Tunic Reviews

Tunic is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Mar 17, 2022

Tunic is a masterpiece of adventure and exploration. More than a tribute to Zelda, it is a game that deserves your full attention.

Review in French | Read full review

Mar 16, 2022

There are a lot of interesting and dangerous places in Tunic that offer enough diversity to make the game exciting the whole way through. The fixed camera angle makes it easy to miss hidden areas, such as a path behind a waterfall or a room around the corner, but discovering new sections of Tunic is part of what makes it so fun. The possibility that anything can be cleverly hidden just outside of view makes exploring worthwhile. Tunic is a highly enjoyable action-adventure game that does well in honoring some of the classic titles it was inspired by.

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Mar 16, 2022

Where other isometric games of this sort heavily telegraph areas and objects that you should return to later, the levels here subtly fold in on themselves in ways that are both slyly hidden and obvious in hindsight. Tunic appears unassuming and even a little routine on the surface, but it constantly reveals how clever it is every time it encourages us to take a closer look.

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Generación Xbox
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

It is a marvel of the indie industry that will surely surprise more than one‎‎ with its entertaining mechanics, its careful artistic design, and an overall experience that can feel unique, even despite the familiar essence that it gives off, from inside each of its dungeons.‎

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9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Tunic is an unmissable adventure for all those who love to immerse themselves in an enveloping, mysterious world full of secrets to discover.

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4.5 / 5.0
Mar 16, 2022

Every once in a while, a true indie gem comes along.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Drawing inspiration from classic Legend of Zelda titles, Tunic makes heavy use of its in-game instruction manual, but the mysterious language can sometimes prove to be restrictive.

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9 / 10
Mar 30, 2022

If you're looking for an isometric RPG with a nostalgic aesthetic and Souls trimmings, Tunic is it: a tough, beautiful action-adventure which rewards the patient and batters the reckless.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2022

Shouldice and crew looked back to the past and pulled from the present to craft an endlessly engaging puzzle-box that's chock full of secrets, many of which I still haven't found. I can already hear the siren call of discovery pulling me back, and it sounds a lot like ambient techno. Are you curious enough to heed it?

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9 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2022

TUNIC is a dense journey filled with hidden paths and puzzles that provide a remarkable sense of accomplishment. Using an in-game instruction manual is a brilliant idea that makes learning and gradually revealing how the world works more enjoyable. While the combat isn’t flawless, the rest of the exploration is. This is a game for fans of classic action adventures, cute little foxes, discovery, and secrets. However, the real secret is how wonderful TUNIC is.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jan 9, 2024

Tunic is a charming and challenging adventure that celebrates gaming's more obtuse age

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 30, 2022

Tunic is an outstanding accomplishment from solo developer Andrew Shouldice in terms of piecing every vital element together from its melancholic storytelling and exciting exploration to thrilling combat encounters. This Zelda-like gem never fails to exceed expectations the more invested you become. If you are itching to experience a captivating and refreshing tale that consists of memorable adventures, then Tunic is exactly the game for you!

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9.8 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2022

In gaming, it's often touted at specific genres, such as the <i>Metroidvanias</i> or <i>Roguelikes</i> of the space; pixel-powered knockoffs or homages to our favourites of yesteryear dotting the proverbial Indie landscape, servicing a wistful bit of throwback while also cashing in on its powerful pull.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2022

Tunic is an isometric action game where players take on the role of a small fox on a big adventure in an unforgiving world. It might look cute, but it is far from soft, presenting a unique, cleverly mixed fusion of Souls-like combat and Zelda-like exploration and puzzles.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2022

Tunic surprises and delights. It doubles down on its environmental storytelling which may put off those looking for a cruisy experience, but true adventurers will be well pleased with the little fox and his quest.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2022

TUNIC is a genre-bending breath of fresh air that includes elements from other popular games that all grease the wheel for an exceptional gaming experience. A must-play for all gamers, especially due to its inclusion on Game Pass.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2022

Tunic executes the ideas of classic RPGs with such confidence that it's nearly impossible to not enjoy it.

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Ian Howarth
Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 16, 2022

I've likened TUNIC to Fez, a similarly brilliant game that also shattered expectations, hid riddles in a new alphabet, and had an entire community rally around some of the larger secrets.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Tunic is fascinating and surprisingly deep.

Review in Italian | Read full review

9.5 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2022

If the difficulty proves too much for you, the accessibility options are a godsend and there's no shame in using them. You may have to get out your actual notepad to keep track of the hints, puzzles, and clues you find along the way, but if you follow that journey to the very end you are rewarded with a game unlike any other. Tunic is a modern masterpiece and its mysteries, secrets, and puzzles will stay with you for a long time after the credits roll.

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