Penny-Punching Princess Reviews

Penny-Punching Princess is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Apr 13, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is a solid, often fun brawler, but its emphasis on grinding and repetition make it too easy to step away from.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2018

NIS delivers the weird yet again with Penny-Punching Princess, a fun little arcade romp that just escapes the danger of staleness. Stretched a little too thin but a lot of people are going to be enjoying this one with a price drop.

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Steve C
Top Critic
6 / 10
May 2, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is a fascinating take on the usual capitalist impulses within loot based games and combines this with a fun and humorous cartoon aesthetic, but it just never really feels fun to play.

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3.5 / 5.0
Apr 2, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess combines a lot of elements together and doesn't quite form a completely-perfect cloth out of them.

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7 / 10
Mar 29, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess offers a great twist on the classic RPG formula, adding a new bribing system that takes your opponents out of the game to use for your own advantage. You'll find many hours' worth of content available here, and learning how to best use your magic calculator abilities for maximum success is highly enjoyable.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 4, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess offers up a world where the heroine can solve (nearly) all of her problems through cold, hard cash, providing for some legitimately fun (and funny) scenarios to play out across the dungeon brawler's various chapters. Unfortunately, a necessity for grinding and some wild spikes in difficulty cause the princess' stockpile of coins to lose some of its shine.

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5 / 10
Apr 4, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is a much too redondant beat'em all to be worth the full price asked. Despite its good idea (on paper) to add a calculator which allows you too buy basically everything on screen, NIS game fells short on new stuff too encourage the player to defeat the same basic monsters into uninspired labyrinths.

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7.6 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2018

Regardless of the problems, Penny-Punching Princess is a good portable game. While players can sit and grind all day, levels are short and simple enough to make it the perfect grab and go title.

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5.5 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2018

If the price drops to around the $20 mark, this title would be a quirky gem. As it stands, the cost of entry and the lack of true depth to Penny-Punching Princess make it a hard game to recommend to anyone. As it stands, it’s just not a very good time to be had. The price, combined with the repetitive nature and lack of level design make it a resounding “meh” of a game. It feels like it was meant for the 3DS, and was quickly ported to the Switch to cash in, and that’s not a good thing.

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Ian Howarth
Top Critic
6 / 10
Apr 9, 2018

Truly, Penny-Punching Princess feels more like an indie experiment than a full-fledged game and that's totally fine.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess' simplicity is its strongest factor, but its lack of polish in narrative, and the price make it hard to recommend to every Switch owner.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2018

Basically Penny Punching Princess is yet another low budget production by Nippon Ichi who tries to throw into the fray some new gameplay, without having to take too much work from the technical point of view. The combat system can also be innovative and interesting to deepen, but in the long run can not entertain the player who is forced to move for dungeons always the same, which must be repeated several times each to improve the statistics of the princess and mitigate a particularly high level of difficulty.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 26, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is a simple brawler with a unique economy system thrown in the mix. There are some flaws with its level design and the repetitive nature of its gameplay loop is not for everyone, but it is still a good fit for a portable system where it works best when played in short bursts.

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Apr 24, 2018

You do get to whip your mighty calculator out when bribing an enemy or object though, and the concept is so fun that it's a shame that it doesn't stand out as a mechanic after a couple of hours.

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60 / 100
May 6, 2018

Trying on a different genre, Penny-Punching Princess brings an interesting premise, a brand new gameplay mechanic and not much else.

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8 / 10
May 21, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is an entertaining and fast-paced game in which you always need to be on high alert since a lot is going on in each fight as you juggle enemies and traps in small arena-style spots… which only gets worse when you're also facing against a mid-boss! If you're a fan of dungeon crawlers then I definitely recommend you give this one a try since it's a game that will keep you coming back for more until the end.

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Apr 17, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is a very fun and rewarding dungeon crawler with humor that is quite good. The game's design is impressive as well with charming and likeable characters that shine in their pixelated goodness. The game is worth every penny on Nintendo Switch, and it is a highly addictive release you should check out.

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Apr 4, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess is a classic example of a game that has a bright idea but implements it in such a ham-fisted way that it becomes an annoyance.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2018

Penny-Punching Princess might have its issues, but it's a nice lightweight brawler that mixes together quick levels and a focus on grinding for items to make for a good home and portable experience on Switch, even if sometimes that expedient pace can be thwarted by some choke points. The issues might drag it down overall, but enough clever ideas make this a game worth checking out, as long as you're not that much in debt to the Dragoloans.

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Mar 29, 2018

I love the art. I love the combat. I found the sharp challenge and simple, clean mechanics to all be very enjoyable. But I just couldn't get past how shallow it really was in the end, and how the game failed to live up to the tantalising promises made in its lede.

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