Death Stranding Reviews
Slow, weird, and indulgent, but a true original, and a journey that will linger in your mind long after it's over.
Death Stranding is a boring chore of a game that takes the worst aspects of open world games and combines them with a nonsensical plot.
Death Stranding delivers a fascinating world of supernatural sci-fi, but its gameplay struggles to support its weight.
Hideo Kojma's first post-Metal Gear game is a messy, indulgent vanity project - but also a true original.
Kojima's mysterious would be epic has its moments but can't carry the weight of expectation.
The pillars of gameplay, combat, and story all bear the mark of creator Hideo Kojima, but none of them stand out or carry the experience
Death Stranding is dense, complex, and powerful, steadfast in its belief in the power of love and hope when faced with overwhelming adversity.
Having been smitten by the core world-building gameplay of Death Stranding, I am stunned to realize that many of the game’s strongest, most appealing gameplay ideas (specifically the world-building and cooperation) are tossed aside in the final acts, in favor of a much more linear, scripted, cutscene-ridden experience. The freedom and sense of ownership I enjoyed while creating this world are dashed in favor of explaining and wrapping up a story that never had much going for it to begin with.
Kojima's first post-Konami project is a bizarre, self-indulgent mess that never quite manages to tie its myriad pieces together.
It’s hard not to like Sam Bridges, who faces all of Death Stranding’s bizarreness with a welcome everyman’s weariness, encapsulated in in Norman Reedus’ characteristic growl.
Death Stranding is definitely a game that stands out from the crowd, but on balance, I’m not sure it stands out for good reasons.
If you do manage to hold out, you will be rewarded with flashes of brilliance, it’s just that those flashes are buried as deep as the core story is buried in the endless dialogue.
Death Stranding is a cerebral experience that isn't fun.

It's dull yet vibrant, clever but convoluted, thrilling and idling, beautiful and grim. It swings between supremely satisfying and maddeningly frustrating, and though it's trite to say it, it isn't a game made for everyone.
Death Stranding is an ambitious game, filled with so many different mechanics and ideas that almost always work well together. The story and acting is fantastic, and its visuals are a thing of beauty, not to mention the powerful soundtrack.
Death Stranding is filled with things that must be seen, a sprawling, genre-spanning sci-fi adventure from a developer like no other. It's tackier clumps of writing and stunt casting seem overwrought, but its direction and its stars shine brightest
Death Stranding has its fair share of gameplay issues but also boasts more heart and a willingness to take chances than any other game in years.
Kojima has done it again. Death Stranding presents an exciting story full of plot twists that are truly amazing. The game has one of the most interesting exploration systems we've ever seen and its way of connecting the community is very interesting. It wont leave anybody indiferent.
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Kojima's new open-world adventure delivers heavily on story, crafting a journey that is impeccably directed, with a story that will stay with you for a while. However, the game leaves a lot to desired when it comes to its gameplay and that's where it falters the most.
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