Darksiders Genesis Reviews

Darksiders Genesis is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 5, 2019

Another cheerfully apocalyptic outing for the Horsemen.

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Dec 4, 2019

Darksiders Genesis is an engaging co-op experience that has some serious technical issues keeping it from reaching its full potential.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
81 / 100
Dec 4, 2019

A great one-shot adventure or an enjoyable grindfest, depending on which you want.

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8.7 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2019

Though it lacks polish, Darksiders Genesis is a rare spinoff that equals and sometimes surpasses its mainline brethren

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 13, 2020

A fun, cathartic romp through demonic armies, with two fun characters that offer plenty of personality and an interesting alternative to other Diablo style role-players.

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Top Critic
Dec 4, 2019

Darksiders Genesis find new fun in a new gameplay format. While retaining some of the aesthetic and mechanical qualities that drew fans in to begin with

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6.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2019

Playing with a friend is more fun than solo, but odd design brings down both experiences

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 11, 2019

Darksiders: Genesis suffers from a poorly-suited camera but has great combat and intriguing writing.

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Dec 4, 2019

An updated view of the action makes Darksiders Genesis look fresh, but after looking under that new paint job I found a game that feels tired, despite a few bright spots.

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Dec 4, 2019

Darksiders Genesis masterfully shrinks down the long-running franchise into a top-down action game that’s just plain fun to play.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2019

I came into Darksiders Genesis expecting nothing and got a fun little co-op dungeon crawler in return. Although the concept of a "Diablo spinoff for the Darksiders series" had the potential to just be a big bowl of wrong, the mad men and women at Airship Syndicate pulled it off. Long live Darksiders.

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9 / 10
Mar 3, 2020

Despite the fundamental changes to the series' viewpoint, Darksiders Genesis feels like a true Darksiders game, and banishes any memory of the lacklustre third entry.

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80 / 100
Feb 17, 2020

It looks like Diablo, it plays like God of War, what Darksiders do we have? An original and enjoyable one, with some attractive ideas that now arrive to consoles with a good port, event if it has with some problems (on Switch runs at 30 fps, some problems loading textures...). But even though, it's an enjoyable hack'n slash playing alone or coop.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2019

Darksiders Genesis takes the franchise's pillars (fast-paced combat, some puzzles and platforming) to an isometric perspective. A game that, although feels completely like a smaller spin-off rather than a big new entry in the series, manages to still give that Darksiders' feeling that fans love.

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86 / 100
Dec 4, 2019

Darksiders Genesis looked like another Diablo clone, but it has its own personality and is a Darksiders with a different perspective. It's fun, has a component of RPG and platform game and, despite its problems, is a great new game of the saga created by Madureira brothers.

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TJ Denzer
Top Critic
9 / 10
Dec 4, 2019

We’ll come out and say it: Darksiders Genesis feels a lot like some of our favorite parts of the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games mixed with Darksiders tone and puzzle-solving.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2019

For those who want to continue knowing the bloody adventures of the four Riders of the Apocalypse, Darksiders Genesis is a must. On the other hand, if you're looking for the usual saga formula, it can be quite disappointing.

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IGN Italy
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2019

An entertaining spin-off that manages to retain the Darksiders vibe while shifting the perspective, offered at an inviting price point.

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4 / 5.0
Dec 12, 2019

Darksiders Genesis easily cements itself as not just a great entry into the franchise, but also as a fine action-packed dungeon crawler in general.

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Dec 8, 2019

It's hard to imagine any fan of any of the Darksiders games not enjoying Genesis.  It definitely hammers home on the strengths of the franchise and brings the playable characters full circle with the introduction of Strife.

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