New Pokémon Snap Reviews

New Pokémon Snap is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
May 3, 2021

When it comes to long-awaited sequels, New Pokémon Snap doesn't disappoint in the least.

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May 4, 2021

New Pokemon Snap is largely successful in recapturing the magic of the Nintendo 64 original… while it will probably not appeal to people who are not already a fan of Pokemon, for fans, New Pokemon Snap is a wonderful piece of fan service and wholly charming.

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10 / 10.0
May 3, 2021

A delight from start to finish, New Pokemon Snap improves on the original game in every conceivable way.

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8 / 10
Apr 28, 2021

If, like us, you've been waiting a significant chunk of your life for a sequel to Pokémon Snap, then you're in luck; New Pokémon Snap brings back almost everything that made the original special and fleshes it out into a much more elaborate game. This is something you can sink some serious time into and while there are some minor frustrations and pacing issues in the story, playing freely at your own pace is a pure joy. The original has gone down in history possibly as Pokémon's greatest spinoff, and it may have just been dethroned.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
May 10, 2021

Though it comes with a crop of upgrades, and its graphics have been brushed to a smooth shine, what it offers, despite its title, is the joy of the old.

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May 6, 2021

New Pokémon Snap is a fun experience for diehard fans of the franchise, even though it can often feel monotonous.

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9 / 10.0
May 14, 2021

Overall, while New Pokemon Snap won’t be for everybody, there was a surprising amount of content, plenty of fantastic moments and a wonderfully crafted world. For anybody looking for a zen game to kick back to and forget about the worries of the world, I can’t recommend this one highly enough.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2021

Nintendo's latest is a laid-back picture-popping odyssey with a wholesome Pokemon theme.

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May 3, 2021

New Pokemon Snap is a worthy follow up to a beloved classic that's loaded with charm and a surprising amount of content.

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Apr 28, 2021

It gives the player just enough story and intrigue to press on through a grindy midgame focused on revisiting maps.

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9 / 10.0
May 5, 2021

Fans demanded a sequel for years, and New Pokémon Snap highlights why: at its core, this is the perfect concept for a Pokémon spinoff.

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95 / 100
May 10, 2021

New Pokémon Snap is a delightful photography game that I'll be coming back to constantly for just one more course. Seeing Pokémon in their natural habitats captures a unique magic the series has been missing for a while, and seeing how they react to you is a ton of fun. While filling out the Photodex is rewarding, equally rewarding is taking more creative snaps, editing them, and sharing them online.

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Apr 28, 2021

Trekking through forests and meadows in search of quirky creatures to photograph is a serene but repetitive experience

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Top Critic
Apr 28, 2021

New Pokémon Snap allows keen-eyed trainers to snap the famous pocket monsters in their natural habitat

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2021

So it is easy to recommend this to fans of the original game and it is easy to recommend this to fans of Pokémon, but what about people who may have no interest in Pokémon’s main series? Well, if photography is a passion then I think there’s definitely fun to be had here because New Pokémon Snap does feel like a fantasy animal safari where the whole goal is to capture the best photos. The interactions between Pokémon feel natural and while they do things that no animal equivalent does, I think that makes them all the more interesting. New Pokémon Snap is like nothing else on the market and proves that this spin off series should have never been gone for this long.

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Digital Spy
Top Critic
May 17, 2021

New Pokémon Snap is a delight, and a big part of that comes from how the Pokémon are brought to life, from the animations to their behaviours and the way they inhabit the world. Each unique creature is afforded their moment to shine, contributing towards making the Lental region a vivid and fulfilling place to explore.

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Top Critic
May 14, 2021

Oddly enough, much is the same from 1999; you follow a more or less firm path forward and should try to photograph as many pocket monsters as possible before the route reaches its end. Something else that's strange is that it's still really fun. At least for a while. Although the photo adventure is more than twice as long as the original and the gameplay moments have evolved, the whole still feels too thin to delight anyone other than Pokémon fans.

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May 11, 2021

New Pokemon Snap is worth its twenty-two years wait. Developers kept what made the original game great but have added extra layers that have greatly improve the experience. The repetitive nature of the game may not be for everyone, with some finding it a slog to complete the game. However, I feel there is enough variation and depth here to warrant its lengthy play. New Pokemon Snap is a great addition to the Nintendo Switch that combines the warm nostalgia of the N64 classic while offering what all good sequels should, a compelling experience for fans and newcomers alike.

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78 / 100
May 7, 2021

With so much going on at any given time and imperfect means of interacting with the Pokémon – coupled with the ability to submit only one photo per outing per Pokémon at a time – New Pokémon Snap is asking you to complete dozens of perfect runs per stage to fill the Photodex. While the repetitive nature might be just fine for kids, this game may be better in short bursts for adults and perfectionists.

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8.3 / 10.0
May 7, 2021

Few games offer the precise mix of escapism and relaxation that is the basis of New Pokémon Snap. It's an exquisite game that improves on its predecessor on Nintendo 64 in every way, smartly taking advantage of the Switch's merits. If you adore Pokémon, this is certainly the well-deserved vacation for you.

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