Attack on Titan Reviews

Attack on Titan is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5
Aug 27, 2016

As a huge fan of the Anime, I really enjoyed this game and I'll probably keep playing it for a long time, which is why I'd highly recommend it to any other fan. However, if you didn't watch the Anime, or did so but didn't like it, then I don't think this is game you'd enjoy.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2016

Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom deserves a lot of praise for accurately capturing the feel of the anime and translating it to video game form. Unfortunately, once you get past the accurate representation, there isn't much to the game. You'll kill the same Titans in the same environments with the same tactics over and over, and there's little to no deviation. There's enough interesting content to last you through the story mode, but it wears out its welcome long before you finish the epilogues. Fans of the anime should get a good amount of gameplay out of this, but only the most hardcore will keep going after they're finished.

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68 / 100
Aug 27, 2016

Attack on Titan provides fun, giant-slaying action for the first few hours, but lackluster characters, shallow missions, and grinding upgrade system prove to be the rock that toppled Goliath.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
8 / 10
Aug 27, 2016

Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom is absolutely superb and is all the fans could have hoped for—and more. Exhilarating and addictive, it manages to do justice to the source material and deliver moments fans will adore. A must-buy for any fans of the series and even worth picking up for newbies, too.

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Aug 26, 2016

You'll be genuinely challenged by what's on offer in A.O.T, and there is most definitely a strong sense of satisfaction from slicing through the monstrous titans. Given that this is the first attempt at a very different kind of game for Koei Tecmo, I'd say that Attack on Titan franchise is in good hands going forward.

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3 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2024

Two glass snails, a framed picture of my girlfriend’s nephew, a small model frog, several Christmas tree baubles, and the temporary disablement of my left little finger. This was the price of Attack on Titan VR, the Quest title that’s easily the most physically destructive game I’ve ever played.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2016

A.O.T: Wings of Freedom has easily become one of my favourite games of the year and I’m really happy to be able to say that. Any concerns or worries that I had going into the game were blown away and my anticipation was met and far exceeded. The game is equally challenging and satisfying and I highly recommend it to anyone. Well done Omega Force and Koei Temco on yet another great anime based title and I can’t wait to see a follow-up game soon.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2016

In spite of the flaws, Attack on Titan is a great way to introduce people to Omega Force (that is, if they didn't play the excellent Hyrule Warriors) and hopefully it'll introduce more people to Dynasty Warriors as well.

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Aug 28, 2016

Wings of Freedom erzählt die Story des Animes vorlagentreu nach und fängt mit seinem Kampfsystem, der 3D-Grafik und der treibenden Musik die Atmosphäre prima ein - häufige Kameraprobleme und Eintönigkeit trüben die Freude jedoch etwas.

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Sep 15, 2016

Attack on Titan offers players an incredible amount of content. With numerous game modes, an intriguing story, unique gameplay, interesting characters, and a plethora of side quests/objectives, Attack on Titan is loaded with well over 70 hours of gameplay (and that's probably on the low end of estimates).

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7 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2016

AOT: Wings of Freedom” is a story-guided action game based on the original manga series Attack on Titan

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4.5 / 5.0
Aug 29, 2016

Attack on Titan is as high-flying and fun as the anime it's based on.

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7.9 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

For franchise fans, this is a no-brainer, capturing the feel of the AoT world and its messy, visceral combat. For everyone else, this is a maybe; combat is fluid and takedowns are satisfying, but gameplay can get monotonous. Try before you buy.

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5 / 10
Aug 27, 2016

As the game is now, though, Attack on Titan is just another middling title that fans of the license may enjoy, but others will struggle to complete.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

Attack on Titan surprised me. I am more used to licensed properties, especially those in the anime world, being sub-par at best. Shingeki no Kyojin destroyed that expectation, stomped it into oblivion, then chewed on the remains. Serious, intense, fast, and incredibly challenging at times, Attack on Titan really shines when you are swinging from one side of a map to the other in the hopes of rescuing a comrade in distress. Though the Epilogue introduces a horrible looking and frankly dumb new titan, it still provides some good after-action, well, action.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2016

I personally love the AOT mythos and have read the tankobons and watched the anime

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8.9 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2016

"If you don't get hooked on the gameplay, you may find the game repetitious in the latter stages, but by then you'll have gotten your money's worth regardless. Ask yourself one question before passing this game up; will I ever have another chance to bloodily slice limbs off of grotesque naked men (without doing serious jail time)?"

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Aug 29, 2016

After watching the first season of Attack On Titan I just wanted more. Now almost two years later A.O.T. Wings of Freedom is released and it is everything I wanted! But is it all that great?

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Aug 26, 2016

Attack on Titan is a fun, unique, and different yet familiar style of game that keeps pulling me back in for either new equipment material to farm or just to boost around the environments. It got me interested in the series more so then ever before and shows that the Dynasty Warriors-like gameplay can still provide a unique and interesting take on the genre depending on the set up and added mechanics.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 26, 2016

Though it may feel a bit repetitive at times, the game's impressive emphasis on story, varied cast of playable characters and welcome customization features will keep all but the most jaded players engaged from start to finish. If you're a fan of the series who's been eagerly anticipating a proper Attack on Titan game deserving of the name, this is the experience you've been waiting for.

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