Remnant II Reviews

Remnant II is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2023

Remnant II is a solid sequel that enhances the emerging soulslike genre, adding its unique identity and ideas to its growing pool. A fun and engaging multiplayer experience makes it well worth the price tag, even if you’re generally not a fan of shooters.

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Jul 28, 2023

Remnant 2 is an ambitious sequel stuffed with delightful - and deadly - surprises.

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Jul 20, 2023

Ultimately, Remnant 2 still hits more than it misses. This mish-mashing of two wildly different styles of games still largely succeeds despite not being an entirely clean fusion, and best of all, Gunfire Games has expanded the foundation laid by the first game into something that is truly unique and interesting. Remnant 2 is still rough around the edges, but its interesting worlds, incredible procedural generation system, and variety of playstyles do enough to hold up a game that might not always feel as refined or intuitive as the inspirations it draws from.

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PC Gamer
Top Critic
84 / 100
Jul 25, 2023

Remnant 2 is a dependable looter shooter made special by its boundless capacity to surprise.

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Travis Northup
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2023

Where Remnant: From The Ashes was a strong first draft, Remnant 2 is a revolutionary sequel and a sterling manifesto for the looter-shooter soulslike.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2023

Remnant II is most successful as a tour through a series of disparate dimensions, each contending with their own battles against the villainous Root plaguing their world. The gunplay is solid, the co-op with up to two other players works great, and the lore is fascinating (if you want to dig deep). Remnant II’s plot, characters, and progression are where it falls short, but I like its third-person shooter take on mechanics and ideas borrowed from the Souls games.

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Top Critic
Jul 20, 2023

I’m over the post-apocalypse, and it’s going to take one hell of a game to get me interested in such a bleak setting for the foreseeable future. Remnant 2 is not that game.

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7 / 10
Jul 20, 2023

Remnant 2 builds on its predecessor to create a rewarding and unpredictable experience that's difficult to put down.

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4 / 5.0
Jul 20, 2023

Building on everything that was great about the original - from enemy variety to boss design to the means by which one can customize their play-style - Remnant II just about scrapes by with a follow-up that befits the mantle of "bigger, better, bolder" in numerous ways.

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Jul 20, 2023

A staggering improvement upon a solid foundation, Remnant 2 is an engrossing Soulslike that brings all the horror and joy of alien world exploration to wonderfully dark fruition.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2023

Despite a few shortcomings, Remnant 2 remains one of the most creative, fascinating, and compelling games of the last few years.

8 / 10
Jul 20, 2023

Remnant 2 successfully evolves on its predecessor, isolating and expanding upon the best aspects to create a cohesive and challenging shooter experience, supplemented by stunningly designed environments and a unique story system. A cooperative game at heart, its single-player campaign takes a hit, but never enough to substantially detract from the game’s successes.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2023

Remnant 2 takes what worked about the first game and runs with it. Hugely impressive from both a technical and a design perspective, This game will keep you hooked for a very long time.

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8.8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2023

Remnant 2 takes up the good work done by its predecessor, expanding it, improving it in almost every aspect and smoothing out the rough edges.

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9 / 10
Jul 28, 2023

Remnant II is a fantastic fantasy shooter, offering a dark and enticing series of worlds to explore, loot and conquer. Whether you're playing solo or in co-op, this is easily one of the game experiences of the year.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 26, 2023

A significant improvement on the last game and one of the best Soulslikes of recent years, with excellent use of procedural generation and so much variety it's almost impossible to see everything.

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9 / 10
Jul 20, 2023

Remnant 2’s action, loot, and bosses are cranked up to 11. It’s a marked improvement over the first game, with the fat trimmed and all the good parts ready for devouring right from the start. There’s a lot to love here, with more surprises and reasons to play even after multiple playthroughs. Though I do have a few gripes, they fade into the background as there’s just so much to enjoy here in the minute-to-minute gameplay.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2023

If you were a fan of Remnant: From the Ashes, chances are you already planned to pick up Remnant 2. If you haven’t played the original but are a fan of souls-like games, or even rogue-likes like Risk of Rain 2 or Returnal, this will be right up your alley.

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Jul 31, 2023
Austin strongly recommends: Remnant 2 (Review) - YouTube video thumbnail
Jul 20, 2023

Remnant 2 feels like a love letter to the fans of the first, with an emphasis on replayability and brilliant new features. The different experiences that the game can generate from one person to the next are impressive, as each run feels unique. Combat feels great, and the freedom in build creation is a huge improvement over its predecessor. Still, a few issues with the game's core may leave some disappointed.

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