version shows severe frame rate drops, and some technical issues in texture and details.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
If you can play it on a more powerful platform, then you probably should.
Ironically, just when we received patches for RiME at 4K, this port arrives, one of the worst we've seen and that does not do justice to the level demonstrated by Tequila Works the last month of May. Late, bad and expensive.
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While it's an indie game with issues that stem from a lower-than-average budget for its size and the bugs that come with it, RiME still captures emotion and beauty as it tells a heartwarming story. The bugs can be frustrating at times, but aren't reason enough not to play it. Rime will run you $39.99 and takes about six to 10 hours to complete. In the same vein as Journey, RiME is a capable entry into the ranks of these emotional and heartfelt types of games.
Despite being a decent racer, RiMS Racing struggles on Nintendo Switch due to the limitations of the device.
RiME is a great game but one you should experience on another platform.
RiME on Switch is a disappointing experience, despite the obvious quality of the game itself.
I'm extremely glad I played through to the end, as the narrative of RiME is fantastic, with a gut punch of an end reveal that belies the whimsical look and feel that reeled me in to begin with. This makes the poor technical execution all the more frustrating – had it been better, or had I played it on the PS4, I might have considered this one of the high points in an already stellar year of gaming. Instead, I am left grieving what could have –should have– been.
RiME is still a wonderful game, but the Switch version is a tremendous porting, that can seriously ruin an otherwise unforgettable experience. You can overlook the downgrade of the resolution, or even the lower graphic detail, but the palette is faded, the pop-in is terrible, the frame rate unstable, and all these combined can seriously discourage everyone.
Review in Italian | Read full review
RiME for Nintendo Switch is one of the worst ports in recent years, and you'd better ignore it. At least until developers will release a patch that fixes the performance and raising the resolution. And now, if you are interested in this project, it is better to try it on other platforms. And the game itself definitely deserves it.
Review in Russian | Read full review
While it's reminiscent of Journey, The Wind Waker and Ico, RiME is so much more than a grab-bag of borrowed ideas.
The fabulously beautiful atmosphere is repeatedly destroyed by strong technical problems. Rime is not a poem on the switch.
Review in German | Read full review
The gameplay is fun and relaxing, the soundtrack is phenomenal and when it's running on anything other than the Switch – the visual design is gorgeous. You could play Rime on the Switch, but I strongly recommend getting it on a different platform to save yourself the headache.
If you're thinking about playing RiME, I urge you to do so elsewhere and at a price point you're comfortable with.
Tequila Works has just about squeezed this beautiful game from other home consoles into the smaller form of Nintendo's Switch. Despite the chronic performance issues that are found throughout in this iteration, it all just about holds together well enough, and, thankfully, the core adventure shines through so brightly that gamers preferring to sample this on-the-go, whilst they are not getting the smoothest version, will be satisfied enough with the sacrifices made to make Rime work in the first place.
Had it run better, Rime would've been an easy recommendation. Its story offers a tantalizing look into a beautifully realized and poetically orchestrated world of magic, love and loss. Its gameplay, while simple, offers satisfying puzzles that guide the action in meaningful ways. However, severe frame rate drops and unbearable resolution compromises hold back the final product from the greatness it deserves.
Even with all those issues, Rime is enjoyable, but the Switch version makes it a lesser overall experience. I can't speak to specifics, but if the framerate and graphics are better elsewhere, seek those versions out in lieu of this release. The allure of portability doesn't make Rime a better game, especially with the compromised graphics.