Anger Foot Reviews

Anger Foot is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot will be a game brought up in the same conversations as Hotline Miami and Ape Out. It’s an experience that will go down in arcade FPS history as something that existed when we needed it. And maybe I didn’t know that I needed to unwind with a game where my primary form of attack was to kick, but that’s what this turned into. It’s nice to play a game that knows how to be a game. Your skills will be tested, but like me, you’ll keep returning for more.

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87 / 100
Jul 16, 2024

With Anger Foot, Free Lives has made a unique, memorable, and above all else, a “fun” video game. It’s another testament to Devolver’s passion for publishing original, eccentric, and creative indie games. Moreover, it’s got great regional pricing on top of its replayable nature. Anger Foot— featuring feet so fine you’d think Tarantino designed them.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2024

Anger Foot is a ton of fun, with its frantic first-person blend of kicking and shooting making for a deceptively strategic experience. The variety of footwear you unlock adds another layer of strategy to the approach you can take through levels, whilst learning the layout of each room and how to prioritise your attacks against enemies is certainly rewarding. It looks fantastic too, with its over-the-top art style suiting the zanily brutal nature of the game. Sure, it can be a little bit guilty of feeling repetitive in places, but with an exciting gameplay loop that feels like it built for short-burst sessions, it doesn’t stop Anger Foot from being a blast to play.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is a fantastic action game that's hilarious, frantic, and perfectly paced.

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Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot, the new work of Free Lives, offers a crazy, frenetic and fun proposal, which invites us to clean a city full of ruffians by force of kicks. A game full of humor whose frenetic gameplay invites us to enjoy crazy action by kicking everything that crosses our path. Visually it is very striking and the moving soundtrack does nothing but motivate us to throw kicks and send the enemies through the air.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

10 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Grimy, gross, and utterly silly with a healthy dose of fast-paced and fun gameplay to boot, Anger Foot is sure to kick your ass and steal your attention, as if it was a muppet in a ski mask mugging you in a back alley.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is a unique and fun experience, full of action and challenges that will test your skills and reflexes. With a simple and engaging premise, the game offers a combination of intense combat and quick objectives, all set in a bizarre and captivating setting, making it a good choice for those looking for a quick and challenging game, with a hint of humor and bizarreness. Even with some technical setbacks, the fun and intensity of the action make the experience worth it.

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Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is a fun and frenetic FPS with a sizable campaign, only sputtering out in its brief slower segues, but remaining entertaining throughout.

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Jul 11, 2024

Your most important weapon in "Anger Foot" is your powerful foot. You use it to kick criminals around at full sprint. Together with the booming techno soundtrack, this makes for a fantastic and sweat-inducing action spectacle.

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8 / 10
Jul 11, 2024

After Terra Nil, Free Lives returns to the macarrada with a frantic and ultra-violent arcade that subjects you to the rules of its deranged universe, getting you drunk with absurd humor and kicks.

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70 / 100
Jul 12, 2024

For those seeking a break from the glossy realism of AAA titles and a plunge into the irreverent waters of indie gaming, Anger Foot offers a refreshing dip. It’s not flawless, but its flaws are forgivable in the face of its infectious energy and commitment to delivering a visceral if occasionally vexing, experience.

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8 / 10
Jul 12, 2024

Anger Foot is exactly what you'd expect from a Devolver Digital game. It's fun, quirky, hilarious, unapologetic, and simply a damn good time. With a straightforward premise and easy-to-learn mechanics, the game is given depth with its inventive use of sneakers and replayability to give it a much-needed kick.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

With a unique gimmick and plenty of action, Anger Foot is everything a tongue-in-cheek FPS should be: short, sweet, and to the door-kicking point.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is a good shooter but it's not always a compelling shooter nor the best it should be. I feel it important to give flowers to the unique use of hardstyle music and the fun implementations of new abilities granted by the different pairs of shoes you unlock. Though the polish and sheen are undeniably present with its gorgeous presentation and frenetic and fun gameplay that sees a symphony of flying kicks, bullets and grenades, it's let up by ways the game could've been better refined. The humour found within gets old after a while and it has some of the most dull and uninspired boss designs I've seen in a shooter for quite some time. Yes, the minute-to-minute is good but the pitfalls feel like a square, hard kick in the head. Ouch.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2024

Fast, addictive and wildly varied, Anger Foot is an arcade booter shooter that laces up and refuses to stop kicking ass.

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Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot takes the trial-and-error formula, and puts its best foot forward. The game does a lot with a basic concept and amps it up with modifiers, objectives, and a bumpin’ soundtrack. The game can be downright challenging at times, but being able to get past that level you were stuck on or pull off some really cool reactive feat is so satisfying. Free Lives made a really kickass game, and the unlock system gives a lot of incentive to change-up your playstyle and experiment. Anger Foot is all killer, no filler.

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