For Honor Reviews

For Honor is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2017

If the single-player had been better put together, there would be a lot more to scream and shout about, but the combat and online multiplayer is excellent at times.

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Feb 14, 2017

For Honor offers up one of the most visceral multiplayer experiences in video games. The single player campaign is a nice diversion, but won't satisfy those seeking a full experience. Once you hit multiplayer though, you'll be hooked and finding time for other video games will be the real problem.

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7 / 10
Feb 16, 2017

For Honor's multiplayer is special, but as a whole it's let down by the less good single player, sometimes dodgy matchmaking, and a surfeit of microtransactions. The combat, though, is fantastic — it's gutsy and weighty, and you feel like a badass.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2017

Where a lot of other competitive games use melee combat as a secondary means, For Honor shows a respect and admiration for the art of combat that’s as compelling and thrilling as any gunfight in a first-person shooter or battle in a strategy game. For the most part, For Honor is a competitive game with a unique, sharply-honed combat system that’s easy enough to pick up, but filled with depth and challenge to truly master. While the game’s fairly high skill ceiling and emphasis on micro-transactions might be off-putting to some players, For Honor is an experience that’s truly fit for those that are warriors at heart.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2017

For Honor can be overwhelming, but its deep combat is more welcoming than most shooters

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7 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2017

Ultimately, For Honor doesn't focus on making sense or being historically accurate, it just puts cool stuff in a field and tells it to go out and fight. Everything outside of playing online sucks, like microtransactions, customization options and single-player. Hell, the multiplayer itself sometimes sucks when it pairs you with a badly selected host player. However, when the game is working and you're murdering a single human player while screaming "FOOOOOOOOOOOR HOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOR" at their corpse, it's pretty damn rewarding.

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Feb 16, 2017

Overall, I don't know exactly how I feel about For Honor. It sometimes feels like a Ubisoft hired a bunch of scientists in white coats to observe Dark Souls PvP from behind reinforced perspex and experiment on it with Dota DNA in a mad attempt to recreate a tame monster in a safe environment for their own nefarious ends (profit). What they've made is an interesting chimera, something that is both more accessible but sometimes just as unforgiving.

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Feb 17, 2017

'For Honor's dueling is focused and fun, but the best stuff is overshadowed by many smaller problems.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 15, 2017

Judging by how Ubisoft has handled support for past multiplayer games (like Rainbow Six Siege), I’m confident that some of For Honor‘s issues will get rectified down the line. Gameplay can be tweaked, matchmaking enhanced, and better modes can all be added over time. However, as the game stands right now it’s more of a proof of concept than a fully realized idea. There’s a great base to build upon mechanically, but it’s too rough around the edges to shine as bright as it should.

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95 / 100
Feb 21, 2017

Whether you prefer, multiplayer or story, Dominion or Duel, viking or knight or samurai, there’s something for every gamer in For Honor. With a compelling story, beautiful customization options, competition, community, this game is both a triumph and a damn good fight.unity, and a damn good fight.

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7 / 10
Feb 24, 2017
For Honor Angry Review video thumbnail
Feb 24, 2017

I suspect that this game will follow a similar path to Ubisoft's equally interesting Rainbow Six Siege, building up a mid-sized, but fervent and dedicated fan-base. And due to For Honor's ferocious combat system and boldness to do things a little differently, its followers will find a war worth fighting.

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Feb 22, 2017

Ubisoft's multiplayer-focused fighting game is a single-minded simulation of melee battle, with an emphasis on epic physical confrontations

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Mar 2, 2017

For Honor's learning curve can be punishing at first, but if you're willing to stay the course and invest some time into understanding the nuances of its deep combat system, you will begin to appreciate how exciting and truly addictive the "Art of Battle" can be. There are issues with connectivity and a campaign that falls short of its potential, but they can be forgiven because what For Honor does get right is at once brutal, rewarding, and unlike anything else we've seen in games.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2017

For Honor is an incredibly fun online experience with fast and fun game modes and a fantastic battle system that is simple to use but almost has the depth of a fighting game. Unfortunately, the loot box system for unlocking important items for your characters and connection issues hold For Honor back

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2017

For Honor is a unique game with an outstanding combat system. The problems it faces are its release window (I mean look at the games currently out or on the horizon!) and the dedication it requires. Casual players need not apply, as you will be slaughtered endlessly on the battlefield. I feel like For Honor will get a smaller, but highly dedicated fan base as it goes on, but for those looking for an approachable experience will likely fall on their own blade.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Feb 21, 2017

With an outstanding combat system For Honor offers a unique take on medieval action games. The combat truly excels against other players online and it is apparent that the online mode is where your time should be spent. Offline players, however, will not find much to do except hammering around in a repetitive story mode.

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8 / 10
Feb 20, 2017

By successfully meshing team based multiplayer with the sorts of mechanics you'd normally find in a fighting game, For Honor manages to offer an experience like no other on the PS4. While the skill barrier to entry will likely cause frustration for some, anyone who puts time into learning the extremely deep combat will find each hard-fought success immensely satisfying.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2017

A small handful of flaws aren’t quite enough to dull the appeal of For Honor’s peerless combat and deceptive depth. For Honor looks like it’ll be my go-to multiplayer game for quite some time and if you give it a go, chances are it’ll be yours, too. For anyone with even the slightest love of melee combat, For Honor is a must-have.

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85 / 100
Feb 17, 2017

On the surface it may look like nothing much is happening, but the act of positioning and quietly feeling an opponent out can be surprisingly thrilling.

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