Detective Pikachu Returns Reviews

Detective Pikachu Returns is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5
Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns is a straightforward mystery adventure whose strengths lie in its Pokémon setting and breakout star.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns is yet another mystery whodunit in the Pokemon universe, but it’s tough to deduce who this is for, despite having all the clues.

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Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns is more adventures with the charming electric mouse from the original, but the straightforward investigation mechanics can be incredibly frustrating in a game that wouldn't look out of place on the Wii U.

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7.3 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

While there is room for improvement, the return of this odd pairing with their new bag of tricks is entertaining. Your mind won’t be changed if the style of the previous game wasn't for you, but patient gumshoes should be satisfied with a capable follow-up.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Oct 16, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns is a charming adventure game for kids new to the mystery genre, but it's so gentle that adults may get Drowzee.

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Oct 10, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns isn’t setting up a sequel, and while I’m glad to have some closure, I am sad to leave Ryme City. Sometimes I get tired of sending Pokémon out for battle to knock each other out, and I just want to go on adventures with Pikachu by my side. Detective Pikachu Returns is imperfect, but lets me revisit the Pokémon world I’d most like to live in. I hope, even if this is the end of Tim and Pikachu’s story, it’s not the end of The Pokémon Company doing interesting, off-the-wall adventure games that can look at this universe in fresh ways.

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7 / 10
Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns serves up more of what delighted us first time around, with an endearing and exciting story packed full of fun and light-hearted silliness. We really do enjoy this gruff, coffee-addled take on Pikachu, he never fails to raise a smile when he goes off on one, and the game successfully straddles a very thin line in giving us an adventure aimed at younger players that long-time Pokémon fans and ancient gamers such as ourselves can also enjoy. If you can handle the inherent repetitiveness of most of the core gameplay, alongside some rather drab visuals, you'll enjoy this one.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns is a relaxing time in a universe full of characters you know and love, and it'll make you laugh, but it won't be for everyone.

7 / 10
Oct 4, 2023

Because of its simplicity, Detective Pikachu Returns is an easy recommendation for young kids and their parents. Hardcore fans will have some fun comparing and contrasting the game's story with the 2019 movie. For everyone else, there are better, more challenging adventures out there, even if none of them feature an electric rat with a children's sized Sherlock Holmes hat.

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5 / 10
Oct 16, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns falls flat, feeling like a hollow experience with under-baked and sparse bolts of brilliance. Wide and mostly empty areas, a difficulty level smaller than a Cutiefly, slightly more gameplay than your standard visual novel, short run time and limited usage of its one truly unique and fun mechanic. Forgive the cliche, but most of Detective Pikachu Returns' moves just weren't very effective.

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72 / 100
Oct 4, 2023

If you like strong challenges, surely this game is not for you, but if you have kids at home or you are looking to immerse yourself in the Pokémon world without further complications, this game will please you like a good cup of coffee.

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6.7 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu: The Return only works as a large and varied "Pokémon container," but as a detective adventure it will only be able to give some satisfaction to the youngest players.

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Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns works as a charming interactive cartoon, but its simplified deduction takes some of the mystery out of it.

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Top Critic
Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu is full of simple puzzes, witty dialogue and Pokemon to discover. It won't thrill older fans from a gameplay perspective, and it's visually inconsistent, but it will likely introduce throusands of young fans to a whole new genre of video games.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns isn’t for everyone, with too much reading for little ones and an overly-gentle difficulty curve for adults, but I think some kids, particularly those just beginning to read and explore the greater Pokémon universe, will have a great time with the game. A surprisingly robust world, diverse mysteries, and involving plot may even draw in some parents, despite badly-dated visuals. Investigate Detective Pikachu Returns before buying, but if it seems like it’s right for you or your kids, don’t hold back – it might just hit you like a minor bolt of brilliance.

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Oct 4, 2023

Detective Pikachu Returns is a fine game that knows its niche and plays into it well. It operates more like an excuse to see Pokémon in a different setting than anything else, but for players interested in that sort of thing, it's fascinating. I wouldn't really recommend the game for adults looking for anything challenging or particularly nuanced, but it's an okay story wrapped in a wonderful world that's reasonably quick to complete. Detective Pikachu Returns doesn't quite make good on the promise the film adaptation gave the series, but it's a solid follow-up and anyone who liked the first will double down on having a good time with the second.

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68 / 100
Oct 4, 2023

While I’ve made it clear that this game is meant for a younger audience, I still recognize its merits. The visuals are clean and crisp, even if the humans look a bit weird. Pikachu himself is a real bright spot, with more charm and personality than any other character. And if you’re a diehard Pokémon fan, there are a ton of them scattered throughout this story. But I can’t recommend this game to anyone reading this review. Rather, Detective Pikachu Returns will be a great fit for your kids. If you’re looking for a fun, approachable adventure they can dive into, this might be a pretty good choice.

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7.2 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

A "Layton-esque" detective game in which Pikachu is obviously the undisputed star. Light and somewhat repetitive gameplay make it suitable for a fairly young or inexperienced audience in this genre of titles. Those looking for a deeper, more complex and challenging experience should look elsewhere.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2023

Ultimately, Detective Pikachu - The Return can boast a plot that could entice the most die-hard fans of the world of Pokémon but it is also characterized by a somewhat bare playful system, which fits into the market segment of detective graphic adventures designed for a very young audience.

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Top Critic
75 / 100
Oct 9, 2023

It can be difficult to recommend Detective Pikachu Returns, unless you are a Pokémon fan who buys absolutely everything they put in front of them. On the other hand, if you like it more casually, I would say save your money.

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