Alwa's Legacy Reviews

Alwa's Legacy is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Sep 29, 2020

Alwa's Legacy is an excellent example of how to do a proper sequel; it takes everything that the original did well and builds on it, adds in a few new ideas of its own, and corrects the issues that were previously present. It may be a little on the short side, but Alwa's Legacy is the special sort of game that only comes around once in a great while, reminding you of the kind of quality that's possible when a dedicated crew puts in the time to make a polished and tightly designed final product. The best Metroidvania on Switch? That's entirely subjective, of course, but those of you who enjoy the genre owe it to yourselves to give this a try.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2020

Alwa's Legacy is a pleasant little game that does a lot of things right, but nothing spectacularly. It's fun, if a little forgettable.

7 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2020

Meroidvania games never get old. Unfortunately, there are plenty of games that do what Alwa's Legacy does, but better. That's not to say that this title from Elden Pixels is bad; it's quite good. The issue is that despite the responsive gameplay, inventive puzzles, and gorgeous pixel art, other games stand out more in the genre. You'll be done with Alwa's Legacy in a few hours, and I suspect most people won't revisit Zoe's adventure. She is a great protagonist placed in a game that doesn't have much staying power once the credits roll. With that being said, fans of the genre will find enjoyment trying to save the land of Alwa from the forces of evil, even if it's somewhat forgettable.

8 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2020

Whether or not you fancy yourself a platformer aficionado, Alwa's Legacy should be on your playlist. It combines retro graphics with modern precision to create a wonderfully engaging experience that strikes a fun balance between platforming and puzzle solving.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2020

Alwa's Legacy is a love letter to the Metroidvania genre and 16-bit gaming in general. It's said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In that case, Igarashi will be blushing. It doesn't always make for a good game, though. Alwa's Legacy is an enjoyable and pretty adventure that's too formulaic to be truly memorable.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2020

Would I recommend Alwa’s Legacy? Yes, a hundred times over, yes. It is fun from the very beginning to end, and invites you to explore the contents of its world without hand-holding or a curfew to pull you down.

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Evan Norris
Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 29, 2020

While the story goes nowhere and the final boss battle is a letdown, rewarding exploration, creative puzzles, handsome art, and appealing music make it a worthy purchase — particularly for enthusiasts who can't get enough of the indie Metroidvania scene.

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Becca S.
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2020

Clever puzzles, a decent story and beautiful pixel graphics make up Alwa’s Legacy‘s strengths. But there’s little here that makes it stand out from a sea of more superior games in the genre. If you enjoy classic Metroidvania-style platforming, Alwa’s Legacy is worth a play – but don’t expect an experience that will blow you away.

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Nov 5, 2020

Short but sweet, Alwa’s Legacy is a must for both retro fans and fans of quality, exciting Metroidvanias. The visuals tout some of the best pixel art on Switch and are joined with a killer soundtrack and sound design. With clever dungeons to explore and an intricate overworld to travel, Alwa’s Legacy will have players ensnared from the beginning to end. Having played Alwa’s Awakening adds some extra nuance to the adventure, but starting fresh with Alwa’s Legacy won’t leave players in a lurch, as it does plenty to solidify this as its own distinct game. Don’t sleep on this one; Elden Pixels has created a 2D platformer for the ages.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2020

When everything clicks into place, Alwa's Legacy soars. The exploration is filled with brain-teasing challenges backed by a great chiptune soundtrack. Hiccups along the way, mostly due to some obtuse item uses, can bring the experience back to Earth, but thankfully, more often than not, this is a super fun game to make your way through.

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7.8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2020

Alwa's Legacy is a lighthearted Metroidvania that's hard to put down once you start playing it. With tight gameplay that features an impressive amount of variety, I certainly recommend picking it up if you love exploring 2D worlds.

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80 / 100
Dec 4, 2020

Alwa’s Legacy is a classic metroidvania with original elements and solid gameplay. It offers a well-crafted experience for fans of exploration and backtracking.

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7.9 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2020

Games that aspire to capture the look and feel of earlier eras can be a mixed bag, but when executed well can be quite a treat...

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Oct 14, 2020

While not incredibly long, Alwa’s Legacy feels polished and complete, featuring quality dungeon design and a clever cast of characters.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 21, 2020

Alwa’s Legacy feels like a proper step up from the original title, still maintaining that excellent metroidvania level design and encouraging players who can think outside the box to sequence break and play at their own pace. While I do feel the chaptered format of this game is a bit odd, and how the game can seem a bit too familiar to the original at points, this is still a must-have Metroidvania, and feels like a true refinement of everything that made Awakening so spectacular.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2020

Alwa's Legacy may seem like more of the same, but several aspects of its design help it to stand out among its peers. Unfortunately, the manner in which it’s distinct is not always a good thing.

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Oct 18, 2020

Alwa’s Legacy is a lovely little metroidvania game well worth sinking time into. The developers clearly took lots of time crafting this world, making the enemy encounters and puzzles count. They made a game that feels wholesome and Zoe is a memorable character. Colourful, charming and a delight to play this is not a gem to let slip away whether your old or young.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2020

Alwa's Legacy is a great recommendation for anyone looking for a good metroidvania or just looking for a lovely adventure with creative puzzles. Even its few defects are compensated when we think of the experience that is offered. With 16-bit charm and clever elements, we have a journey that manages to develop an attractive artistic level without demanding large commitments from players.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 3, 2020

Retro gamers, rejoice! Alwa’s Legacy is finally available on the Nintendo Switch, and boy does it feel good being here. If you have a Pro controller, do not hesitate to hook this bad boy up to the TV and play like you’re a kid again. Alwa’s Legacy will remind you of days gone by, when renting a game from Blockbuster and trying to beat it within a few days to avoid racking up crazy prices was the thing to do, and with pizza in one hand and drink of choice in the other, you really can’t go wrong making a retro night out of this. Be sure to check out Alwa’s Legacy for a fresh game with a familiar feel.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2020

Alwa’s Legacy is a whole lot of fun to play, with the enjoyable level design, varied assortment of abilities, and wonderful world coming together to make for a memorable adventure. I had a really good time exploring my surroundings and using my ever-improving abilities to uncover secrets, whilst the battles with bosses always made for neat showdowns too. It does have some imperfections, most notably with the easy to beat enemies, the back-tracking, and the water level (a personal pet peeve… *shudders*), but these are minor issues in what is otherwise an exceptional and very well-designed Metroidvania-style adventure.

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