Cat Quest III Reviews
Cat Quest III is a fantastic game and is far better than it has any right to be. More than just a silly game with silly puns, it is an impressive showcase of simple but quality game design, where they leave clever and tantalising breadcrumbs of discovery to drive the player forward. It's a tight and easy-to-control questathon game that anyone can play. That's perfect too; it's some of the simplest and most fun couch co-operative gaming I've experienced in yonks. Many a joyful moment was had hacking, slashing and dodging with my partner right by my side, before taking to the luscious and gorgeous crystal blue seas. These are only some of the gorgeous sights on offer. The Purribean is your oyster. Set sail, Cat Quest III is a real one.
Cat Quest 3 is a paw-some laid back adventure that could be enjoyed by anyone, especially if a friend is available to join in.
Cat Quest III is a succinct, super-adorable action RPG that builds on its predecessors with even more variety, accomplished visuals, fun twists and an absurd dictionary of puns. If you're after an adventure that offers everything you'd want from a modern RPG in a bite-sized format and less than 10-hour runtime, this is fur you.
Cat Quest III is a short, fun game with simple but interesting combat that will keep you occupied for a few evenings. While largely a standalone, there are plenty of nods to the previous games in the series.
Cat Quest III is a delightful ARPG that embodies what I love about the genre: colorful themes, adventuring, and thrilling, fast-paced combat that also yields subtle depth.
Cat Quest III is a simple and fun pirate adventure that takes us into a universe full of adorable kittens, nasty "pi-rats," and many more incredibly charming creatures! With a small game world full of islands and caves to explore and a cast of delightfully well-developed characters, The Gentlebros' creation once again manages to entertain and engage, thanks to its straightforward gameplay that never gets boring.
Review in Italian | Read full review
While staying true to its small-scale, casual approach, Cat Quest 3 avoids the trap of overloading content to create an open world. Instead, it offers a highly flexible exploration experience. In addition, the game further enhances the equipment system, allowing for clearer role specialisation when playing in co-op mode.
Review in Chinese | Read full review
Cat Quest 3's selling point is also one of its biggest detractors, depending how you feel about the series: it's simply more of the same. It looks fantastic, and exploring its cutesy world is a joy, but the addition of sailing a ship isn't enough to make this stand out from its predecessors.
Cat Quest III is a very light and fun action-adventure game with pleasing visuals and an open world to explore with a friend. Kids or anyone who enjoys the Lego games will find that there is a lot to enjoy in Cat Quest III. Even with the awkward ship combat, the gameplay is breezy enough that it won’t hinder the experience.
Cat Quest 3 is one of the most entertaining games of the year, the creators have been able to create a much more valuable work than the previous two instalments by improving the gameplay and intelligently designing the stages. Of course, the biggest problem of the series is back again and the player has to grind to reach the required level for the main missions. But despite this problem, Cat Quest 3 is still worth experiencing and replaying. If you are a lover of cats and adventure works, do not hesitate to experience this game.
Review in Persian | Read full review
I don’t have a reference point of the prior Cat Quest games due to having never played them, but Cat Quest III has been a delightful, if brief journey full of whimsy, exciting (if simple) combat, fun character interactions, and the joy of sailing the seas. Once it sunk its teeth in me, I couldn’t detach myself from the switch and beat it in only a few sittings. That’s the power of Cat Quest III, a game that knows when to move on from any combat scenario or story beat before getting old and a universe where a kitten can spend hours combing every grain of litter to find new surprises or rewards each time. Cat Quest III belongs in your Switch library, and you will have a fantastic time.
Cat Quest III is an excellent 2.5D open-world RPG with fun characters and even a pirate ship to pilot. My only issue is that the puns can get to be a bit much by the time you reach the end!
With improved visuals and subtle gameplay changes, Cat Quest III maintains its strengths and improves the series in almost everything except the narrative. It's a solo or cooperative pirate adventure that doesn't extend beyond what is necessary and isn't afraid to be cute, silly and humorous, being a guarantee of fun for those who like the series and inviting for newcomers.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
You wouldn't think that cats would enjoy taking to the high seas but Cat Quest III proves that feline pirates can be just as capable.
Returning to this one of kind RPG world created by the talented team of 8 at The Gentlebros has been an absolute delight albeit a very short one. This can be forgiven by how much attention to detail they have placed in the pirate themed designs, sounds and of course puns. Cat Quest 3 lives up to its promise of being a seafaring adventure for all to enjoy whilst containing snippets of an overall story that fans will enjoy. Come for the booty looting pirate travels but stay for the puns and catitude!
Cat Quest III, the most purrtastic action RPG of the year, will be released on 8 August 2024. The sequel from development team The Gentlebros makes a fantastic impression and leaves you wanting more. Exploring is a hell of a lot of fun and the purrible holds many secrets in store for us. Cat Quest III convinces with a variety of bosses, crazy side missions and witty dialogues that leave you wanting more.
Review in German | Read full review
Cat Quest 3 is a game that puts a lot of emphasis on fun and that embraces beginner players, such as children, very well, and also encourages a cooperative experience. A more experienced player could use it to introduce this genre of games to children, for example.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
The Gentlebros, the developer behind the franchise, brings yet another incredibly fun game. For those with a light heart who aren't expecting a serious story, and especially for those who enjoy lighter and more fun combat, this title is definitely a hit and one of the most enjoyable pirate games I’ve ever played.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Cat Quest 3 has accomplished its feat, managing to breathe new life into a franchise that may have run out of steam. The addition of the ship, firearms and some general adjustments allows The Gentlebros' IP to be a fun experience that doesn't want to require much effort from the player.
Review in Italian | Read full review
While I do enjoy what Cat Quest III offers, I feel that Cat Quest II is simply the better game by far. Its world felt huge and lived in, and the cast of characters made the journey that much more memorable. I don’t feel that with Cat Quest III, unfortunately. I think the game is a good continuation of the formula, but one that feels like a much smaller-scale adventure than one to top its previous outing. With where the story is going, I am still excited to see what Cat Quest IV can offer, but it needs some fresh ideas and gameplay to really be worthy of the sequel this series needs.