Anger Foot Reviews

Anger Foot is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
85 / 100
Jul 12, 2024

Anger Foot is a funny, unique FPS only slightly let down by performance issues.

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Top Critic
Jul 11, 2024

But that's a minor gripe that stems more from my love of fictional grimy cities than anything Anger Foot is actually doing wrong. The FPS is well-paced, smartly designed, and looks like a cartoon you would joyously gulp down with a Capri-Sun after school. It can occasionally frustrate, but it gives you all the tools you need to tailor the experience to your taste. It does many things well, and it accomplishes them elegantly. That a game this focused on feet pulled all that off has got to be the gaming surprise of 2024.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Defeat can be a bitter pill in Anger Foot, but I was amazed at how eager I remained to jump back in time after time. Firefights remained an exciting challenge even if I’d played it numerous times. Thwarting foes milliseconds before they pull the trigger, either by brute force or cleverly utilizing my surroundings, never ceased to feel cool. You should definitely walk a mile in these shoes.

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9 / 10
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is loud, gross, punishing, and funny as hell. It's a crime-fueled fever dream sprinkled with moments of genuine silly sincerity, and it's all connected by fast and fun foot-first combat that I couldn't get enough of.

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6 / 10
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot has a laser-targeted feel to its approach, and I can certainly see a specific group of FPS sickos losing their minds over it. There are tons of challenge, built-in speedrunning, and lots of flashing colors. There’s enough toilet humor to decimate an underfunded transit station bathroom, too. But if you fall outside of those extremely specific (and smelly) parameters, potential interest in Anger Foot is going to plummet. I don’t see the humor being enough to encourage casual audiences to stick around, even with the ability to turn dying off. Personally, I’m happy to wash my hands, uh, literally.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2024

Difficult, adrenaline-fuelled and stupid as hell, Anger Foot does not disappoint and, after the 2022 demo, kicking dumb enemies like there's no tomorrow also works in the long run.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 11, 2024

While there's a chance that Anger Foot might not make a perfect first impression, it's recommended that any players keep at it, as what lies within is very well one of this year's best FPS games. A twisted gem of caffeinated action that never lets up and finds new ways to challenge players while still keeping things accessible to all, this is one shooter that plays like bizarre dream that's filthy and candy-coated at the same time, with great humor, visuals and an intense soundtrack to boot. One way or another, metaphorically or literally, you'll get a terrific kick out of it.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2024

Anger Foot is filled with goofy violence and gorgeous visuals, allowing you to get creative in how you complete each level.

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Jul 11, 2024

Two-thirds exhilarating and ingenious, one third asinine and frustrating, Anger Foot feels played out by the time you've finished the first few stages. Through great level design, constant novelty, and mostly solid fundamentals, it remains intoxicating for another sixty of them.

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Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot's one-note action gimmick can't find a second leg to stand on.

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90 / 100
Aug 31, 2024

Angry Foot is a fun first-person shooter where your primary weapon is your foot. Anger Foot has a stylized cartoon-like aesthetic similar to what you would find on Adult Swim. With smooth gameplay and an exotic world, Anger Foot is a must-buy.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 4, 2024

Anger Foot is a furious, addictive and fun action game with lots of silly humor, simple bosses and overly long stages.

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80 / 100
Jul 22, 2024

Anger Foot seems like it could be a one-trick-pony game, with shallow gameplay and gimmick. In fact, it’s a clever and fast-paced shooter with excellent pacing, surprising depth, and a lot of humor. It doesn’t outstay its welcome and it’s reasonably replayable. If you’re looking for a bit of foot-fueled adrenaline, Anger Foot fits the bill.

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8.4 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

Anger Foot is the game that many of us wanted, but no one has had the courage to develop so far. A first-person Miami Hotline with Duke Nukem's Mighty Foot-style enemies to kick, oversaturated colors, thumping soundtrack, and several shoes to try, each with their own unique powers. There is also room for firearms, with the right degree of devastation, to traverse the levels without leaving any survivors. The indoor action is much more frenetic, getting a little lost in the outdoor sections where parkour takes over the shootout, but it remains a tremendously fun shooter/brawler.

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7 / 10
Jul 27, 2024

At its best, Anger Foot is a successful homage to the illustrious title it is inspired by, Hotline Miami, with a clever adaptation in FPS view.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

You are almost fascinated by the pounding rhythm of Anger Foot, a shooter that looks to the past without disdaining the present.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2024

While it may have kicked my ass to kingdom come, Anger Foot is a creative approach to a chaotically simple FPS that's light on the shooting and heavy on the kicking. Despite the simplicity of its controls, it is a refreshing take on an FPS that encourages players to do something other than mindlessly shoot enemies. I cannot wait to see what else Free Lives and Devolver cook up!

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2024

Anger Foot has all the makings of a cult classic. Shooting and booting your way through the bonkers assortment of enemies remains exhilarating throughout with plenty of replayability. From the cartoonish flying feet to a vaping, ski-masked adorned girlfriend, it's endearingly quirky if a little juvenile. Levels might blur together and hold it back from greatness, but if there are plans to establish a franchise of ass kickers, I'd wholeheartedly welcome the news.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jul 16, 2024

Angry Foot is the most fun game you can play this year. It is fast, funny, punishing, and rewarding all at the same time. It has a great level design, with simple mechanics and a high value of repeatability. There are a few minor technical issues, but it shouldn't stop you from playing this gem of an action game.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2024

A surprisingly deep first-person title, Anger Foot is easy to get in, despite the crass humor. Some elements may frustrate, but it's hard to deny the fun of kicking everything into oblivion.

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