Foregone Reviews
Overall, Big Blue Bubbles’ latest addition to the Metroidvania genre is a really enjoyable game that I had a ton of fun with. While it may be yet another Dead Cells clone, its weighty combat, challenging foes, slick maneuverability, and gorgeous aesthetics do just enough to set Foregone apart from its contemporaries.
And that's all that matters in Foregone: the core loop gameplay. It's just fun. Sure, it needs a bit more meat with its narrative, a slightly higher difficulty curve, and a bit more weapon variation, but the overall package is slick and entertaining.
You should play this fast-paced 2D action-platformer if you're tired of difficult rougelike and souls-like platforming games.
Foregone, while making the verse to metroidvania and roguelike various, remains a pure and linear action, with solid gameplay and a valuable technical compartment.
Review in Italian | Read full review
With a refined and well-executed technical structure, Foregone is a game that conquers by quality and formal aspects such as graphics and gameplay. Exploration in 2D scenarios attributes a particular style in which the reality of the Calagam universe is possible and challenging within the perspective of the platform genre. Elements of action and combat complete the title being decisive for progression and have direct action on the replay factor. With an emphasis on power lumps and weapon improvements in the classic style, the game is suitable for players who know the dynamics and are familiar with the proposed challenges.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Despite not innovating in much, the gameplay and the freedom provided to build the protagonist's skills are two extremely relevant points to consider Foregone a great addition to the platform action genre. Players who like to collect better and better equipment and seek a moderate level of challenge will be very well served here.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Foregone, being a 2D action platformer with a Metroidvania structure, looting mechanics and a smattering of soulslike tendencies, is certainly part of a crowded genre. The fact that it manages to stand out from the pack is a high recommendation indeed. This is a fast, fluid and beautiful action title that will keep you playing until the very end. I may never be able to retrieve that planet orbiting pair of socks, but it was totally worth it.
Foregone is brilliant looter action game worth sinking time into to. The graphics are gorgeous the combat fluid and rewarding. I enjoyed exploring the world and experimenting with various weapons. It may look like certain games but Foregone easily stands on its own. A real treat on the Switch.
There’s no better way of describing Foregone than calling it a Dead Cells-inspired action platformer that eschews roguelite elements in favor of hand-crafted levels and checkpoints. It is, for better or worse (depending on your viewpoint), a game suited to those of us who have become exhausted by the randomization and permadeath features many indie developers have been using as a crutch over the past half-decade or so.
Foregone is a whirring pastiche of ideas that came to define the last decade of side-scrolling action games. There remains an artful satisfaction to cutting through hordes of exquisitely fashioned monsters across splendid vistas but, without a thought to call its own, Foregone's performance will be consigned to oblivion the moment its player puts down their controller. It's a beautiful, sterile wasteland.
One glance at Foregone and many video game fans are likely to mistake it for the incredible Dead Cells… and given that the game’s art and animations were created through a very similar process that’s not a coincidence...
Quotation forthcoming.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Foregone offers some fast-paced, and at times, downright frantic gameplay moments providing a sense of accomplishment as you reach level transports or take out massive bosses. The adventure hits a few different high moments but does suffer from some repetitive design choices and enemy variety. Still, I’m left impressed with how Foregone took some chances on a heavily saturated genre and even managed to stand out through its beautiful level design and unique systems.
Though I felt some aspects of the game could’ve been improved on slightly, Foregone still delivers a challenging, frantic and enjoyable experience that shouldn’t be missed.
Perhaps the best way to explain Foregone is like this. It's a really fun game, one that I could mindlessly play for hours and feel like I got my money's worth, but there are a lot of generally lackluster ideas thrown in. Most players won't have to worry about most things, will be fine rushing through, and just having fun. For this reason, it's still easy to recommend Foregone, especially if you like the core non-roguelike elements of Dead Cells, you just need to keep in mind it works best if you just go with whatever your luck dictates.
Foregone is a good game from start to finish. The combat provides an exciting challenge, the art style is on point, and there are just enough mechanics mixed in from various genres to keep things interesting throughout. However, following the source material of the inspirations a little too closely means Foregone can feel like a lot of good ideas that don't come together in a fully-thought-out package.
We are facing a new very funny platform, which also contains touches of Dark Souls, Dead Cells and metroidvania. Luckily this strange mix works, although the title is still in development and has some room for improvement.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
This game is fun, challenging, and highly addicting! The systems are very simple and straight-forward but even though there isn’t much variety to the weapons or gear, the stats on them and the different builds you can do with them offer a lot of depth. There’s still enough to suit different playstyles giving you even more variety and control over things.
Foregone is a simple, well-designed action platformer with just enough roguelike elements to the keep the game interesting but lacks the interesting loot and character customisation that would take it to the next level.
In conclusion, Foregone is a very nice pixel art style 2D platformer with some exploration and frantic action. Although it was initially announced for computers, they have announced that in the future it will be released for consoles, so those who do not have a PC with a little patience can get hold of it very soon.
Review in Spanish | Read full review