Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint Reviews
Ghost Recon Breakpoint gets the fundamentals right, with excellent gunplay and fun stealth missions that encourage strategy with a friend via online co-op. Unfortunately those are the only positives in a game riddled with technical issues and exploitative microtransactions.
All in all, Ghost Recon Breakpoint offers a lot of content and fans of the series will be satisfied for the most part. Breakpoint attempts to push the series forward but often feels stuck in the mud from its own systems.
In short Breakpoint is a title that will guarantee the fan of the Wildlands a dose that is well-rounded by the ballistic event, albeit with a complementary balance in the production of a second step ahead, as well as a certain aspect.
Review in Italian | Read full review
There are plenty of military engagements in Breakpoint, but none of them are particularly engaging.
At its heart Breakpoint is a good open-world shooter, that is plagued by numerous problems and questionable mechanics.
Review in German | Read full review
Though Ghost Recon Breakpoint starts off strong by throwing you in a dangerous, beautiful, and dense world, it quickly shows its hand and ends up being a repetitive let-down.
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint could have benefitted greatly by a longer development time, because as it stands, this feels like an incomplete product.
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A muddled game that trips over itself by implementing mechanics from various genres, but never fully expands on their potential.
Unlike its predecessor, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint risks alienating the very community it was built for due to its over-reliance on RPG-esque looting and leveling mechanics. However, shooter fans who can make peace with the game's loot-driven economy and pervasive microtransactions will find a lot to enjoy in the moment-to-moment gameplay. Breakpoint isn't quite the tactical shooter sequel fans asked for, but there's no denying the amount of long-term value it offers to shooter fans of all stripes.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint doesn't do anything new but still provides a lot of fun, if you're willing to slow down and play tactically. The game falls short in many areas and doesn't quite keep up with it's competition but shooter and stealth fans will have a blast. Performance issues do hinder the experience and some questionable design choices left me baffled. If you're a huge third-person shooter fan and love open-world games, you wont regret giving it a shot, provided you check your expectations at the door.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a half-hearted title.
Review in French | Read full review
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint has a solid foundation, but is let down by poor design choices and braindead easy gameplay.
I’m torn on this conclusion, but I just feel like Ubisoft played it too safe with Breakpoint. There’s not a lot of risks being taken in this game, and it shows. With that being said, Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a good game.
Not as good as Ghost Recon Wildlands, Ubisoft Paris' follow-up has a few new ideas up its sleeve, but is ultimately lacking. Sadly, Ghost Recon Breakpoint feels like it's been hastily gaffer taped together, then kicked out of the door, bugs and all.
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is huge and quite scenic at times. Unfortunately, the world is bland and empty, the mechanics are flawed, and the gameplay is more irritating than fun. The developers have cobbled too many things together, without fully realizing any of them. If you want a spec-op experience, go back to Wildlands – the last true Ghost Recon installment. Breakpoint is the first game of the Ulbimate genre by Ubisoft – an empty shell with microtransactions.
Review in Polish | Read full review
With so much promise in the lead-up, Ghost Recon Breakpoint falls flat of reaching its goal in satisfying expectations. With a lot of things to do but no real reason to do it, the game puts up barriers such as strange loot systems, a subpar plot, an extreme solo difficulty and a requirement for online play. If you can convince your friends to get a copy and play with you, your experience may be better – but chances are you'll find your time better spent elsewhere.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint expands on the sandbox structure of Wildlands. By adding new systems to this massive game, Ubisoft creates a constant reward loop for players wanting a harsh, stealthy playground that can be gobbled up by a band of friends.
If you can look past the flaws, it can be a fun title that evokes a similar reaction as Wildlands.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a messy game that half-heartedly tries to do too many things, resulting in a game that lacks a firm identity as to what it wants to be.