Death Stranding Reviews

Death Stranding is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 18, 2019

Death Stranding is a game that bets on a different mechanic in an open world. With a duration of about 45-50 hours, depending on the player, it will make us discover an original story in which we will want to know more and more. It is not a normal game and it may not be liked for everyone

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Jul 27, 2020

Death Stranding is truly unique and deserves attention simply for the way it ignores trends of the uniform AAA titles. That also means it's definitely not for everyone.

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Jul 28, 2020

Death Stranding is a game that really revels in its weirdness and it’s frankly all the better for it. For as much as that can also get in its way at times, it still manages to get to where it’s going quite well.

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Jul 17, 2020

One of the generations best games if it clicks with you. A pompous UPS simulator if it doesn’t. Clicked with me.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2019

Once there was an explosion, a bang that gave birth to video games as we know them. Survivors have yet scars and signs of the explosion, even 20 years later. The decay rate is too low and the radiation is still there, in te air, burning our lungs avery time we breath. Once there was an explosion, a bang that became domino effect. A mass exintion turned out in an evolution chance. And then came the next explosion. Then came Death Stranding.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 22, 2020

f you are a fan of Kojima’s work, most people will probably know of him because of the Metal Gear series, then you should know what to expect when it comes to story elements in Death Stranding. Knowing that Hideo Kojima is such a huge fan of cinema, it is no surprise that he would want to have a lush storyline full of twists and turns. In some ways, replaying Death Stranding on PC was more enjoyable as I knew exactly what was going on at every given moment. Most of Kojima’s work has that element about it though. You can expect that most cut scenes are quite lengthy though, with one cutscene lasting approximately 2 hours!

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Jul 22, 2020

Death Stranding does exactly what it set out to do - create an experience like nothing else on the market that is fresh and extremely thought provoking. It is one of the most ambitious titles I have ever played through. The game knows exactly what it is, and doesn't try to change that. Although the gameplay may fall short for some, Death Stranding is easily one of the most striking titles I have played in years, and is one I believe should be experienced by all.

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8 / 10
Jul 21, 2020

The idea of running back and forth across a large area may not be appealing to everyone. However, after setting aside the weirdly, and wonderfully confusing story and a few tense BT encounters, I found my time with Death Stranding to often be a more relaxing, chill, experience that I would recommend you check out.

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Tommaso Agudio
8.7 / 10.0
Jul 21, 2020

Death Stranding is a hybrid title, a film that can be played. It is an experience that the player falls in love with easily and with great difficulty will forget it. It is not a delivery simulator, it is enough, it is much more. The asynchronous multiplayer also makes it very enjoyable even from a collaborative point of view. We fell madly in love with the new Hideo Kojima title, and we don't hide from you that we had many uncertainties before we started playing it, probably the same ones that we clarified with this review.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2020

As a whole, Death Stranding is an extremely captivating yet polarising experience. It’s an ambitious title that dares to do something different in a sea of safe bets and genre clones, and for the most part, it actually does succeed. However, those minor annoyances and long stretches where nothing happens can bring the experience down a notch for some players.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2020
Death Stranding PC Review 4K video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2020

Death Stranding is a very complex game and definitely different from any other experience you've had before in any other game.

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7.8 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2019

Praise aside, I don’t think Death Stranding is a game that I will repeatedly come back to...That said, I am immensely grateful for playing it and I am much more motivated now to play Kojima’s colorful history, especially the Metal Gear Solid series.

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Dec 1, 2019

Everyone is in this together. Even when other people can’t realize it. That’s what makes Death Stranding so special.

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Dec 2, 2019

It’s not without its faults, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Death Stranding was well worth the wait.

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9.5 / 10.0
Dec 13, 2019

I challenge anyone to say that Death Stranding is a walking simulator or that the video game medium is not as expressive as cinema and once again I invite you to get closer to this work.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2019

The vast wilderness laid out in front of you, with a simple objective to deliver a package. It sounds boring, but it’s far from it. It sounds simplistic, yet it’s anything but. It’s a beautiful capture of the way games are meant to be. The best ones not only provide hours upon hours of entertainment and fun gameplay, but they make you ponder the important questions. They get you to fall for their characters and become so invested that you have to see what happens next as quickly as possible. They deliver upon the premise of being game-changing. That’s exactly what Death Stranding has done. Is it perfect? No. But it isn’t supposed to be. Writing this game off as so many people did initially is one of the biggest tragedies to happen in the industry in quite some time. You owe it to yourself to play and experience everything Death Stranding has to offer. Get lost in the moments that matter, and feel for these characters as we did.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2019

Does it wrap everything up nicely, plot wise? No, it doesn’t. That’s what leaves me befuddled on why the title is so good. Does it deserve an accolade and be recognised amongst the best presented in 2019? Hell yes. It most certainly deserves to be in the same conversation as anything labeled “Game of the Year”, and I for one will argue for it. It’s different, It’s unique, it’s incredible. Death Stranding is one of the best, and unmissable video games of this generation.

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9.4 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2020

This could very well be your Game of the Year, and with a game as “connected” and polarising as Death Stranding, it will no doubt keep us talking, theorising and speculating for years to come, and that is truly something spectacular.

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Worth your time
Nov 1, 2019

Death Stranding is not a game, it's an experience.

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