Atomic Heart Reviews

Atomic Heart is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
95 / 100
Feb 20, 2023

2023 has already been strong with Game of the Year contenders, and Atomic Heart is another one of them. It lives up to all of the hype and all of its promises; an amazing debut game for Mundfish. Nailing down a few things Atomic Heart is phenomenal at is nearly impossible because it's extraordinary in all of them. This isn't just my favorite game of this year, it might be one of my favorites of the decade.

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90 / 100
Feb 20, 2023

Despite some initial fears and some technical failure, it is confirmed that Atomic Heart is a complete, fun and spectacular game, which promises to hook any fan of shooters who care about the narrative. Bol'shoi!

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9 / 10
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart is undoubtedly one of the best first-person shooter campaigns I’ve played in years.

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4.5 / 5.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart is an "everything and the kitchen sink" type of adventure that feels like it should explode from the weight of its ambitions, yet keeps it together through a combination of good pacing of new elements and a deeply likeable world.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2023

Atomic Heart is a game I was excited to finally play, but went in with low expectations considering how long it was in the oven. The end result is easily one of the best games I have played this year and an experience I recommend everyone dig into. It won’t be for everyone, but for those that it is for it will be an amazing experience. There is just so much to this world and I had a blast exploring the world of Facility 3826. I am still digging into the side content and hope they continue to iron out its issues as time goes on. I cannot wait to see what is next from Mundfish, I just hope I don’t have to wait another decade to see it.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart has everything that shooters have taught us in recent years and its mix with Soviet flavor gives it the point of originality to be the fresh product we were looking for

Review in Spanish | Read full review

PSX Brasil
Top Critic
90 / 100
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart has several fun elements that keep the player hooked from start until the end. Although it has some technical problems, they are passable in the face of the final work, which delivers much more than players expect. Diverse combat, lots of exploration and clever puzzles are just some of the points that make this game a must-have for PS5 owners.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart practically joins the ranks of Bioshock and Wolfenstein and offers an equally interesting reimagining of the world in an alternate past. The game will guide us through this, while it very well combines storytelling, challenging action, crafting items and a lot of of puzzle elements and levels.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 13, 2023

Atomic Heart was made with love, talent and a great deal of cynic humor poured into the game.

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Top Critic
8.8 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart presents an imaginative utopian world where there are beautiful visions of an alternate timeline, countless terrifying mechanical bodies and experimental creatures, as well as engravings and writings on the spirit and cultural symbols of the Soviet people.

Review in Chinese | Read full review

88 / 100
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart is the new open-world first-person shooter with RPG elements developed by Russian studio Mundfish and published by Focus Entertainment. From the beginning we will be captivated by its powerful setting and we will enjoy the powerful visual display that this dystopian Soviet Union of the 50s presents us with. It is impossible for Bioshock not to come to mind -and that can only be good- although at the time After playing it, many mechanics will also remind us of the last Far Cry. It's not quite round due to certain design decisions, and because of the wasted open world, but the game is fun and also a challenge, so we can only recommend it without any doubt.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

8.7 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart is a brilliant game, that is able to mix some beloved game mechanics in its own way, in order to make you experience an intriguing journey that will make you wonder how and when will this universe be expanded in the future.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8.5 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2023

Atomic Heart is not your next best, revolutionary shooter. Instead it's a combination of fulfilled and wasted potentials that could have done much better, but still is damn fun and satisfying to play.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2023

Atomic Heart has delivered a world overflowing with creativity and artistic flair that is rivalled by the likes of Bioshock. The highly political story may not appeal to everyone but it is an incredibly interesting take on an alternative history that quickly absorbs you into the madness. The game falls short when it comes to the overall progression. The tacked-on open-world elements deliver more frustration than anything with infinitely respawning bots and very little of interest to see. Atomic Heart has the potential to be something incredible but is held back by a few, often frustrating gameplay elements.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2023

Atomic Heart is a great title, with an interesting storyline, fun gameplay and spectacular atmosphere. Small sore points the difficulty in our opinion too high and the open world practically intuitive, flaws that however do not spoil the title that still remains of a great level. If we then add the presence at day one on game pass and the optimization on PC we can only recommend it.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8.4 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Despite a few missed opportunities to really build on the great games it’s inspired by, Atomic Heart surprised me, with a remarkably inventive world that brings to life (the tears apart) the weirdest, wildest visions of Soviet propaganda. This is a game that’s been through over half a decade of development hell, and come out the other side as one of the best first-person shooters this generation.

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8.4 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart is an excellent game, and it’s an incredible debut title from Mundfish.  Clever storytelling, massive set pieces, fun combat, and more make this one easy to recommend.  Hell, it’s on Game Pass Day One, so go pre-install it already and enjoy this ridiculous ride.

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Nick Erlenhof
8.4 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2023

Atomic Heart looks great and the overall design is amazing. From the extensive environments over some small ideas, every works really well. Also the gameplay elements shines with a lots of variety in combinations that don't need to hide behind the games that inspired them. Some tedious collecting, unbalanced swarms of enemies and the only "ok" story scratch the paint of this well thought out art piece.

Review in German | Read full review

4.2 / 5.0
Mar 1, 2023

Atomic Heart depicts the perfect ideological image of the Soviet Union. Shadowed by many hyperbolising factors to furnish an electrifying FPS experience. You wouldn’t call it a masterpiece – but it is extremely close to being one.

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Top Critic
8.3 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2023

Developer Mundfish impresses with its debut title, Atomic Heart set in an original, well-detailed and gorgeous-looking universe.

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