Destroy All Humans! (2020 Remake) Reviews

Destroy All Humans! (2020 Remake) is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 28, 2020

Destroy All Humans has been brought forward into 2020 with a new remake, but it still struggles to shake its antiquated design.

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Dan Stapleton
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

The Destroy All Humans! remake recaptures the simple, campy joy of of rampaging through 1950s America as an angry gray alien.

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Jul 31, 2020

As I've always been an advocate for imagination over mechanical perfection, Destroy All Humans! is something that works for me. Perhaps it isn't the most polished or modern game of 2020, but it's definitely one that I'll keep coming back to, and it's absolutely the best remake to come out of THQ Nordic yet.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

This remake successfully preserves the Destroy All Humans experience, regardless of whether it's fun or funny today

James Carr
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 3, 2020

Destroy All Humans is a fun sandbox to wreak havoc through, but it spends too much time on other things.

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Top Critic
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans! is a damn fine B-game from an era when publishers bothered to fund such things.

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4 / 5.0
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans! is a rare example of a remake that changes just enough to maintain the essence of the original while improving the overall experience. The gameplay enhancements give this a more modern feel but it maintains the original story and visual style to appease those seeking a nostalgia fix. Destroy All Humans! was always a fun game though hasn't aged all that well. This version revitalizes the title, changing just enough to make revisiting Area 42 a worthwhile invasion.

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6 / 10
Jun 28, 2021

Destroy All Humans returns in a remake that refreshes the original's visuals, modernises its controls and adds a few new weapon and traversal upgrades to proceedings, all whilst failing to make any meaningful changes to the game's rather outdated core gameplay. What's here is still silly fun, for sure - decimating dullard humans with Crypto's high tech alien gadgets and unstoppable flying saucer can still provide some chaotic catharsis - but there's no denying this one's showing its age mechanically and newcomers to the series may well be left feeling a little underwhelmed.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans! definitely falls under the 'faithful remake' category, with great humour, short and sweet missions, and lots of stuff to blow up. Blowing things up does become repetitive, but it's still a lot of fun.

7 / 10
Jul 27, 2020

I would recommend the remake to anyone with a nostalgic thirst for the original, but so, too, to those that like their laughs with a dark bite.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

A carefully crafted remake that brings back the fun of the original title and respects it’s art, with an updated design alongside new futures.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans is an endlessly entertaining alien-superpower playground, but tends to crush under the weight of its own structure.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

‎Destroy All Humans! it arrives to disguise the years that the original video game has behind it. Although there is some crack through which to glimpse these 15 years that have passed since the premiere of the original work, the remake of Destroy All Humans! it is able to solve much of its problems and position itself as a fun and casual sandbox that offers hours and hours of fun, in addition to perfectly adapting the culture surrounding the UFO phenomenon of the 50s.‎

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7 / 10
Jul 27, 2020

Overall, Destroy All Humans! does a really great job of recapturing the spirit of the original. But, in a time where we’ve seen some developers take the originals and expand on them greatly, often adding new features altogether, the remake for Destroy All Humans! feels like it missed the boat.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

Crypto-137 is hellbent on ensuring that humanity meets a terrible fate. By comparison, Destroy All Humans has met an enjoyable-enough-but-certainly-not-amazing fate. That's fine, but it's tough to not feel as though something truly great could've happened with some more creative license. If nothing else, this remake left me thinking that Destroy All Humans is still a viable property and that a brand new game might not be such a bad idea. But maybe that's because an extraterrestrial has control of my cortex.

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6 / 10
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans is a faithful remake that retains the charm of the 2005 original, while dramatically overhauling the visuals and making some improvements to the gameplay. Perhaps a bit too faithful, with missions that now feel too simple and limited to the point of just being a bit boring.

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IGN Italy
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

Like the original title, this graphic remake of Destroy All Humans! presents itself as a fun title for some gameplay ideas and for its style, without however being able to leave a mark. Unlike 2005, however, the renewed graphic version is not enough to balance a well aged, but still aged, gameplay. Who has never had the opportunity to help the Furon to conquer the earth, could find in Destroy all humans! a pleasant interlude from other more demanding or massive productions. Those who have already taken part in the invasion in 2005, this time may not find a satisfying stimulus to help the imperial cause.

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70 / 100
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans! brings back all the mindless fun of this series of extraterrestrial action. It might not be the best designed game out there, or the most graphically advanced... But how many games let you throw explosive cows with the power of your mind? Yep, just this one.

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Jul 27, 2020

The dated DNA is still there in some respects, but the genetic engineers at Black Forest have done some intelligent gene editing to ensure that it is still a subject worth harvesting, which is what any true Furon would want anyway.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

Destroy All Humans' impact on you is definitely going to depend on how much you played the original release. As a fan of the original, I was sat gleefully destroying all the humans and basking in the improvements, but I could also see people who haven't played the 2005 release not quite "getting" it. For those in the same boat as me, it's exactly what it needs to be: a faithful improvement on the original game, and an indication that Crypto has plenty of life in him yet. Hopefully it can pave the way for an all new adventure someday soon.

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