Redfall Reviews
Arkane Studios brought co-op in the world of vampires, but the game does not reach the quality of the titles Dishonored, Deadhloop, Prey, for which autors became famous.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Redfall is an entertaining and very fun game to play with a colleague or a team of four people, taking down hordes of Vampires and saving survivors and fulfilling objectives of the shelter. Its person-enhancing mechanics and movement agility give a unique twist to the Arkane Studios title, hooking the player quickly and keeping them exploring Redfall's not-so-large open map.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Redfall sees Arkane experiment with melding genres, to mixed results. There's plenty of flashes of the style and narrative flair we've come to expect from this incredible studio as you explore the town and face off with its undead inhabitants. However, the mixing of FPS action and story beats with open world exploration and a relatively relaxed pace leads to a balancing act that may leave hardcore shooter aficionados and Arkane super fans alike wanting more. If you come at it looking for a chilled out bit of vampire hunting there's still plenty to enjoy here, but some irksome AI issues and a lack of clarity over what it really wants to be leave it feeling a little lost in a limbo of its own making.
The idea of fighting vampires in a world designed by arkane sounded exciting, but unfortunately, Redfall cannot meet the 2-year wait of fans and becomes a one-time and forgettable experience. Numerous technical problems, lack of innovation and outdated gameplay are some of the problems that ruin the experience. For now, maybe the existence of the game on Game Pass can be the only reason to justify playing this title and it might entertain you for a short period of time.
Review in Persian | Read full review
It's a bit difficult to parse out the overall quality of Redfall. If you're talking about it from a technical perspective, it's scattershot but comes out better than some games that look and sound pretty but have terrible performance. If you're looking at it from a story perspective, it's a slow burn that cranks up things once you get close to beating the first major vampire, and the same can be said for the gameplay. Solo play is also better than co-op, based solely on the issues we ran into with connectivity, but mileage can vary. Overall, Redfall asks quite a bit of time from players before getting really good, which makes it perfect for Game Pass but tougher for those who don't have the patience to spend the time to wade through the jank to reach that point.
Redfall's a great title with lots to do throughout its world, but the lifelessness of the NPCs and story alongside the amounts of bugs and the steep entering fee, I can't assume it'll be for everyone.
Redfall may be Arkane's first disappointing game! This is not because the studio moved away from what distinguished it in its previous games, but rather through the game itself as an open-world game that did not offer anything special and did not try to move away from the issues of this type of game that has been criticized in many games since the beginning of the last generation. And on top of that the fact that the game is technically tragic, and it is preferable to wait for a lot of updates to fix its problems, whether from technical issues or wobbly performance.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
I really wanted Redfall to be great, but this is an empty and horrifically dull looter-shooter without a soul.
Review in Finnish | Read full review
Redfall ensures a fun, vampire-slaying time despite the flaws it has in its current state. Even with the uninspired quests, a mid story, and poor optimisation, I do think this game is one to revisit at the end of the year after a few refinements.
Redfall is a game with enormous technical problems that complicate its already shaky dignity. Players' frustration is somewhat justified but not entirely: despite its technical shortcomings, Redfall has good foundations and is quite fun, especially given its low entry price. Currently, the game doesn't justify a seventy-euro price tag, but with future updates, it could become a clean and dignified cooperative crossplay and cross-save title. For now, it's an average game, but its low cost makes it worth trying.
Review in Italian | Read full review
If you lower your expectations, Redfall is decent, mindless fun. But as a game from Arkane Studios, it’s a disappointment.
Knowing the Dishonored and Prey franchises, my expectations for Redfall were high, but unfortunately, they were not met. The empty story, graphical issues, completely dysfunctional AI, bugs, and lack of optimization undermined my trust in Arkane, a studio I had always trusted completely. Even if fixes are implemented throughout Redfall's lifespan, the game's fundamental issues will remain. Moreover, it's important to highlight that, despite being available on Game Pass, the R$350 price tag for purchasing the game is significant. This is the first time in its history that Arkane has failed so disastrously.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Redfall feels like a cluttered and unfocused experience that doesn't compare to the studio's previous endeavors. Arkane's feeble attempt at fusing two genres robs Redfall of everything that made its previous games special. There's no saving Redfall from its bloody fate.
Redfall might not be the worst game released in 2023, but I don’t think I have played something more uninspired. It looks dated, its performance is disappointing, its plot is bland, the controls are glitchy, and the entire gameplay loop is the most generic and passion-devoid AAA schtick you could think of. If Arkane clearly wasn’t willing to make this game, then why would any of us should or want to care about it? Not even the fact it’s on Gamepass makes it being worth downloading it and playing for a day or two.
Redfall, simply put, is a disappointment. What else can be said? In the end, uninteresting gameplay, untapped potential, boring or first-rate systems... We don't know what went wrong in Arkane Austin. But this really isn't the game we expected from them. Or anyone, for that matter.
Review in Czech | Read full review
Redfall unfortunately does not follow the "fresh" ideas that Arkane had recently.
Review in Greek | Read full review
What bums me out the most about Redfall is that it had the potential to be a great game, but its poor execution resulted in frustration. It has its good points, such as fun gunplay, interesting premise and enjoyable cooperative mode; however, its inability to define its own identity, combined with poor performance, repetitive gameplay, silly game design flaws and a swarm of bugs, make the overall experience just average. Unfortunately, the game disappoints, and its worst problem is the lack of focus on defining what its purpose is.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
The question that Redfall leaves me with is why? Why put out such a middling game before it’s ready, especially as any buzz it would have accrued will be swallowed by other game releases? Why not save it for later in the year, after the launch of Starfield, and end the Xbox brand’s year on a high note? Why botch the vampire concept and fill the game with gun-toting soldiers? Why include a loot and skill point system only to make them so boring that leveling up and finding equipment becomes a chore? Why launch a game focusing on multiplayer and not have match-making? Why, Redfall, why?
Redfall ventures into the realm of cooperative action but stumbles in fully realizing its potential, leaving it as a merely decent game with an underutilized immersive sim foundation. While enjoyable with a group of friends, solo players might find the experience less captivating. Redfall’s beautiful art and excellent voice acting provide a silver lining, but they’re not enough to elevate it to the heights of Arkane’s other masterpieces.
Redfall feels like it should have been a no-brainer. You have the studio that's made games like Dishonored and Prey -- games renowned for their atmosphere -- making a game about vampires set in a town that's been conquered by bloodsuckers. If Redfall had basically been nothing more than Dishonored 3: Vampires, it would've been an easy recipe for a GOTY contender. Instead, we have this version of Redfall, which is decidedly not a GOTY contender.