Mafia 3 Reviews

Mafia 3 is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.8 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2016

If anything, I think the game is worth checking out for the story alone. It's unfortunate that the gameplay is so much of a slog that some players may not think the story is worth the trouble. However, if you have the time, the extra coin, and love mob stories, this tale has a satisfying end.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2016

Mafia III is easily one of the most try-hard console titles of 2016.

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Oct 10, 2016

An enthralling open-world crime drama tarnished only by a few largely inoffensive bugs, Mafia 3 succeeds in delivering an involving story with great shooting and stealth gameplay. Repetitive missions and a lack of polish mar the experience, but you'll still have a ton of fun playing Mafia 3.

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7.6 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2016

Mafia 3 is a game with many flaws but ultimately a good successor to the Mafia franchise with a great story and yet another strong lead character.

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Oct 13, 2016

Mafia III has some great characters and a lovely world to explore, but it at its core it is an uninspiring sandbox game, of which I expected more.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2016

Mafia 3's strong characters and confident storytelling kept me engaged, even if the gameplay rarely delivered anything but bog-standard and repetitive open-world action. That's a bummer, because Lincoln is an incredible protagonist and New Bordeaux is a fantastic setting thematically, and it would've been great to see them put to better use.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2016

Hangar 13 has opted for a more conservative delivery, more true to its roots and dump all the weight of the game in the narrative. However, for the way he has presented a playable development of history too repetitive, to access assassination missions of the ringleaders, they'll let us some good shooting on the best stages of the game, with interior worked.

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75 / 100
Oct 17, 2016

I felt like I was playing Grand Theft Auto III. If I were rating the story and acting, I would put it at a 95 out of 100. But with all of the bugs and flaws in the gameplay, I am rating the entire package at 75 out of 100. I hope my feedback will be useful as a reminder to developers that six months more work on a game can pay off with huge dividends in quality. But I also believe some of the problems here would be very hard to fix with simple updates.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2016

While Mafia III is not a game-changing entry, it is a genuine attempt to tell an entertaining story. It's too bad that technical and graphical issues get in the way of progress on occasion, and a few gameplay mechanics cause the game to quickly boil down to the same handful of mission types, which means to get to the next chapter of the main story takes some monotony. Still, for fans of America's deep South, the 1960's, or good storytelling, Mafia III is worth your time and money.

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75 / 100
Oct 14, 2016

There's a lot to like in Mafia III, the presentation is very impressive and the discussion of race is brought up appropriately. The story unfolds well and doesn't disappoint, but the mission structure brings about a host of disappointments. Missions rarely give the opportunity to let side characters develop, and the main story consists of doing the exact same objectives over and over until the credits roll. Unfortunately, Mafia III is as disappointing as it is impressive.

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75 / 100
Oct 13, 2016

Although the missions are repetitive, the gameplay itself is amazingly fun.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2016

I would say it's best to enjoy this game as a slow burn. It's presented as a documentary and I think it's best to be enjoyed as a documentary series where you take control of the action and play for a few hours here and there. The message that it has to say about blackness, revenge, and racial tension in America is a nice change of pace from the bloated landscape of other open-world games, and a vital one in 2016.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2016

It looks like the new Mafia game is not what it supposed to be and from what we saw till now, the whole franchise it's not what it most be. It still not a real open world game and the graphics is not a 8 Generation masterpiece but not that bad. The gameplay is more like an 6 Generation game full of bad shooting and bad driving handle; but still manages to be an original mafia game, nothing more.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2016

Graphically the game is stunning, however the glitches that are blindingly obvious cannot be ignored.

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Oct 24, 2016

Mafia III had great potential, but the devs almost killed the game by artificial repeating quests. At least story is still interesting and if you can look past the repetition, it might still be worth playing. But you still might want to wait for patches.

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7.1 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2016

Mafia III is an enjoyable and fun game, even if you don't have to expect the splendor of GTA V, the insanity of Saints Row IV or the great locations of Far Cry 4.

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7.1 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2016

It's unfortunate that the Mafia III gameplay isn't anywhere near as compelling as the storytelling. An ingenious mix of setting and characters has been established to generate a believable spin on organized crime, but the game mechanics are nowhere near as impressive in either design or execution. You'll want to see it through to the end, and there are obviously some elements that are entertaining, but the gameplay becomes a tired loop far too early on. It's perhaps one of the biggest disappointments of all that the gameplay fails to complement such believable worldbuilding.

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Oct 14, 2016

A game of inspired highs diluted with pedestrian lows. Worthy, but achieves less than its true potential.

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Oct 7, 2016

Hangar 13 tells a great story in Mafia 3, pitting Lincoln Clay against those who took his family from him. Great characters, solid dialog, and some top-notch motion capture flesh out the world. Unfortunately, the open-world nature of the game kills the story pacing with a repetitive mission loop. Mafia 3 could've been great, but it's just good.

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Game Revolution
Top Critic
Oct 13, 2016

Mafia 3 seems to be a great game that was rushed to meet deadlines. Whether this decision was based on meeting quarterly expectations for parent company Take-Two or if it was due to the development budget running out, this game would've greatly benefited from a couple more months in development. Sadly, it's paid the price for its rush to market with a noticeable lack of polish across gameplay and presentation.

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