Nexomon Reviews

Nexomon is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2021

Clearly a clone of Pokémon, albeit a very well done one. With a large world to discover and hundreds of Nexomon to catch there's plenty to play if your monster breeding thirst is not yet placated.

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6 / 10
Sep 24, 2021

Design gripes aside, Nexomon is a decent Pokémon clone. It's a bit rough around the edges, but if you're hankering for a cheap and cheerful creature-based RPG, it's not a bad pick.

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67 / 100
Sep 17, 2021

Nexomon is a solid Pokémon clone with charming monster designs and technical flaws that lacks the heart of the original.

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Top Critic
4 / 5.0
Oct 2, 2021

Overall Nexomon on Switch is much better served in the sequel Nexomon:Extinction, than in this version. Whilst having its moments of fun and slightly addictive gameplay, it is still at its core a mobile game that's really best enjoyed in smaller 5-10 increments rather than a proper hour or two of normal playtime. It was disappointing to see that no effort was made to update the game from the mobile with the exception of the removal of micro transactions. At £9.99 it is not the most expensive game and would be good for those of you who want to scratch that monster catching itch before the new Pokemon games come out.

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7.7 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2021

‎Nexomon brings us the first part of this saga for the first time to consoles, in which we can participate in challenging combats thanks to its tight gameplay, which hooks from the beginning of the game. With a good technical section and an interesting story.‎

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Sep 17, 2021

I hope Nexomon continues to perform well and grow from here. The developers really do have an opportunity to take what they've done across the first two titles and build it into "the alternative Pokémon", especially considering that both Yokai Watch and Dragon Quest Monsters seem to be on the wane. Nexomon isn't quite the game that its (console) predecessor is, but it's still a warm, comfortable, and amusing experience, and while it can be frustrating at times to try and catch all 300+ monsters on offer, they're so ultra-cute that you'll do it - and love it - anyway.

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Worth your time
Oct 4, 2021

With an engaging story, plenty of clever humour, and typical monster capturing and combat that fans have grown to love, this is a game almost certainly made to appeal to Pokémon fanatics. While it is obvious that many aspects of Nexomon draw heavily from Game Freak’s series, once you look past these similarities, you’re in for an excellent standalone adventure over the course of a 20 hours story.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2021

While there have been a few stabs at taking on Game Freak and the Big N's mega-franchise they've tended to be at the higher-dollar level with other big companies trying to jumpstart their own franchises-to-be with visions of dollar signs dancing in their heads...

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5.5 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2022

Despite all of the shortcomings, Nexomon is a fun video game to play, especially factoring in the cost of the game. Even at it's full price, there is a compact RPG that you can play and enjoy the visuals and story. There is a tough grind that feels like a slog early on, but this isn’t a game that offers more than 30 hours of gameplay, nor does it pretend to. The simplicity of the gameplay means that even after an extended break away from playing, which is probably caused by using the stock of twenty Nexotraps, you’re always able to pick up where you left off with relative ease.

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Oct 12, 2021

Nexomon is a monster taming adventure that takes clear inspiration from the Pokémon series. I played as a child on her journey to save the world from an evil team. In this case, the Nexolord intends on destroying the world and reviving the Omnicron, an ancient deity known to bring demise to all humans. In concept, it seems like Pokémon titles I have played before. Is it worthwhile? Find out in this Rapid Review.

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6 / 10
Oct 15, 2021

For a game in a genre where heavyweights command large legions of fans, Nexomon is simple but its plot works pretty well and there's a wide variety of monsters to catch. At the same time, Nexomon is not original enough to be able to stand up to its more competitive peers, which means that this will mostly appeal to the most dedicated fans of monster capture RPGs.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2021

Nexomon presents itself as an interesting alternative to the Pokémon series, although clearly of inferior quality. The monster capture and battle mechanics will be familiar and almost as fun as the most popular games, with this title featuring some refreshing ideas and a very captivating narrative. The lack of polish in various aspects of the experience clearly impacts in the final overall experience. Still, if it's a Pokémon clone you're looking for, there are very few offers as solid as this one.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2021

A wonderfully written and scored monster-catching adventure in which you lead a glorious revolution against a tyrannical inhuman ruler bent on mankind’s destruction, where the real power was the friends you made along the way.

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Oct 2, 2021

I feel there’s nothing wrong when a game copies a popular gaming series, as long as they make it a worthwhile adventure. I feel the developers of Nexomon have done that. The graphics are cute and colourful, the soundtrack reminded me of the Pokémon tunes and it was a nice change to catch a different kind of Mon. Nexomon doesn’t come with all the frills and extras in gameplay that make Pokémon games amazing, but it does bring back challenging battles and a good storyline. The only serious niggle I have is the catching rate combined with the price of Nexotraps.

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3.5 / 5.0
Oct 1, 2021

Players looking for a short romp that doesn’t overstay its welcome will want to pick up this title before tackling the sequel, which has many gameplay improvements that would be sorely missed when returning to the original.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

Nexomon is a good alternative for those looking for a change of scenery after playing Pokémon for a long time. Here, you will find a good story, outstanding characters, excellent soundtrack and art, and many hours of fun. The collection of little monsters is vast and will give you some work to complete the database. However, there are also errors and the absence of some features, such as trades and multiplayer, overshadowing the shine of a game that proved to be a good option for fans of the genre. Still, the excess of grinding to win the game could have been worked better, thus avoiding the game to be too repetitive and restricting itself to training.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2021

If you’re tired of Pokemon hunting and want something different and refreshing, then Nexomon would be something that you would enjoy. It’s a game with heart and passion. It’s a game that despite it going against one of the biggest game franchise, it can stand on its own.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

For Pokémon fans, or those who enjoy monster catching RPGs, Nexomon is a good pick and fills the position that is so little explored outside Nintendo consoles. Though it fails a little on information availability and cursor positioning, things that could have been revamped in this new release, the game has a simple and easy gameplay and offers many hours of catching hundreds of monsters and a captivating plot.

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