Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Reviews

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Jun 9, 2021

If you are a fan of action games, have enjoyed the challenge of Souls games and wished Sekiro was a bit more action-oriented, Ninja Gaiden Master Collection is probably the place you should be looking for your next fix.

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3 / 5.0
Jun 9, 2021

The Ninja Gaiden franchise has been sorely missed.

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5 / 10
Jun 10, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection gets off to a promising start on Switch with a decent port of Ninja Gaiden Sigma that performs well in both docked and handheld modes. However, as soon as you boot up parts two and three it's all downhill, with dynamic resolution resulting in a pixelated mess in places as the frame rate consistently struggles to keep up with the action. All we needed here was a solid, no-frills port and this collection would have been an instant recommendation. As things stand, it's a disappointing experience that needs patching ASAP and should be the last version you opt for if you've got the choice to play elsewhere.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection is a big, loud spectacle of a trilogy and absolutely deserves to be experienced by all fans of brutal action-adventure.

8 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection gives new players a chance to experience three wonderfully crafted action games with solid 60fps and 4K resolution.

IGN Spain
Rafa Del Río
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

The best way to play Ninja Gaiden today, although it falls short of appeal beyond the joy of bringing the Hayabusa formula back to 4K 60 FPS on supported platforms.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 11, 2021

Despite the remasters changing nothing, and being based on the inferior versions of the original games, the innate quality of Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 shines through in this surprisingly enjoyable compilation.

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7 / 10
Jun 10, 2021

The Ninja Gaiden Master Collection is a solid collection of three games that are enjoyable, but are also showing their age. If you're coming here for a challenge, then you'll likely be very happy with what you find, but times have changed a lot since these games released. As long as you're fine with that, then you should pick up the mantle of the Hayabusa Clan and start chopping off arms.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

An honest collection, with two timeless actions and a passable taillight. For lovers of the genre, the game is certainly worth the candle.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

‎Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection allows us to relive Ryu Hayabusa's story like never before, with a number of better techniques than the genre in which it is located are greatly appreciated. However, the scarcity of novelties in terms of controls cause the return of 'the ninja' not to occur as spectacularly as the figure would claim.‎

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8 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

Koei Tecmo could have used this opportunity to further strengthen the weak link beyond what it already did, but the first two games still stand so tall that it justifies the preservation altogether.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 14, 2021

The Ninja Gaiden Master Collection is a great value for only $39.99. Three frenetic adventures that represent some of the best action games from console generations of the past are bundled, ensuring a lot of content for almost half the price of some AAA games. While the games stand on their own as fun and entertaining, the collection is rather barebones, and the exclusion of co-op or other multiplayer modes is felt throughout. Still, fans of the series, or those looking to become fans, can hardly go wrong with the purchase of this collection.

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Jun 10, 2021

Featuring two very good games and one fairly mediocre game in one package, Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection is well worth trying out, whether you missed out in the past or just want to slash up some enemies as Ryu Hayabusa all over again.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2021

The Ninja Gaiden Master Collection is a great collection of games and the only way a lot of players can even access these titles. The first and second game are still classics. The third is fine, but just doesn’t stand on the same shoulders as its predecessors. Also, that t-rex fight is still ridiculous. Still, it is nice to have all the games in one place. Don’t sleep on these games. They are still pillars of the character action genre and worth playing to this day.

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Jun 13, 2021

Overall, Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection is fairly whelming and often aggravating. For those looking to replay one or all of these titles, it may be better to buy the original titles on their own, simply because the quality of the Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection experience doesn't match its price tag, while those who don't mind the cost will find only a serviceable group of titles in a series that had produced much better.

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Jun 12, 2021

The Ninja Gaiden game was always a joy to play and this time around is no different. Even though there haven't been many changes to the overall experience, having all three games and DLC rolled into one is a sheer joy. Players who missed this series should definitely pick this up as it's one of the best games in the hack and slash genre. The omission of the online co-op will displease hardcore fans however I think this can be easily overlooked as being able to have all three games on a portable console is the winning factor here.

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Top Critic
8 / 20
Jun 12, 2021

If the goal of Team Ninja is to introduce the Ninja Gaiden franchise to those who could not play it in the 2000s, it is missed. This Master Collection is a lazy port that is content with the bare minimum.

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80 / 100
Jun 9, 2021

The three games found in the Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection are great, especially the original (the other two are more of the same). They all look, sound, and play as well or better than any other versions that have been released. If you enjoy third-person action games, the Ninja Gaiden Sigma Trilogy still holds up today. And the original should be required playing, as it is one of the original Xbox’s finest exclusives. However, buyers beware that these are only the Sigma versions of the modern Ninja Gaiden Trilogy. I don’t want to judge this collection for what I wish it contained (it already has three great games with tons of content), but by calling it a “Master Collection,” the game loses a couple of points due to false advertising.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 10, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection consists of two great and one really average games. Visually it's hard not to notice how old they are, even in 4K. It would be great if the developers took their time to update some of the textures and models, but even still, the gameplay remains the king. If great high speed action is something you can enjoy, and you can live with outdated graphics, then considre picking this collection up.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection offers three high-adrenaline action games that are still splendid today. This is the only, partial redemption for a collection incapable of convincing, lazy in implementation and technically inconsistent, especially on Switch.

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