Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Reviews

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
81 / 100
Dec 4, 2018

Mutant Year Zero is a tense, absorbing and atmospheric new member of the XCOM family.

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Mike Epstein
Top Critic
7.9 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2018

In changing the interplay between stealth and combat, Mutant Year Zero spins an interesting and intense new perspective on turn-based tactics that pushes you to get the most out of every move you make.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2018

Mutant Year Zero builds on some promising ideas but comes crashing down hard on an unsatisfying cliffhanger ending

9 / 10
Dec 5, 2018

An emphasis on stealth, scouting, and ambushing give Mutant Year Zero's tactical combat a thrilling spin.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 14, 2018

Despite mechanics issues, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden offers a good variety in gameplay styles, character customization and solid worldbuilding.

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Dec 4, 2018

I’m greedy. I want a bigger, beefier, more flexible Mutant Year Zero. But that’s because the small, linear but smart, powerful and atmospheric Mutant Year Zero I got grabbed hold of me so completely.

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8 / 10
Jul 30, 2019

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is one of the best additions to the tactical RPG genre years; a well-written and rewarding experience that combines the creative use of stealth found in the legacy of its ex-Hitman developers with a world that's full of interesting characters and ideas. Almost every game in this genre lives in the shadow of XCOM, but Mutant offers enough new ideas to set itself apart. The visual downgrade on the Switch version can be a little hard on the eye, but considering how this sacrifice has preserved the quality of the game within, we'd call that a worthy trade-off.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2018

A unique, good-looking, intense experience that's more than worthy of existing in the same genre as an illustrious classic like XCOM.

8.4 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2018

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a fun and innovative gameplay of turn-based tactics that combines stealth and direct clashes with different skills, abilities and weapons for each character that can be upgraded over time to get more varied and exciting options in different battles, giving the player the freedom to do whatever he likes Without the restrictions, and regardless of the camera disturbing the game suffers from simple technical errors will not be difficult to solve in the coming period, and a superficial story begins dramatically, but soon the player will lose interest in them.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2018

An interesting mix of genres that manages to offer something truly unique, albeit it's far from being perfect due some fails on its gameplay design.

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9 / 10
Dec 17, 2018

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is an exceptional take on the tactical RPG and the addition of a stealth system certainly sets it apart from the crowd. Both genres blend together in a way that's satisfying, challenging and well designed, while an engaging and well-written narrative drives the player forward. The difficulty might be an issue for those new to the genre, but for those seasoned in turn-based tactics, this is an absolute must buy.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2018

Mutant Year Zero seems like the natural evolution for tactics games. The real-time aspects make things move faster and add a unique layer of tension. On the story end of things, it manages to keep you interested until the linear campaign finishes up. You won't find a groundbreaking narrative but it doesn't overstay its welcome, and the characters are just charming enough to keep you invested.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 12, 2018

More than just XCOM with talking animals, this inventive strategy game has plenty of new ideas of its own – even it's a little lacking in replayability.

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6 / 10
Dec 11, 2018

Everything that Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden gets right seems overshadowed by its general lack of depth and surprisingly short campaign.

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7.4 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2018

Strong in personality, limited in scope, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is an interesting tactical game which could be very tough if played with the highest difficulty settings.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2018

The Bearded Ladies has created an impressive game that is able to make use of the XCOM formula and take it to the next level adding some exploration and stelath mechanics. The result is a fun, inteligent and original videogame that exceeds every expectation.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2018

When you consider that Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden came out of nowhere, the insanely polished tactics gameplay and charming characters are absolutely remarkable. If you're looking for a darkly charming way to burn hours over the holidays, look no further than this apocalyptic hellscape. Who knew that the end of civilization as we know it could be so damn entertaining?

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Dec 4, 2018

Mutant Year Zero is a compelling and enjoyable blend of exploration and tactical combat that will keep you playing day after day.

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75 / 100
Jul 30, 2019

It remains to be seen if some patches down the line may improve the visuals but for right now Mutant Year Zero is the most portable version of the game while being the worst looking version available. It’s a reminder that the Switch isn’t always a catch all for games, given its limited power, but it’s still appreciated these games can be played on the go when needed.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2019

A promising twist on turn-based strategy games, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is more than the sum of its parts. The addition of stealth and ambush mechanics to the familiar turn-based strategy formula, forces the player to think about their approach to combat in a new way. This "Tactical Adventure" is definitely worth the journey.

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