Vane Reviews

Vane is ranked in the 6th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jan 15, 2019

The new PlayStation 4 exclusive third-person adventure Vane is broken, ploddingly slow, and completely confused about what it's trying to do.

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4 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2019

Though it boasts a resoundingly striking aesthetic, a haphazard save system coupled with a raft of glitches and a misjudged waypoint system all manage to tarnish what should have been one of the first major indie darlings of the year. Vane is simply too frustrating to recommend in its current form.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2019

Vane exists in an enormously stressed and jagged world of puzzle-platforming. Simply moving around feels rough and unfinished, and that's not always on purpose. If only Friend & Foe had more time to incubate its creation.

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5.5 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2019

Vane is a unique, almost-therapeutic experience with a magical world to explore. Unfortunately, the controls are pretty awful. If you can deal with that major issue, though, you'll find a somewhat worthwhile adventure.

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Jan 25, 2019

The art of a game, however distinctive, matters little if it isn't accompanied by functionality.

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4 / 10
Jan 17, 2019

Initially intriguing by his artistic direction, mysterious in its final, and even if it has the good idea to offer the happiness of being a bird, Vane goes from meditative to painful far too fast, served by a technique too much weak in regard to its size and a lack of sensation, which it does not manage to tie the bottom and the form of its experiment.

Review in French | Read full review

6.5 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2019

Despite the magnificent aesthetic inspiration and the stunning overall atmosphere, Friend & Foe is unfortunately no Team ICO (especially concerning some of the key aspects that make a video game worth playing): as a result Vane is an imperfect, uneven and at times even excruciating adventure. But also one that, along with its lows, is still capable of memorable, evocative highs.

Review in Italian | Read full review

45 / 100
Jan 18, 2019

Vane has a great premise, but it's overshadowed by glitches, bugs, graphics bugs, and a wild camera.

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60 / 100
Jan 15, 2019

Vane lets players shift from the form of a bird to a child as they explore a strange, hallucinatory world set to a fantastic synth soundtrack. But what starts as a liberating flight through a vast desert eventually devolves into a linear trek through cramped corridors. Vane is a strange, haunting game that deserves attention, but it abandons its most interesting ideas too early on.

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2.5 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2019

Vane's first fifteen minutes are amazing. Then the game plummets in quality faster than a diving bird. Tons of glitches, obtuse puzzle, terrible controls, an awful camera, and stuttering frame rate keep Vane from being worth your time.

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5 / 10
Jan 22, 2019

While visually impressive at times, Vane suffers from an unclear purpose and far too many technical issues to recommend it.

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6 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2019

Vane is an interesting, beautiful, and provocative indie platformer brought down by design inconsistencies and bugs, but fans of the genre will find something to like here.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2019

Like the pearlescent shimmer across its desert surface, Vane is difficult to observe and define with precise clarity. Its world presents either an invitation to wonder or a provocation to explore and it's often seized by the tension pulling in opposing directions. Vane can be brilliant and subversive or confusing and frustrating and it's impossible to separate its intentions from its misfortunes.

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Top Critic
6.3 / 10.0
Jul 23, 2019

Vane has a nice art style but with boring gameplay and tons of bugs.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2019

Like so much fine art, this piece loses its luster when you start to dissect and interpret it. So don't. Because it's fucking dope

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5 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2019

Overall, this game lacks any specific direction beyond what you have to figure out for yourself. You get no introduction to the character or the situation they face. There are game breaking bugs and things that cause frustrations that make someone not want to play the game anymore. That being said, this game has good environments and music. The game is now available on PlayStation 4 and is priced at $24.99 USD. If you like clunky, buggy games that look good but make you fight for any meaningful fun then this game is for you. I would not pay the price for this game though and would wait for a sale or even just watch YouTube videos if you are interested in it.

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The Digital Fix
Callum Hick
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2019

This game won't be for everyone. A short playtime and lack of instruction of what to do or where to go, coupled with a range of annoying little glitches, may cause many to get frustrated. However the overall look and atmosphere is incredible. You'll want to explore each location in order to enjoy the game because the pleasure we get from a journey is perhaps more dependent on the mind-set that we travel with, than on the destination we travel to.

Top Critic
6.3 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2019

Vane is an enigmatic game about the force of union and the silent sacrifice of living beings. It looks like an Early Access game, with bugs, glitches and an unnerving slow pace. Sometimes presents a wonderful world where the sense of solitude is the key to understand what Friends & Foe wanted to tell in their obscure and strange story.

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6 / 10
Jan 19, 2019

The industry can always use more risky passion projects like this, even if they don’t always reach their full potential.

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Top Critic
Jul 22, 2019

A beautiful world begging to be explored falls victim to unclear direction and clunky controls making for a disaster instead of a delight.

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