NES Remix 2 Reviews

NES Remix 2 is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7.7 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2014

Revisiting retro games in NES Remix 2 is a fun way to revisit the classics, or introduce them to someone new.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2014

It's fun nostalgia, but that's about it

7 / 10
Apr 20, 2014

NES Remix is a fun way to remind yourself to play through the classics again.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2014

NES Remix 2 makes decades-old games feel fresh and new

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Top Critic
75 / 100
Apr 20, 2014

It's good to see Nintendo flexing the strength of its back catalog. NES Remix was a nice start, and NES Remix 2 is an improvement. Plenty of people, including me, love this era of gaming, and this game does a good job of capitalizing on that.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2014

A love letter to the Nintendo Entertainment System and a wonderful introduction or reintroduction for gamers of all ages, NES Remix 2 expands on the entertaining original by providing challenges based on some of the best first-party games ever released on the system, making it a more complete package than its predecessor. It's the kind of game that no-one else but Nintendo could create, and I only hope a Game Boy or SNES Remix is next on the agenda.

6 / 10
Apr 22, 2014

The component games are better than the first time round but less well suited to the mini-game format, resulting in two unsatisfying halves of what could have been the perfect retro compilation.

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7 / 10
Apr 21, 2014

NES Remix 2 has a better selection of games than the first Remix, but it still feels like half of a larger whole.

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8.1 / 10.0
Apr 20, 2014

Simply stated, NES Remix 2 is a real sequel's sequel, with stronger games, weirder remixes and better bonuses. Players who'd like an interactive history lesson and anyone with fondness for old-school Nintendo could do far worse than romancing these ROMs.

Apr 22, 2014

Since I had such luck getting what I asked for out of my last review, I'll close with this: Nintendo should work with third-party publishers for NES Remix 3 so that we can mix in some Castlevania and Mega Man action and they need to hurry up with a SNES Remix. Shut up and take my money, Nintendo!

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8 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2014

NES Remix 2 is a solid follow-up with more "must have" games and a few extras to sweeten the deal. If you passed due to the ho-hum nature of some of the titles in the original offering, think about checking it out this time around.

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7.4 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2014

There's nothing particularly amazing to NES Remix 2 if you didn't grow up with any of these games, but for those of you out there who have fond memories of these games, give NES Remix 2 a shot, it offers a short burst of some sublime gameplay.

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8 / 10.0
May 7, 2014

When Nintendo released the original NES Remix last December, the first thing I and many others thought — after our initial reaction of "Wow, they released a game the same day they announced it" — was that it would be awesome if they made one with better first-party NES games. Well, it certainly didn't take long to get our wish; just months after the original, NES Remix 2 has been released and it contains Nintendo's best games for the NES. The quality of the base games naturally has a huge effect on the remixes and NES Remix 2 is a little shorter than the original but much sweeter.

85 / 100
Apr 30, 2014

NES Remix 2 reminds us of the challenges of our youth. With bite size nibbles of the most challenging or salient aspects of what made these games great, NES Remix 2 also delivers more iconic and well-recognized games from the library that made Nintendo famous. Ice Climbers takes a back seat to the far superior Metroid, and Kid Icarus replaces Balloon Fight, and Zelda II: The Adventures of Link makes Wrecking Crew look silly. A far superior installment in this series, NES Remix 2 improves on it's predecessor in every way.

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Apr 23, 2014

If you had fun with the first NES Remix, then consider this one too. It's better.

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7.8 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2014

This one is for the nostalgic fans out there that grew up with and respect the 8-bit era. Nintendo has put together some solid mini-games and remix levels from some of their strongest NES titles. You'll find a lot to love about NES Remix 2. Just beware of the occasional frustrating moments.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2014

It's a great product, mind, and it's certainly better than the original one. And if you were ever a fan of Nintendo, and their 8-bit glories, then it is definitely recommended as a must buy. But if you weren't on board the Nintendo train back then (or simply not born yet), you might not fully appreciate what NES Remix 2 has to offer.

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7 / 10
May 12, 2014

NES Remix 2 is a fun title that lets Nintendo fans reminiscent about the past greats on Nintendo's first home console without having to play the whole game or dig out old hardware to bring back those fond memories. So, Nintendo, how about that SNES Remix?

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4.1 / 5.0
Apr 21, 2014

One things is clear with NES Remix 2. It is absolutely superior to NES Remix. The assortment of offered games, inclusion of a modified version of Super Luigi Bros., and Championship Mode assure it. Yet, the lag that plagues many of the challenges can be criminal and it's a shame that the emulation issues are present. Regardless, it provides more than enough reason to turn on the Wii U again and keep people busy while we wait for Mario Kart 8, and a part of me hopes that next time we'll get a SNES Remix.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2014

If you played the first NES Remix and were unimpressed, this one probably won't change your mind. However, if you thought it was a great idea that lacked proper execution, you'll be pleased to see that enough has changed for the better.

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