Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Reviews

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
98 / 100
May 5, 2016

‎The thief's denouement is not only the best Uncharted, but the realization that naughty dog's kingdom is not of this world. Nathan Drake has earned paradise with a movie game.‎

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10 / 10.0
May 4, 2016

Spectacular in terms of narrative, this game features astonishing graphics in order to create one of the best games of the current generation. A true masterpiece.

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May 12, 2016

"A Thief's End" is less a conclusion to Nathan Drake's story than an affirmation of the inconclusive wreck it has always been.

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9 / 10
May 5, 2016

An incredible technical achievement but also one of the most cleverly crafted and most cinematic action games ever made.

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May 9, 2016

By the time the campaign ended, I can't imagine any fan of the series will be let down. Throughout the twenty-two chapters and a wonderful final level that you won't want to miss, Nathan Drake's story is finally complete. Whatever a future developer chooses—Naughty Dog has said this is their last Uncharted—they have mighty big shoes to fill. Muddy, worn out, hilarious shoes…

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9.5 / 10.0
May 5, 2016

Stunning art direction; satisfying game feel; a willingness to shake up third-person action conventions, to know when to introduce variety, or let a foot up off the gas; excellent dialogue that reveals a lot without oversharing; and a heck of a conclusion. A thief couldn't ask for a better end.

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10 / 10
May 5, 2016

Uncharted 4 is more than masterful, bearing the hallmarks of a true system seller. What struck me most as an ardent fans of the series is how much it breaks away from the original blueprint yet manages to amaze on every level. Where many studios step safely from one sequel and into the next, Naughty Dog has taken a gigantic leap, proving yet again they're the best in the business.

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9.4 / 10.0
May 5, 2016

Uncharted 4 is an unforgettable adventure and the best chapter in the series. Broader maps and improved gunplay make the game a joy to play. And visually everything is simply stunning.

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9 / 10
May 5, 2016

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is by far one of the best games I've played this year, and that list includes quite a few gems. It's a brilliant Act 3 to the series, and it works extremely well to tie up all the loose ends that the games have made over the years, as well as offers up an outstanding third-person multiplayer experience you won't find anywhere else. But exactly whose end is it? Well, that's something you'll have to figure out yourself, as I wouldn't want to spoil it for any of you reading this review. What I can say, however, is it is the best representation of the Uncharted series we have seen to date, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't experience it firsthand.

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May 5, 2016

A fun and fitting end for Nathan Drake

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10 / 10.0
May 5, 2016

A good series should end on a high note. Naughty Dog could beat the series into perpetuity, but they chose to close this chapter of their story at a high point and allow themselves and players to move on. In some ways it feels like I'm playing Uncharted for the first time again, living that sense of incredulity and adventure as we join Nathan Drake and his charming half-tuck for one final adventure rooted in love and sacrifice. It's a bittersweet feeling, but they've gone all in to make sure that A Thief's End is the Uncharted finale that the fans deserve.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 5, 2016

As cornball as it can be, however, Uncharted 4 remains a damn classy romp with a sensitive side, and fans are undoubtedly going to adore it. If this is to be Naughty Dog's series swansong, they ended on a note to be proud of.

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9 / 10.0
May 5, 2016

Uncharted's fourth numbered entry sends the series' charming rapscallion off with an exciting and emotional bang

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May 5, 2016

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is one of the few PS4 exclusives that lives up to the "Greatness Awaits" slogan. There's a special element to games from Naughty Dog that deliver the type of single player experiences that can stand on their own, offering the perfect blend of story telling, visuals, and gameplay -- everything else I just consider a bonus.

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9 / 10
May 24, 2016
Uncharted 4 Angry Review [RF] video thumbnail
May 6, 2016

Nathan Drake returns for one last treasure hunt, resulting in a beautiful and exciting gaming experience that transcends it flaws

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May 5, 2016

Signed-up members of the Uncharted club will allow themselves a smirk as Drake quips "hey, this isn't my first lost city, y'know?", but Naughty Dog --now one of the most respected developers in the world-- are careful not to leave newcomers behind. All you need to enjoy the yarn is here: set up by a script written with warmth, humour and confidence; delivered by a skilled and willing cast.

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Top Critic
20 / 20
May 5, 2016

Once again Naughty Dog lives up to the event and the expectations of the players. The studio signed this episode as the most successful of the Uncharted series. The subtle mix of gameplay with that of The Last of Us is very effective and transcends mind-blowing direction and art direction.

Review in French | Read full review

9.5 / 10.0
May 5, 2016

Hands down, Uncharted 4 is the best title ever developed by Naughty Dog, and not just because of the stunning graphics. A wonderful balance between storytelling and gameplay, even better than the previous installments, pushing the boundaries of engagement and sheer fun. There’s no better way to say it: if you own a PlayStation 4, you must play this game.

Review in Italian | Read full review

May 5, 2016

It's the most appetising game smorgasbord we've ever had the good fortune to sample, with just the right blend of impactful storyline, cinematic cutscenes, explosive set pieces, exploration, discovery, puzzle solving and good old shootouts.

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