The Knight Witch Reviews

The Knight Witch is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
2.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2022

A game seemingly fighting its own presentation and message, The Knight Witch instead alienates the player with smug self-awareness, milquetoast cynicism, and some truly awful genre meshing.

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5 / 10
Dec 2, 2022

The Knight Witch could have been fantastic. It was so dang close to being something very special thanks to its fantastic visuals, great gameplay and compelling story, but it's instead plagued by frame rate issues and awful difficulty spikes rearing their slappable faces to ruined the fun. Fingers crossed Super Mega Team takes the time to thoroughly patch The Knight Witch and make it the game that it deserves to be.

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Jan 5, 2023

The Knight Witch is a good game but it’s the little details that separate the good games from the great. While the game excels on the visual and audio front, some frustrating gameplay/game design takes away from the experience.

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Top Critic
Nov 28, 2022

All in all, I came away pleasantly surprised by The Knight Witch. At a time where so many games are vying for your time and attention, a neatly packed present of an indie, clearly made by a team that knows what it's doing and a quirk not found elsewhere makes for a great refresher. While I don’t believe it quite makes the cut as a classic, nor will it make many game of the year lists, it is still well worth your time. Personally, I think Super Mega Team is a studio I'll be keeping track of from here one out.

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6.3 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2022

The world only has life when parts of it are dying, when Rayne sets them afire with her spells. The Knight Witch wants you to be invested in its world, in the possibility of its death, in the ability of a community to live freely without exploitation. However, its only poetry is in virtual violence, in the simple thrill of outwitting a computer and watching its shrapnel fade from view.

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6.8 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch is a beautiful game that holds a lot of promise with its blend of twin-stick shooting and Metroidvania exploration. I just wish that its gameplay was finer-tuned to not be as clunky and disconnected as it currently is.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2024

For enthusiasts of challenging classics like Nintendo's toughest titles or adrenaline-pumping shooters akin to Contra, Knight Witch delivers hours of exhilarating entertainment. However, if you're seeking a traditional Metroidvania experience, you might find yourself slightly underwhelmed. Despite this, Knight Witch's difficulty warrants at least one playthrough for avid gamers.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2023

The Knight Witch is a blend twin-stick bullet hell shooter and the Metroidvania that succeeds in the face of some technical problems by virtue of its enjoyable story and wonderful universe, expressed in beautifully hand drawn visuals and filled with endearing characters. Whilst not perfect, the gameplay is enjoyable and requires a good amount of skill -  there’s just a few elements that just needed a little more polish in order to really make the most impact. It feels to me like the opening entry in a wonderful franchise, where new spells and features could lead to even bigger and better things in the future.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 24, 2022

Even with flaws, and a few too many mechanics for me to truly get lost in, I had a surprising amount of fun with The Knight Witch. I wouldn’t have thought that a bullet hell SHMUP could fit so smoothly into a Metroidvania, but that aspect of the game worked for me. While its story and characters didn’t connect as strongly as I’d have liked, it has enough personality that players looking for an interesting take on the genre should consider it.

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Evan Norris
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2022

By combining bullet hell shoot-'em-up gameplay, Metroidvania-style exploration, and tactical deck building, developer Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team has crafted something original and unique.

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70 / 100
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch can join the ranks of indie Soulslike & search action titles as one of this year's more challenging offerings. You'll die countless times getting the hang of the game's bullet hell patterns, but at the same time find joy and satisfaction in defeating the opposition with your correct choice of Spell Cards and playstyle, alongside its tight controls and fun levels.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2022

The Knight Witch is a nice-looking game with hand-drawn visuals, charming characters, and an interesting story. The game combines twin-stick shooting, deck building, and Metroidvanias in a unique way I have never played before!

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7 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2022

The Knight Witch is a game that has a lot to offer both fans of twin-stick shooters and Metroidvanias. Its moment-to-moment action is enjoyable and exciting as you avoid enemy bullets and try to counter them with your own attacks, and there’s a great sense of exploration. It’s a shame that some systems perhaps don’t quite hit the mark as they should, but anyone who can appreciate a game that takes some risks will very much enjoy this quirky adventure.

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7 / 10
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch seems to occupy a unique niche on the Switch eShop - there's really nothing else quite like it. It's not the best shmup nor is it the best Metroidvania we've experienced, but its fusion of many core ideas in those genres is interesting and worthwhile. The adventure feels perfectly paced, the action is snappy, and though there are missteps here and there, they shouldn't disqualify The Knight Witch from your attention. If you're looking for a Metroidvania that mixes things up a bit - and you haven't been utterly burned out on the genre - we'd suggest giving this a look.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jan 3, 2023

The Knight Witch is excellent in a lot of ways despite its forbidding difficulty, the kind of game you'll be glad to have beaten even if the journey to completion is sometimes a bit much.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch is a fast and enjoyable shoot 'em up. Its greatest asset is the agile combat that uses shots, spells and a dash of bullet hell to create varied and electrifying clashes. Difficulty is intense and fair most of the time, and being able to switch between auto and manual aiming at any time brings flexibility to the action. In addition to the battles, there is a vibrant world full of situations to be explored. The game has metroidvania features, but they are quite shy: revisiting areas is costly and progression is mostly linear. Other than that, the universe delights with its elaborate beauty, but the story does not excite and some mechanics are underdeveloped. In the end, The Knight Witch is a fun, fast-paced shoot 'em up experience.

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75 / 100
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch is an intriguing amalgamation of genres. Flying through stages and battling foes feels great. The unique approach to special attacks and the Metroidvania style progression work extremely well. While the narrative intrigues and includes some innovation, its presentation is simple. Regardless of this, the game is a blast and freshens up the shmup genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch makes a strong case for itself with its simplistic gameplay and charming writing. The overall balance between development and gameplay feels a bit too weird to ignore. Still, this twin-stick shooter-meets-Metroidvania has a quirky intrigue about it that makes it a worthy purchase for any fan of the genre.

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7.6 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2022

Combining Metroidvania concepts with some twin-stick shooting, The Knight Witch swings big… and gets on base

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7.7 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2022

The Knight Witch offers a challenging adventure experience with a refreshing complexity in its story. While the combat could frustrate and overwhelm at times, this game offers a variety of ways to feel empowered and heroic.

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