Battlefield V Reviews

Battlefield V is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Andy Kelly
Top Critic
7.9 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2018

Despite changes such as fortifications, more physical character movement, and an increased focus on squads, it still scratches that distinctive FPS itch that Battlefield always has.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Nov 15, 2018

A strong if slim shooter that lays down strong foundations for the future, while feeling a little unfinished.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2018

Battlefield V is a grand and addictive shooter with some smart ideas for improving gunplay and team dynamics, but at launch it has too many technical issues and holes in its content to excel.

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Nov 20, 2018

Battlefield V combines exciting multiplayer action with jaw-dropping visuals and superb audio design, but it's hurt by bugs and a lackluster single player campaign.

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Nov 8, 2018

Not as drastic a change up as its WW1 predecessor, nor as wild or wondrous, Battlefield 5's deliberative design sidelines its strengths as a simulative sandbox.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2018
Battlefield V - Easy Allies Review video thumbnail
Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Nov 11, 2019

The improvements, fixes, and additions since launch have made Battlefield 5 a much better game, but it's done nothing for the lack of originality.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2018

Battlefield V is a good, if safe game that feels more iterative than innovative. Its legacy will likely be defined by how steady and interesting the stream of new content is moving forward

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Top Critic
Nov 12, 2018

All these issues of performance and balancing make for an unenviable situation for the developers at DICE.

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8 / 10
Nov 20, 2018

It's a fine execution of a familiar formula. There are rough spots, but Battlefield V incorporates small, effective tweaks and truly shines in the more focused objective-based modes.

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Top Critic
Nov 16, 2018

Battlefield's traditional strengths remain firmly in place amid DICE's return to World War II: great graphics, audio, and a scope that few other games can equal. But it's a thinner package than usual, and the decision to hold important modes like Firestorm until 2019 feels like a crucial misstep. Battlefield 5 is a good shooter as it is, but we wouldn't blame you if you decided to wait until it's had some time to mature.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2018

While I'm happy with what we got, I ultimately can't help but wonder what another six months could've done for Battlefield V. In a business with virtually no downtime, that's just the way it is.

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Nov 26, 2018

But, then, that’s Battlefield all over – a game that aspires to be both a legitimate portrayal of war and an entertaining video game, but opts to take the easy route and do rid with any semblance of mature, balanced storytelling and instead replaces it with a rushed, disjointed campaign and a multiplayer component that’s getting seriously long in the tooth.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2018

Battlefield V achieves a full immersion within the WWII phenomenon due to a magnificent storyline and some excellent general details. The multiplayer meets all of the expectations and in the end the franchise manages to stay as a reference in the FPS genre.

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91 / 100
Nov 8, 2018

An impressive shooter, both in gameplay and technical elements, which lacks of content at launch, but promises lots of new maps, modes and weapons (free for everyone) for coming months.

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8 / 10
Nov 13, 2018

Battlefield V scratches an itch that many will have had since Battlefield 4. DICE have found a great feel for the gunplay, the tweaks to classes and additions like fortifications largely work as intended, and the way that Grand Operations have evolved brings a refreshing variety to the game. Sure, it's around the edges at launch and with some largely forgettable single play War Stories, Battlefield V is a diamond in the rough.

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8 / 10
Nov 14, 2018

As it stands right now, the game is a rough, uncut diamond that could’ve been the crown jewel of class-based multiplayer first-person shooters.

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Kirk McKeand
Top Critic
Nov 19, 2018

Overall, Battlefield 5 is a brilliant shooter that’s hamstrung by its setting.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2018

A good but incomplete game that tries to improve every part of Battlefield 1, and achieves it... While falling short on content on its release (no coop, no battle royale, only 3 shor campaigns...)

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8.2 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2018

Battlefield V reconfirms its usual and granitic certainty in multiplayer, while the single player campaign fails to strike as we would have hoped.

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