Attack on Titan Reviews

Attack on Titan is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Aug 27, 2016

Omega Force and Koei Tecmo should be fully commended - I didn't think we would ever get a good Attack on Titan game, let alone a great one.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

Attack on Titan is a good game, but not a great one. It does a tremendous job of adapting the anime's excellent action scenes to an exciting set of game mechanics, but struggles to extend that fun core into full-length game. Any given fifteen seconds of Attack on Titan is excellent, but those fifteen seconds are repeated again and again until they're no longer compelling.

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Top Critic
3.5 / 5.0
Sep 4, 2016

In conclusion the game works very well because the style of play is what Koei does best, and that's just the kind of developer this game needed, I'm very pleased with the game as a whole, Attack on Titan was a very anticipated series which meant it had high expectations, this probably deducted from my overall enjoyment of the series, however the game definitely reignited that fire by making it immersive and putting you at the center of the series, I found myself totally addicted to playing the game, despite occasionally being bogged down in mission ranking and items gathered screens after each mission and the slightly overdone dialogue that was probably a little bit more than necessary. I only tore myself away from the game once, and that's a high score in my books, definitely worth looking into, definitely worth buying, but perhaps not worth the $90 price tagged slapped on it, $60 would be the go. Overall though, a pleasure to play and to review also.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2016

Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom impressively captures the finesse and chaos that the anime conveys. With its Spiderman-like grappling system and simple combat, the game should be a welcome addition to fans of the series and gamers alike.

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7.4 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom is a valiant attempt to capture the feel of AoT that is unfortunately encumbered by some underwhelming elements. The game's easy difficulty, as well as pop-in and some questionable A.I. ultimately drag the experience down a few notches. These issues aside however, WoF boasts a strong story mode, terrifying Titans, and solid gameplay that shows the utmost respect for what this franchise has so quickly become.

4.2 / 5.0
Aug 26, 2016

There is no question why Attack on Titan is garnering such acclaim in many different media forms. It has an interesting cast, a gripping narrative, and is shrouded with questions that just beg to be answered. The gameplay, while repetitive, is enjoyable nonetheless. If you have even a shred of interest in the series, immersing yourself in this video game will satisfy your craving to be a part of story from start to finish.

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Aug 29, 2016

Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom isn't just a faithful adaptation of the popular series, it's also one of the fastest action games this year.

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7 / 10
Aug 26, 2016

It may be repetitive,  but flying around with the ODM gear and cutting up Titans is just fun enough that it never really became a huge issue

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9 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2016

Attack on Titan is a unique experience for me. It's a great game based on a boring series and because Omega Force was able to make me care about Attack on Titan, I'm going to have to score it appropriately.

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Krista Noren
Top Critic
7.9 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2016

Though Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom can get repetitive after quite a few hours in, there is a ton of mindless fun to be had from just speeding across expanses of land and taking down dozens upon dozens on giant foes. Even if you aren't a fan of the anime or manga, Wings of Freedom is a very enjoyable experience.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2016

Attack on Titan from Koei Tecmo does a very good job of introducing the series to new players through compelling and fun action. Fans of the series may not find many surprises in the story, but it is still worth playing none-the-less. While it suffers from similar repetitive gameplay as its Dynasty Warriors predecessors, I found it to be enjoyable from start to finish. There is just enough variation among Titan types and characters to make things feel slightly different each time.

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Aug 25, 2016

A.O.T: Wings of Freedom (it isn’t named Attack on Titan for trademark issues within the UK, like the 3DS game before it) is a near-perfect way of bringing the series to consoles, and is by far one of the best licensed games I’ve played.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2016

Attack on Titan is a mandatory experience for the fans of the anime. Koei Tecmo creates a good combat system and fighting with titans is amazing but in the game, everything feels sketchy and gameplay is starting to get boring by time.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 24, 2017

Attack on Titan has, arguably, the best possible flaw: a desire for more of it! With some fast-paced and outright enjoyable fighting, the game is an outright joy. The story won't hold much surprise for fans, but, at the same time, it's still a good one. The question really isn't so much 'Is it enjoyable?' but 'Is it long enough to justify a purchase?' Sadly, the answer isn't clear enough of a yes, but almost everything else is very solid and well-made.

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Aug 26, 2016

'Attack on Titan' focuses on a single idea and nails it absolutely perfectly. The game runs the risk of feeling repetitive at times, but it smartly mitigates that by injecting enough variety into each mission and playable character. While the game isn't without its flaws, at its best, it's an extremely exciting action game with some of the greatest movement mechanics I've ever seen. 'Attack on Titan' is both perfect for series' fans and a terrific game in its own right, and absolutely shouldn't be ignored.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
8 / 10
Aug 26, 2016

If you are a fan of the Attack On Titan series then this should be a no-brainer, get it and enjoy it. If you don’t know the series but enjoy fast paced high intensity action, pick it up and have a good time. Attack On Titan impressed me multiple times and is just plain fun.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 27, 2016

Sasha is best girl.

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9 / 10
Sep 2, 2016

Attack on Titan is an excellent take on the beloved anime. It is fast-paced, looks great and offers a ton of online and offline content for you to enjoy. While the game does struggle a bit on PlayStation Vita as it forces it to its limits, the PlayStation 4 runs smoothly without a hitch. We both had a great time playing the game for our Attack on Titan review, and we hope to read what you thought of the game once you get a chance to play it!

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8 / 10
Sep 2, 2016

Attack on Titan is a game that is mainly built for fans of the anime and manga. It manages to capture the look and feel of the series with its execution, even though it is not perfect. At its core, the game is a fun hack and slash experience that should not be missed by the fans.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2016

The game very accurately depicted the anime and nailed the speed and ferocity of slaying titans, although I do find the price point to be just a little bit too high for what the game actually gives you in content.

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