Metro Exodus Reviews

Metro Exodus is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Feb 13, 2019

Metro Exodus proves that after a six year break this franchise is just as relevant and enjoyable as ever.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

Metro Exodus feels like a game where its ambitions slightly outstrip its abilities. Visually stunning, it suffers a little too much from an obtuse system of storytelling and maps that are slightly too large creating long periods of doing nothing.

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Feb 13, 2019

Following off the stellar Metro 2033 and Last Light, Exodus feels like a misstep for this series. This series has built a reputation on its quality, but Exodus falls flat in some ways that truly matter.

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7 / 10
Feb 13, 2019

Metro Exodus injects life and light into the series, but its mechanics are still starting to creak; it's a good end to Artyom's journey, even if the story seems muffled.

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Feb 20, 2019

Regardless of its limitations, Exodus still deserves its place among its underground comrades. In many ways it’s better, and I’m very glad they didn’t just repeat the same subterranean journey again.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

With an expanded world and deeper systems, Metro Exodus breaks out of the tunnels without losing the series' signature survival elements.

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Feb 13, 2019

Metro Exodus is a terrific post-apocalyptic shooter that expands on the series without ignoring its roots.

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9 / 10
Feb 13, 2019

The best post-apocalyptic survival game of the generation, that innovates in terms of both its varied gameplay mechanics and its incisive storytelling.

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Mar 4, 2019
Metro Exodus - The Review (2019) video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Feb 15, 2019

Metro Exodus is an entertaining post-apocalyptic shooter that isn't afraid to take chances with the series' formula. There are still occasional jump scares, resources are scarce, and often times humans are your worst enemy. The addition of large, open levels really freed up 4A Games to make a world all the more detailed and believable. A few technical issues hold the game back a bit, but they are by no means a deal breaker. Fans of the Metro series shouldn't hesitate to pick up Metro Exodus at launch, and fans of survival horror should also find plenty to like here.

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90 / 100
Feb 18, 2019

Metro Exodus is a masterpiece in survival horror, and a game that evolves beyond its roots to transform into something truly special.

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Top Critic
Feb 13, 2019

The latest in the survivalist shooter game series takes you out of Moscow on a touching, tragic and engaging journey

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Feb 13, 2019

As the third entry in the fearsomely oppressive survival-shooter series, Metro Exodus appears to set its stool out early.

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Feb 13, 2019

Exodus's combat has room for improvement, particularly when it comes to enemy A.I. behavior. The gunplay is tight and well-built, with an emphasis on customization, allowing you to play how you want to play.

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Feb 24, 2019

4A has taken so much of what worked well from the previous games and improved upon them. Where possible it also switches up so many established concepts on their head, meaning you're never completely safe. This leads to some memorable, intense experiences with plenty of leeway to play the game your way.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 18, 2019

Powerful atmosphere, interesting locations, non-linearity and beautiful graphics should please fans of Metro and genre in gereral. If you are afraid of bugs, it is better to postpone the purchase and wait for patches. If not, you can safely run to the store. The game will not disappoint you.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 16, 2019

Metro Exodus does the most right and is far superior to its predecessors on virtually all points. The semi-open world is lovingly built, as is the interaction with the side characters. What stands out most, however, is the dense atmosphere that constantly makes us sit on full strains.

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Chris Wray
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2019

Metro Exodus is an incredibly atmospheric, engaging and compelling shooter that places an onus on the player to think on their feet, thanks to stringent limitations on ammo, supplies and the resources required to make more. Enhancing this is a world that is almost dead set against you. From other survivors who are more likely to kill you than talk to you, mutant creatures and ghouls that want nothing more than to feast on you and the hazards of the environment, it's a game that wants you on the edge of your seat. It masters this with ease. From tight gunplay to well-developed stealth mechanics, the game offers variety within the confines of its own rules. The only downsides are average-at-best voice acting and the game ignoring its own stealth leanings to force combat with incredibly difficult bosses. All in all, Metro Exodus is a fantastic game that you'd be worse off for missing out.

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Jan 16, 2019

Despite the AI issues that we hope are fixed by launch, it's a game that we've found ourselves yearning for since going hands-on. We can't wait to play the full game in a few weeks time and deliver our final verdict and rating.

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Feb 13, 2019

Exodus is an overall excellent experience that succeeds at nearly everything it attempts to achieve.

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