Assassin's Creed Origins Reviews
This is the best game in the Assassin's Creed series.
Assassin's Creed: Origins is a good gaming experience with a lot of content but the story failed to impress, and while the game changed a lot of thing, it didn't bring anything new for the open world genre.
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Assassin's Creed: Origins manages to be both experimental and safe. It tries a lot of new things, but it never ventures too far from the Assassin's Creed formula. There's a lot of potential in Origins, and it'll be exciting to see how the new features evolve in future games. Fans of Assassin's Creed should find a lot to like, and it may be time to revisit the battle between the Assassins and the Templars.
Overall, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a beautiful game and it lives up to the success of Syndicate. It’s just that the present-day story needs a little more attention. Where Bayek’s story is the strongest part of the game, our modern-day protagonist’s story is very lackluster and just feels like it was added their as a requirement. One thing is for sure, this game is definitely worth playing. It revitalized the series into new heights and I cannot wait where the next adventure will take us.
The secrets of the Brotherhood's origins are revealed, setting the Assassin's Creed franchise on a new path.
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The one year gap was exactly what Assassin's Creed Origins needed. The game feels fresh, has a new combat system, a great story and looks absolutely stunning. It has the inevitable bugs and crashes, but that doesn't diminish the fun of the game.
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Whether you’re looking for a fascinating trip through history or one hell of an action RPG there are few games out there better than this one.
Assassin’s Creed Origins is an extraordinary realization of Egypt that genuinely reconstructs this ancient civilization. Missions and combat are much more varied and challenging than previous games with Bayek taking center stage as one of the best protagonists in the franchise.
Assassin's Creed: Origins is the best videogame ever released in the saga. A reinvention on the gameplay with a deep plot and the best start they could have given to the assassin's creed franchise.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Very few games have managed to captured my attention and awe as much as Assassin’s Creed Origins. Despite having spent more than 80 hours in the game (40 to 50 of those spent only on the campaign), I am still inexplicably drawn back to the incredibly well realised ancient Egypt that the game provides. Simply put, the unforgettable and enigmatic ancient Egyptian setting is wonderfully brought to life through outstanding auditory and visual design. Coupled with solid, fluid and fun gameplay; and tied together beautifully with a captivating story arc and copious amounts of interesting and fun side quests; makes Assassin’s Creed Origins the best entry yet in the long running franchise.
Assassin's Creed Origins is a step, or rather a jump in the right direction, although its core is just classic Assassin's Creed. Don't expect a revolution, only good, quality entertainment. And what other game allows you to slide down from the top of the pyramid?
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Assassin’s Creed Origins is one of the best Ubisoft games of all time, if not the best. It's able to harmonize a big story with an innovative gameplay.
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Assassin's Creed has been perhaps the best known franchise for annual releases.
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A refreshingly new Assassin’s Creed though it does add in a problematic level/gear system, it’s still extremely enjoyable even if there’s the specter of microtransactions looming over it.
Assassin’s Creed: Origins is not perfect, but it does return the franchise to a less tarnished status. While the game does not necessarily wash away the taint that stains Ubisoft’s reputation after Unity’s negative feedback, it does improve the overall stigma. The story immerses and intrigues, the characters are believable, and the bugs are tiny and negligible. As with most AAA titles, the graphics and audio are well-suited for modern consoles and PCs, and the gameplay is addicting enough to keep players interested. While the target-lock system is finnicky at best, the rest of the game’s aspects more than make up for that mild irritation. The two-year break between entries seems to have done Ubisoft well. Hopefully, the company will continue to stick to a quality over quantity model.
Origins is an Assassin's Creed Action-Role-Playing hybrid worth playing. The best Assassin game in many years.
As a soft-reboot, Origins establishes what this reviewer hopes to be a precedent for the series. A stronger focus on the historical settings impact on gameplay is a definite step in the right direction, but Ubisoft still continue to bog their title down with unnecessary elements intended to provide longevity to their game. There's still a need to break away from the remaining restraints of the franchise. Without the resource grinding and MMO level progression, Assassin’s Creed Origins could have been the best in the series yet.
With The Hidden Ones, Ubisoft has already delivered a decent expansion for Assassin’s Creed Origins and hopes to repeat that trick with The Curse of the Pharaohs. This time around however the focus is on Egyptian mythology rather than the Creed.
For those out there with lingering apprehension about gratifying their Creed cravings with Ubisoft’s latest addition to ever expanding line of Assassin’s Creed (AC) games, have no fear as Assassin’s Creed Origins easily puts to shame the last few bland and “samey” AC titles. I kid you not, this installment to the series has been redefined in a way that almost separates Origins from the series altogether. For the most part of my first few hours of gameplay, I didn’t feel like I was playing a Creed title – I liked that. Origins doesn’t reek of the traditional, rapidly deteriorating Assassin’s Creed game mechanics that felt like they were clinging onto the series by nothing more than fraying nostalgic threads in the last few games. No, instead the series feels profoundly like it’s found a fresh lease of life and in light of it’s forebears and where the series was headed without a serious rethink, this undoubtedly had me breathing a distinct sigh of relief.