Madden NFL 17 Reviews

Madden NFL 17 is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Aug 23, 2016

Madden NFL 17 doesn't move the series forward in any significant ways, but it provides one of the most polished NFL football video game experiences to date.

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Top Critic
8.6 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2016

Madden has finally found its comfort zone between the tackles, and offense and defense have reached a great balance. The community’s gameplay wishes were granted with a new focus on Franchise mode, led by the Play the Moments feature. Outside of its mood-killing commentators, Madden 17 is just about everything we’ve been waiting for since EA Sports took full control of the NFL license. Football is back, and it’s only a yard or two short of becoming an all-time great.

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Aug 19, 2016

New running features makes this the most balanced and enjoyable Madden yet, but a few awkward sights and sounds will remind you that it’s just a game.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2016

The experience isn’t perfect on or off the field, but it still has plenty to like

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8 / 10
Aug 23, 2016

A new commentary duo and improvements to on-field maneuvers helps usher in a new and (mostly) improved Madden era, though it’s not without its issues.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

Madden NFL 17 does so much it's hard to speak of all its appeals and improvements

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Top Critic
Sep 9, 2016

EA Tiburon has done a great job of rehabilitating the fading Madden brand, with Madden 17 being the culmination of their efforts. Everything they've tried to accomplish over the past couple years is on display, from the revamped blocking to the smarter franchise mode. There are certainly plenty of issues left to address; but for now, Madden NFL 17 is a very solid football game.

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3.5 / 5.0
Sep 1, 2016

Madden NFL 17 isn’t leaps and bounds ahead of what EA Tiburon was able to accomplish last year, but it builds on a very solid foundation with only a few hiccups and annoyances to speak of.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2016

If you’re looking for a detailed and accessible American football game, this is it. Along with fantastic gameplay and a Franchise mode showcasing clear improvements, you won’t be disappointed.

8 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2016

While not without its flaws, Madden NFL 17 is still a very enjoyable experience. Enough changes have been made to the formula to make it a more interesting and realistic experience, which in turn makes it more enjoyable to play. While minor gameplay and menu problems do hold it back from greatness, most of the game is very well made. Fans of the series have no reason not to pick this up, and this is also a good starting point for those who want to jump into the series. It will be interesting to see where the series goes from here, as this game sets a high standard for future entries in the series.

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Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Aug 17, 2016

Madden 17 scores in many ways, and there’s more to like than there is to hate, but we can’t ignore the flags on the field. Gameplay, presentation and customization have taken strides, but there’s still work to do.

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9 / 10
Sep 26, 2016

While Madden 17 isn’t a huge leap for the franchise, it does a fantastic job of continuing to move it forward. With stellar graphics, vibrant commentary and intuitive gameplay it is certainly amongst the finest games in the series and, at this point, it’s difficult to see where the next dramatic improvement for Madden can come from.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2016

It's icky at times, but Madden 17 is definitely a step up. If you skipped a year, now is probably the time to come back around. Coming back around? Kind of like the Ravens, who have an open path to the playoffs again with a healthy Flacco. You heard it here first, folks.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Aug 22, 2016

Of course, all stories need an ending. To the point, Madden NFL 17 is a quality Madden game. It does a lot of things right, and fixes most of the major shortcomings of previous editions. If you’ve lapsed in the series or just want to know if you should grab this year’s game, go forward knowing that you will get a lot of mileage from it. It’s good. At the same time, however, it is still absolutely a Madden game, and in the 12th year of EA’s exclusivity deal with the NFL it’s hard not to pine for a little competition. Sunrise, sunset.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

Madden 17 is probably the best american football game ever made. It does not feature a lot of innovation compared to previous games, but the ones that it has are perfect.

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8.2 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2016

More accessible than ever for new players, thanks to new options such as Play the Moments and Big Decisions. Now it is time to revamp the graphic engine, though.

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Aug 19, 2016

Overall, Madden NFL ’17 is a breath of fresh air. The new running features give life to a stagnant aspect of the field, forcing players to play a more balanced style of game and highlighting game schemes many have forgotten about. EA has done a whole lot with the little they have. This year certainly has been one of the best in recent memory and it would be a shame to see a drop of in the future.

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Aug 18, 2016

Madden NFL 17 certainly isn't a release for the series that introduces sweeping changes for the annual franchise. Smart tweaks to familiar modes, a slew of accesibility features, and a presentation that continues to impress, it's hard to knock this year's package for what it contains. NFL 17 builds off of the base that we've seen established over the last couple of years, for better or worse.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

At the risk of sounding too cliché, Madden 17 was the next necessary and logical progression that the series needed to make. The evolution of mechanics, both on and off the gridiron are a staple of what keeps fans coming back each season. With the offensive balance now restored, games will be more true to what the audience consumes weekly on television, while still keeping things at least moderately approachable. Additionally, spending the past nine months focusing on what the fans deemed to be most important is just one of many eye opening steps in the right direction. This may not be the best Madden title ever, but it is definitely the most promising entry this console generation.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2016

Madden has really raised its game this time around.

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