Anger Foot Reviews

Anger Foot is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2024

As bizarre as it sounds, Anger Foot is quite enjoyable and, despite some technical flaws, it provides players with a wild and entertaining experience.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2024

Anger Foot initially impresses with its creativity, gameplay, and stylization, but these positive impressions gradually fade due to mediocre level design. While the fast-paced combat is enjoyable and the variety of sneakers that provide abilities is a clever idea, along with multiple ways to solve optional side objectives, the game's levels lack standout features. This leads to a quick loss of novelty and interest after a short time of playing.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot Kicks things up to 11 with its fast-paced gameplay, stylish aesthetic and bumpin' tracks, making it a must-play for fans of the genre.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2024

If you haven’t wishlist Anger Foot yet, then you probably should if you don’t buy it right away. With multiple levels to each act, you can get at least 4 to 8 hrs of gameplay depending on how you play. If you want to put on the stuff to make it easier, then yes it will be faster. The characters within are comical and in a way relatable. The game’s comedy was a nice blend of the corny moments from High on Life with the action-pact pacing of Doom Eternal or Bulletstorm.

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70 / 100
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot's rapid-fire, door-kicking action will compel some to dance along to its vibrant beat, but repetition and lackluster levels mean not all will be swept off their feet.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2024

Anger Foot combines fast-paced gameplay, cool visual design, and smart humor and offers an innovative and challenging way to experience its world, proving that even a simple, low-budget indie game can be done correctly.

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80 / 100
Jul 15, 2024

Anger Foot’s fast and frantic pace is just what the podiatrist ordered. Though its bite-sized levels and twitchy gameplay aren’t for everyone, those who like to go on the offensive and nail the perfect run will enjoy stepping foot in this new territory.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2024

Kicking down doors and kicking in the snot of cartoon crime to a cheerful hardstyle is quite fun. However, with the (hefty) duration chosen, Anger Foot lacks variety in gameplay and dynamic soundtrack.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is essentially Hotline Miami played from a first-person perspective, with your foot being your most valuable asset. As fun as kicking things with a variety of effects is, however, the action gets repetitive pretty fast, the difficulty feels unfair at times, and the soundtrack may drive you up the wall.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is a very good game if you're fond of its mashup of ideas. The short levels, fast speed, and mostly one-hit kills all work well with the game's offbeat and goofy nature. It's a boomer shooter that demands near-perfection in execution but has enough tools to accommodate those who may not vibe with that ideal. Anger Foot has a good campaign length and a stylized presentation, so it is a strong option for fans of pure action.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Sure, the juvenile sense of humor never landed, and the level design basically forces you to die over and over again, with little time for you to plan or react, but it’s addictive. The gameplay loop just works. It’s arcadey as all hell, it’s replayable, full of secrets, and there’s no better feeling than being able to complete a level with 100% of enemies being beaten, without ever being touched by a bullet. Anger Foot is flawed, and quite arrogant at times, but it was well worth the wait.

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Jul 12, 2024

Anger Foot knocks the opposition flat out. At a breakneck pace, you get introduced to the punishing combat, and you keep coming back for more. The arsenal is finely tuned, the enemies you chop up are fun to fight, and the soundtrack is proof that "hardcore never dies." Free Lives presents a unique gameplay system in a distinctive setting. With over sixty levels, players can experience the intense fury of Anger Foot while unlocking new sneakers for the most bizarre gameplay variations. Despite some performance issues due to the unruly physics and somewhat disappointing boss battles, Anger Foot is a fast-paced and humorous first-person shooter that will have me tapping my feet with joy. Are we witnessing the birth of a new subgenre in the first-person shooter landscape? One thing is certain: Anger Foot reigns supreme in this Nouveau Riche. Ready to stomp? Let’s go!

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8 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2024

Anger Foot has a special place in my heart, and I'm determined to collect all the sneakers and uncover their abilities.

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85 / 100
Jul 15, 2024

Anger Foot is a crazy, high-adrenaline First-Person Shooter that will suck you in for hours until you have finished the game. While it does not do anything revolutionary for the genre, it does what it does very well. I’m totally here for the addictive gameplay loop, the world that doesn’t take itself seriously, and that soundtrack that I can’t seem to get enough of. I highly recommend this game to anyone who appreciates high octane, toe-curling action, and satirical humor in their video games.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2024

Anger Foot is a lot of fun, there’s no question about it. But some players may feel that it’s also something of a one-trick pony, which I understand to an extent. It’s all about furiously rushing through a stage kicking and shooting, reaching the end and doing it all over again in a different but often similar area. I didn’t get tired of doing this for a few hours, but your mileage may vary.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 1, 2024

Anger Foot is loud, dumb fun with a blistering soundtrack to kick doors down to.

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Worth your time
Jul 23, 2024

Anger Foot isn’t for everyone – its humour will be off putting to some, and its breakneck pace won’t suit others. However, those who buy into its bizarre world, comical ultraviolence, and tricky challenges will enjoy the ten hours or so it will take to see the story through to the end. Much more time can be spent tackling the various challenges and unlocking all of the shoe types. Anger Foot is a simple but thoroughly well made action game, a perfect fit for Devolver’s stable and delirious, brutal fun.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 21, 2024

Anger Foot is a lightning-fast hard bass blast of kicking doors and kicking ass. However to me, I’d define it as a first-person, Hotline Miami, mixed with High on Life. The game is chaotic but in a good way. While the game is great for a good laugh, that’s about all the value I get out of it, and to me, the game seems a little over-priced for the amount of time I spent playing it once, and for a game, I’m likely to just casually pick-up again to “kick-ass”.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2024

Despite the somewhat high difficulty level and a number of frustrating moments when you were shot by someone off-screen, Anger Foot is a wonderful game. Finding your way is quite quick and once you have found it it is a matter of adapting your style. It is an arcade game par excellence and does everything it can to suck you into the action. If you succeed, it doesn't matter if you die a few times in a row. You just get right back up and fly through a door with your foot again to kick a fire extinguisher in someone's face. Senseless and comedic violence can feel good, but please do that while you're playing this game.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot can be considered a good successor to Hotline Miami, although it doesn't quite match it. It's not an experience for everyone, as it proves to be very challenging and often frustrating, especially for those not accustomed to this type of game. However, the great level design and high-profile artistic component make the production by Free Lives and Devolver noteworthy.

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