The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reviews
While I ride, fight, smile, cry and love as Geralt of Rivia, I'm happy to be a gamer. I truly am.
All told, I give the game a Buy in my Buy/Hold/Sell ranking. For all its flaws—and I realize that I've listed many—it is one of the most sprawling, magnificent solo RPGs ever made. It does too little to fix its mechanical problems, and focuses too much on creating an open world, but the quality of its quest design, world-building, and wonderful (if too large) cast of characters makes it a game that no RPG fan should miss. It may be a flawed masterpiece, but it's a masterpiece nonetheless.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition is as essential now as it was seven years ago. Whether you're looking to play the game for the first time or have been waiting for this free upgrade (and bonus quest) before revisiting, then this is the perfect time to start. It's a masterpiece and still stands at the top of its genre.
This is likely to be the definitive version of a great game, and an excellent excuse to dive back into its gloriously rich and varied world, but at the moment it’s a bug-ridden mess that’s more trouble to play than the seven-year-old original. We’re sure by next Christmas it’ll all be running perfectly but all you get this year is a lump of 4K coal.
The perfect example of how all next-gen updates should be: visual improvements on all fronts, several graphic modes, playable and QOL changes, a few touches of new content... And more importantly: completely free. The Witcher 3 was already a masterpiece and now, in addition, it looks scandalous.
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Its superb setting, its very high technical level, its duration and, above all, its ability to surprise the player make it a must. The best reason to buy a new console or a powerful PC.
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Early on in the adventure it's easy to feel captivated by the sheer scale of it all, but as its shortcomings come to light the attention that it worked so hard to capture can become lost.
After spending more than 100 hours in The Witcher 3, we're still left with dozens of side quests to complete, enormous tracts of land left to explore, and monsters yet to fight. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a thoughtful, diverse, and frequently awe-inspiring adventure. Its stories are deep and satisfying, unafraid to touch on themes of personal character, presenting players with choices and consequences that aren't about turning into a hero or a villain. In the end, it's quite simply one of the best RPGs ever made.
The Witcher 3 is enormously ambitious, and a monumental game that engulfed us from start to finish.
What sets "The Witcher 3" apart from most of the competition is its keen sense of humanity, which is calculated to be every bit as gripping as an HBO drama. At their best, the characters with whom you chat don't seem like they live in a vacuum only to impart useful information.
A colossal achievement in technical terms, with a level of interaction with the game world and its inhabitants that is unsurpassed in modern video games.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a huge step up from its predecessor, mostly because it manages to tell a more compelling and personal tale. At the same time, that intimate feel is juxtaposed against a gigantic, sprawling open-world adventure that may hit some snags along the way but still comes out on top.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt isn't perfect (yet?), but it's one of the best written RPG ever.
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The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is a masterfully written rollercoaster, and though there is a lot to do in the game, I never felt overwhelmed by the Side Quests and optional tasks. CD Projekt Red has done a great job of bringing this saga to a close. The best part about all of this, however, is the fact that CD Projekt RED stayed true to its word. Every choice you make will determine how the story unfolds, and what the world becomes at the end of it all.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is easily one of the most engrossing games I've had the chance to play. The story and characters are well worth the experience alone, and the world expertly draws on the desire to explore with its massive scale. You never know what will greet you or beat you just a few seconds down the path, and that's what is exciting about this game. There are some issues that will need to be improved. The combat is better than the Witcher 2 but isn't quite there either, but The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the first game in a while that has held my attention for so long that I don't notice the time pass. CD Projekt Red haven't just created a great game but a modern gaming masterpiece.
The upgraded edition takes what made the 2015 version so loved and throws it into the new generation with so much care that it feels like a different game while maintaining the backbone of the original. The improvements are executed flawlessly, and I can see myself pouring an additional 100 hours or more into this universe now that it can compare to other next-gen games.
Had it not been mired by bizarre lapses in design and a plethora of disturbing problems, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt would be almost bloody perfect. As it stands, CD Projekt Red has still put together something downright delicious. A truly great game that rises its head above its own hot water to proudly present a prosperous experience that only the most deliriously expectant could feel shortchanged by.
It's a sprawling, ambitious, beautiful representation of a dark fantasy world, and games like this don't come along often. By no means perfect, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt still one of the year's biggest and best releases.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is truly an incredible masterpiece. The writing and building of the world alone should be lauded as some of the best in video games. Stories weave in and out of one another surprisingly. The consequences of every decision are far reaching and unpredictable while also making complete sense once they happen. The world is organic, dangerous, and fun to explore. There is a true sense of reward and accomplishment. While minor design choices keep it from being absolutely perfect, The Witcher 3 will go down as one of the best games of this generation of consoles.
The quality and quantity of the content in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are beyond compare and without peer. It is now the gold standard to which all other RPGs will be held. With hundreds of hours of rich, detailed story, a plethora of side quests, incredible aesthetic design, deep combat systems, and unprecedented sense of place and character, it checks off all of the boxes for excellence in the genre. Those plaudits come at a price, though, as the game can be a technical grab bag of minor (and major) bugs and glitches. While there is little doubt that CD Projekt RED will be giving the game consistent patch and DLC support to smooth out the majority of these marks, you can only buff out the dents in the horrific control scheme so much. Fortunately, these technical gripes and moments of mechanical frustration are easy to overlook when examining the experience as a whole. This is a game that should not be missed by RPG fans, should be tried by curious gamers, and will be looked back upon as one of the best ever. Consider it a must play and say goodbye to your summer.