Driveclub Reviews

Driveclub is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2014

The entire time I spent playing Driveclub was time I wish I spent elsewhere.

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Oct 6, 2014

Driveclub looks nice and has a couple of good ideas about handling leaderboard challenges, but the core of it--actually driving a car--drags the entire thing down.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2014

A beautiful driving game, but one that just doesn't have much to do, online or off.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2014

If you like a lotta chocolate on your biscuit join our club

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Luke Lawrie
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2014

It’s not its appearance that lets Driveclub down, it’s the racing and all bits in between. The handling of the cars feels solid but the racing aspect is overshadowed by the frustrating A.I. opponents. Its main draw is supposed to be playing the game while online – but this is far too annoying as you get flooded with notifications. Ultimately there are games out there that have done a much better job with asynchronous multiplayer like Need For Speed’s Autolog system. When you sit down and play Driveclub you can see that it had potential, but it still feels like its missing too many components. In the end Driveclub is an incredible looking driving game, but it’s not a good racing game.

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Oct 15, 2014

There are too many dings on the chassis, from the constant inability to activate promised features and occasionally glitchy effects of current and standard modes.

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Oct 12, 2014

DriveClub, Evolution Studios' "Forza Killer," has broken down at the starting line. Once it's up and running, it'll surely draw a crowd of hardcore enthusiasts, but being accessible to newcomers is one thing it isn't. Frustrating artificial intelligence and a cheap difficulty system mar what could've been a much more entertaining game.

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Oct 29, 2014

The lack of customization, contradictory driving elements and tiny car list make Driveclub a pass for all but the most die-hard racing fans.

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2.5 / 5.0
Oct 7, 2014

If you're considering buying Driveclub without giving the free PlayStation Plus Version a try, you're likely making a big mistake.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2014

DriveClub isn't a huge leap forward but has smart ideas in its multiplayer

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5 / 10
Oct 6, 2014

Driveclub is a solid, basic racing game with lots of tracks, lots of cars, and very little in the way of personality.

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5 / 10
Oct 6, 2014

A game that should probably have been cancelled rather than delayed, with its complete absence of personality or new ideas.

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5.8 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2014

If you want a game to show off the prowess of the PS4, then Driveclub is by all means a top tier candidate for your cash, but if you're looking for a good racing game that'll keep you hooked for hours on end then Driveclub is miles off the mark.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2014

Hidden somewhere within DriveClub is a very good racing game. A game with online hooks that dig in to every element of the experience, whether you're taking on friends and rivals directly or through the challenges dotted around the game. Sadly, the most crucial part of the game simply doesn't work right now, and in spite of its extra 11 months, feels horribly unfinished in places. Things like dynamic weather should be in the game at launch, particularly as that's what was showcased so much at the likes of E3 and EGX. Whilst everyone should appreciate that things happen that will derail some plans a little bit, the fact that DriveClub is still as broken as it is this far down the line, in spite of the additional year that was given to it is inexcusable. Hopefully, in 6 months time, when everything is fixed and all of the content patches are out, it will be a game worth picking up. Until that day arrives, it's very, very difficult to recommend DriveClub as anything more than an astonishingly pretty, but ultimately nothing more than competent single-player racing game.

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Oct 20, 2014

Ultimately, Driveclub is a solid enough racing game, albeit one that's beset by some significant limitations. Casual fans of the genre are likely to have an enjoyable enough time but if you're looking for a title to plough hundreds of hours into, this isn't it.

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Oct 23, 2014

The fact that DriveClub is still mostly a wreck for ALL of its online functions is frankly embarrassing and the lack of a large public beta was remarkably short-sighted. Once you've wrangled the handling model, there's a solid driving game underneath it all with fun tracks to tear down at terrifying speeds as you zoom through the incredibly detailed environments. But if the netcode isn't fixed soon, this'll be an abandoned rusty roadside wreck by Christmas.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2014

Whether you should take the plunge on DriveClub right now depends on how hard up you are for a serious racing option on PS4.

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6 / 10
Oct 27, 2014

It won't blow your socks off mechanically, but people looking to just pick a car and drive in an exotic location without any complications will find fun here, it's just a huge shame that Driveclub could have done with more work before being released in its the current state.

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3 / 5.0
Oct 28, 2014

DriveClub is a beautiful disappointment. Beautiful because of the tracks and locations, and a disappointment for pretty much everything else. It's not worth the retail fee, and if you're a Playstation Plus member you will eventually be able to download it for free, but of course it will be missing a few features that are included in the full paid version. My advice would be just to wait for the free version if you're desperate for a racing sim on the PS4. It's not an awful game but feel free to skip this one as you're not missing much.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2014

Driveclub's social features help elevate an otherwise unexceptional racer, but the dearth of content and some curious design choices keep it from rising too high.

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