BATMAN - The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows Reviews
Batman: The Telltale Series offers up the true Dark Knight experience, letting players make tough choices and gather clues as both Batman and Bruce Wayne.
Batman is a superb game in the point and click style. The overall narrative and Bruce Wayne driven interactions in Episode 1 really pull you behind the cowl and are a unique take on a fan favorite. The art style sells the whole thing and the majority of vocal performances add a strong sense of life to what's happening. The heavy use of QTE does feature in the replayability score as it severely limits the possibilities in combat situations. Batman or Telltale fans should get their money's worth at the current price for the full series. I rated this review as I did, due to episode 1 currently being free. You can't beat that. And it should give players a great idea on whether the rest of the game is worth it for them.
Telltale’s Batman is an unpredictable, multi-faceted adventure told through Batman the brawler, Batman the detective, and Bruce Wayne the politician. The three almost entirely separate characters and play-styles keep the familiar Telltale formula feeling fresh and inviting. While some of the dialogue does feel overly expositional, it’s hopefully only there to provide concrete padding for future episodes, and the gorgeous, high-action combat sequences and creative detective work provide the right amount of contrast.
Realm of Shadows indicates that it might tell an interesting Batman story, but takes time to get there and suffers from Telltale’s tired design and engine limitations.
A few points of political intrigue are quickly washed away as the story adopts a greater mystery. Many of the sequences are surprising slow with little in terms of character or plot development
Batman: The Telltale Series is still packed, like any of the developer's games, with conversational social roleplay choices. This episode alone asks you to give a press conference and multiple speeches. And though the game begins with kicking butt as Batman, the front half of "Realm of Shadows" does drag a little.
Telltale begins breaking down Bruce Wayne with a strong first episode.
I should not feel bored in a Batman game, but bored is what I felt for most of it.
A fresh take on the Batman, and although some of the moments as Bruce Wayne can be great, the overall experience feels a little flat.
This is a Batman game where it's kind of more fun when you're not Batman
There’s plenty of mystery and betrayal and a good, fun, and fairly brisk story that will leave you wanting more—even if the end isn’t really a massive cliff-hanger or anything (like some Telltale episodes are.)
The prospects of taking on a character with such a varied and diverse range of work like Batman is surely one that is daunt: how do you take a hero like Batman and make him feel new again? For the large part, Telltale Games’ Batman series finds more of a middle-ground (much like the studio’s games) between the old and the new for the Dark Knight. With engine improvements and the episodic gameplay we’ve come to know from Telltale Games, Batman provides a vision of Gotham and the Caped Crusader that’s at once familiar and unexpected (with some big twists I didn’t see coming), and shows that new stories with the Dark Knight of Gotham don’t have to be relegated to the shadows.
I would be remiss not to mention just how gorgeous this all looks. Tales from the Borderlands was a colorful delight, but the challenge here, to use mostly blues and greys, seems doubly impressive. A simple setting like a PR event in the park can feel lovely hosted by Harvey Dent and is both serene and ominous. This is the best first episode since Borderlands for Telltale Games. I can’t wait to see where Batman: The Telltale Series goes next.
A disappointing start to what should be a potential rich concept, with an overfamiliar storyline and bland presentation.
Telltale's take on Batman will woo fans, but won't win skeptics.
Telltale comes back again with their same formula for Batman: The Telltale Series. This first episode is pretty dull, but ends with a promising ending that opens the door for innovation..
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This game is as much about the man behind the mask and the problems that Bruce Wayne faces, as it is taking on crime bosses, meeting familiar faces in new and interesting ways, and unravelling mysteries. Telltale’s Batman series is off to a great start, giving us a fresh view into the character that goes well beyond beating up criminals in alleyways.
Batman: A Telltale Games Series: Realm of Shadows is a nice setup. It's not as strong as some of Telltale's other work, but it manages to honor the legacy of the series and throw in a few curveballs to keep things interesting (thank God there's no Joker yet).
Batman: The Telltale Series is off to a strong, if very basic, start. It shows promise of the ability to be more than just another Batman story, though Realm of Shadows did dabble in the ultra accessible exposition more than I (or just about any other Batman fan) would have liked. The intrigue lying in the episode’s cliffhanger regarding a dark Wayne family secret has me itching to find out more, but I don’t feel like the series has really taken off yet. It’s unusual for a season opener by Telltale to land in the mediocre category, but it seems like they are taking their time with such an iconic legend, letting us in to know the heart and hope of Bruce Wayne rather than just the fists and terror of the Batman.
There's plenty to look forward to with Batman - The Telltale Series and fans of the studio, and especially fans of the character, can rightfully get excited for the next few months ahead. Under the cowl, and just as often not, "Episode One: Realm of Shadows" is a worthy introduction to comics' greatest hero.