Neva Reviews
Neva makes it clear that GRIS, Nomada Studio's first game, wasn't a one-off exploit. Combining a stunning art style with a touching story and a simple but entertaining combat system, Neva is a beautiful (if a bit short) game that anyone should play. Its only flaw is that, compared to GRIS, its themes are much more obvious, so there is very little sense of mystery and discovery.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Neva offers a unique, spiritual journey through life’s complexities. While the narrative leaves some elements open to interpretation, its grounded aspects make the characters relatable. Though brief, the adventure is full of memorable moments that will captivate you with each step toward its wonderful conclusion. The emotional and thought-provoking journey blends captivating storytelling with immersive gameplay to deliver a truly special experience.
It's an evocative story that is beautifully told and has plenty of heart, and one that feels increasingly relevant in the context of the world that we live in.
Neva is a Ghibli-esque adventure of torture, triumph, and friendship that won’t fail to tug on your heart strings. Combining beautiful visuals, with precise platforming and combat that coats every action you make with endless heart, it’s easily one of the best games of the year and by far my favourite indie of 2024. I’ve never felt so emotionally attached to an animal companion – which is thanks to the carefully crafted bond Nomada Studios built between the wolf and the girl, and by extension, the player; none of them made me want to take as big a leap as the ones I took to protect her. My only criticism of Neva is that I won’t be able to play it for the first time again; but the memory will stay with me forever.
These gameplay moments and the parts where every aspect of the experience comes together to work in harmony aren't quite common enough. We wish some mechanics stuck around for longer, but it does keep the experience fresh and consistently exciting, making Neva another hit from the small Barcelona-based studio.
The themes here are painted with a broad brush, but their refusal to get down to specifics doesn’t mean that they don’t still ring true. The game bittersweetly fixates on parenthood, as you watch Neva herself grow and outpace Alba as the seasons pass, and on the destruction of the natural world, which in turn makes it more hostile and violent. And then there’s the connective thread between the two—that even when it feels like everything is falling apart, because sometimes it literally is, the only thing you can do is keep moving.
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Review in Italian | Read full review
Neva is a great example of the artistic value of video games. It is a work that reinforces Spain's position in this industry, and it is an adventure that is able to connect on a personal level with each player. This is, without a doubt, one of the best experiences of 2024.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Some works leave a deep impression on you. After the excellent Gris, Nomada has succeeded for a second time in making a condensed game that will nevertheless leave a lasting impression on those who venture into it. It's hard not to compare it with the studio's previous title, so similar are they in some ways. But Neva has a personality of its own. It tackles other themes, just as universal and with an evocative force that goes straight to the heart. We want more, just a little bit more, to close this never-ending story with the feeling that we've really reached the end of what the game can tell us. This doesn't detract from the pleasure of traversing the sublime scenery of this dreamlike world, in the company of this little she-wolf whom we quickly fall in love with. Neva will definitely find its place in the hearts of all gamers.
Review in French | Read full review
Neva is an adventure game that is both beautiful and entertaining, but on an emotional level it doesn't quite come close to Gris.
Review in German | Read full review
Neva is a stunningly beautiful game, with jaw-dropping artwork, a heartbreaking yet hopeful narrative, and incredibly creepy enemies that are very satisfying to destroy.
Neva is a visually brilliant, emotionally rich experience that celebrates life, nature, and the strong bonds of parenthood. A wonderful one-of-a-kind experience.
Nomada Studios has truly cemented their place in the indie landscape as a representative of how video games are a strong narrative medium. They do this through beautifully crafted animation, vibrant backgrounds, and a whimsical yet powerful soundtrack. Every element of Neva perfectly encapsulates the immersive experience of the player, from story to gameplay, resulting in Neva standing tall in the face of its predecessor, Gris, as its own masterpiece.
Gorgeous visuals and an ethereal soundtrack invite players into the world of Neva. Yet these welcoming aesthetics are just the floral display surrounding a game with fast-paced combat, inventive platforming, and a touching story of the bond between warrior and wolf.
Neva follows Nomada Studios' ethos laid out by Gris, telling an equally captivating, thematic tale with a remarkable art style that, while short, will certainly linger on the mind long after credits roll.
Almost six years after Gris, Nomada Studio delivers another emotional masterpiece with Neva that tugs at your heartstrings while offering a smorgasbord of vibrant sights and sounds.
Neva is a profoundly moving, interactive work of art. It's as pleasing to the eye as it is the ear, and the effort this still young studio has gone to in developing upon ideas cemented in their first game, Gris, is commendable. Without eclipsing it, Neva matches the stirring catharsis of Gris with another flash of brilliance.
Beneath a simple gameplay concept and a stunning watercolour facade, Neva is a finely-tuned example of design and emotional storytelling.
Neva is beautifully crafted and deeply emotional, making for one of the most touching and exquisite games of the year. I loved the growing companionship between Alba and her cute wolf pal, as they evolved from hesitant adventurers into confident allies. The visuals are simply breathtaking, with a stunning watercolour aesthetic and lovely little details in its animations. On top of that, combat is satisfying and just varied enough as new abilities get added into the mix. Though it may be a relatively short adventure, Neva leaves a lasting impression that will stay with you long after the credits roll.
Nomada Studios' sophomore effort Neva-r ceases to impress – despite a couple of missteps.