Nioh Reviews

Nioh is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.2 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2017

Nioh is such a difficult game, especially by his bosses. If you are a patient and skilled player, you will enjoy a lot with this challenge.

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Feb 6, 2017

Nioh makes no bones about standing in the shadows of giants, but it extends and polishes the Dark Souls formula so much that it manages to shine just as brightly. Buy it.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 27, 2017

Despite these minor critiques, Nioh solidifies the status of roguelikes and their relevance in today’s gaming landscape.

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Feb 2, 2017

Managing your Ki and your health, juggling all of your attacks, magic, and weaponry, and trying not to get killed for the millionth time is a thrill, full of genuinely incredible moments.

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Feb 2, 2017

Team Ninja took their time to ensure that Nioh was as good as it could possibly be, and that time wasn't wasted. The finished product is a fantastic action RPG that may borrow a lot from the Souls series, but nevertheless adds plenty of great twists to the formula to allow it to stand proudly on its own.

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10 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2017

Nioh got attention for its similarities to other titles, but it deserves to be remembered as its own special game, one that sees and raises the efforts presented by its inspirations. With fast and uncompromising combat, an engrossing economy of loot, and a mesmerizing artistic style, action-RPGs have rarely been this refined or this captivating.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2017

If you approach NiOh with the right mindset, all the frustration due to the ruthless level of challenge will turn into satisfaction when you overcome each obstacle. If you want to feel like a true samurai mastering the complex ways of or Japanese warfare, and you’re willing to pay the blood price for it, this is your game. Don’t call it Bloodborne 2. NiOh certainly deserves its own spotlight.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 6, 2017

Team Ninja has put its own spin on the Dark Souls formula, creating a devilishly challenging and deeply entertaining samurai role-playing game

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Feb 8, 2017

Nioh is a shockingly well-made game considering its troubled development history. It builds on the foundation laid by Dark Souls in interesting ways, while adding its own narrative and mechanical flavors. And though it can be punishingly difficult, it also gives you ample tools with which to overcome its challenges, leaving you feeling empowered in the end.

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Feb 8, 2017

‘Nioh’ is game of complex fighting systems. Only the hardcore need apply.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 6, 2017

Nioh is a game of highs and lows. It’s a tremendous blast when the combat gets to shine, but it often gets the spotlight after hours of tedium. Instead of crafting a tight 20-hour experience like Ninja Gaiden, Team Ninja has opted to create a title that had me constantly grinding. It’s a flawed experience that really has no respect for the player’s time, but one that I’m ultimately glad to have experienced.

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90 / 100
Feb 8, 2017

Nioh is easily the best action RPG I’ve played in some time. It may take some time to get into the swing of it’s melee combat, and the first level doesn’t make a good impression, but anyone looking for some engrossing hack-and-slash combat should pick this up with Nioh hesitation.

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Top Critic
Feb 17, 2017

Team Ninja's unforgiving role-playing action adventure set in feudal Japan owes a debt to the Dark Souls series, but with a tone and narrative of its own

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Feb 15, 2017

Team Ninja's Nioh is the kind of action game that comes along every once in a rare while.

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Top Critic
18 / 20
Feb 2, 2017

Nioh is nothing more than the promise of a thrilling, addictive and demanding adventure. With gameplay that will have to be tamed, the title of Team Ninja offers in return a rewarding, tasty and unforgettable experience.

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8.8 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2017

Nioh may not replace the Dark Souls series in our hearts, but it definitely has built a place for itself. Technically a little rough, still without PvP, this new title from Team Ninja could have provided more diversified scenarios, but it sure offers an excellent combat system and a wide and deep offering.

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Feb 10, 2017

Make no mistake, this is a harsh, unrelenting title that will test your skill, and the level of challenge makes it difficult to recommend to everyone. Nioh is never unfair though, with its well-designed systems giving you the tools to survive in its beautifully brutal world. Stick with it, plant your feet and you'll find your persistence rewarded with a thrilling and satisfying adventure.

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9.5 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2017

As close to perfect as it gets. Nioh is a stunning title and is easily an early contender for game of the year.

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8 / 10
Feb 2, 2017

Nioh is about as approachable as a game of this ilk can be, and while that may offend the hardcore sensibilities of some Souls fans, it's a title that will likely appeal to many players who want a gameplay challenge but are turned off by the obtuse nature of Dark Souls' storytelling and the murky explanations of its mechanics. The experience is marred by some unfortunate difficulty spikes and lacklustre bosses, but the rich loot, levelling systems, and fast, often thrilling combat do more than enough to justify Nioh as a worthy contemporary to From Software's efforts – and an impressive return to form for Team Ninja.

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Mar 6, 2017

The thrill of overcoming challenges provided in a game like Nioh simply isn't worth the frustration to me anymore, and I have Team Ninja to thank for finally helping me admit this. It's the ebb and flow of one's life and one's interests, and while I think Nioh is a really solid game that everyone should at least try, it's not the kind of game I want to be playing these days.

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