Sparc Reviews

Sparc is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2017

Sparc is limited in terms of features and tangible incentives to keep playing, but the core sport is fun

7.7 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2017

Sparc is the classic VR game with brilliant ideas and a physical activity required by the player above the average. However, the contents are few.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2017

Sparc has the potential to grow, but it needs all the help it can get from as many installbases it can get its hands on.

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7 / 10
Sep 12, 2017

Sparc is the first in what will hopefully become a burgeoning genre for virtual reality. It's a frenetically charged competitive sport that doesn't bog itself down with too many rules. At the same time, it's a risky investment. I hate being a pessimist, but as soon as the number of active players begins to dry up, you'll be left with an empty husk of a game.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2017

My initial impression of Sparc had me raving about how it was the best game I've ever played in VR. I've since come down from that initial high, and while I do have some concerns about the amount of content, it remains one of the best experiences I've had on PlayStation VR. It's absolutely enthralling, and while you may look like a tremendous dork while playing it (I've seen footage of me playing and it's not a pretty sight), you feel like the coolest person in the world as you're barely managing to dodge balls at the last second.

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Sep 13, 2017

Sparc, the first 'vsport' game from developer CCP Games is one of the best virtual reality games on the market but hardly anyone is playing it.

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Top Critic
8.2 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2017

Sparc combines the futuristic sport of Tron's disc battles with handball to create a unique PSVR experience that will have you moving and throwing with the greatest of ease. As a spectator V-sport, the focus on competitive online multiplayer makes up for the sparse amount of single player content

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7 / 10
Sep 16, 2017

Sparc is a good PlayStation VR game with all the core mechanics to be a sleeper hit; the gameplay is enjoyable and requires a lot of skill. Unfortunately, with very little single player content, the title is pinning all of its success on its small but active online community – and it's hard to predict how long the release's servers will remain occupied.

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Top Critic
14 / 20
Sep 12, 2017

Sparc is a good game with a simple concept that works pretty well, which enters into another dimension in VR. Unfortunately, the lack of content, online or offline, mess the whole thing. Why didn't they include tournaments ? Why do we have to watch others guys playing before getting in a game ? So many things which limit this title. We hope that CCP Games will make the things right for the launch of Sparc on the others VR headsets. If you're thinking about short term, you can give it a try !

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80 / 100
Dec 5, 2017

Sparc is what would happen if racquetball existed in the world of TRON. With extensive customization, a handful of modes, and frantic well-executed gameplay, the only thing holding this game back is CCP's recent push away from the VR table. This is doubly unfortunate as what's here is a fantastic platform on which to build.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2017

While lacking in content and having some spotty controls, Sparc scintillates with a simple yet exhilarating sport that feels at home in virtual reality.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 31, 2017

Sparc is a fresh and entertaining vSport that resembles the old classic Pong; homewever, the fun isn't long lasting because of the little content the game has to offer.

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3.9 / 5.0
Jan 16, 2018

I've always enjoyed standing up and using the moves whenever possible with PSVR, but very few game offer the tracking and responsiveness necessary for a fully immersive experience.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
Sep 13, 2017

There is a major feature that is tragically both the main selling point and is nigh inoperable due to a lack of interest. The only indication to gauge what the multiplayer might be like is the tutorial and the challenge modes. Had there been anyone else to play Sparc with, it would have been something akin to tennis or racketball with shields. A plain idea, sure, but one that might have worked if the conditions were right.

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Sep 9, 2017

So with all that being said, you should go right now and get SPARC. This is one of those games that is a blast to play and one that, at least for me, I want to keep coming back to play again and again and again.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2017

If any virtual reality title would convince people to dive into the technology or take it seriously as an eSport, Sparc is that title. It's simple playground fun with none of the bullying or awkward relationships. Needless to say, CCP Games' creation works and works well. Everything is as smooth as can be for a game that has competitive gaming dreams. Let's just hope that more arenas, items, and modes are added to keep the casual fan base around and even more complexity is inserted for the comp squads. Also, you know...if you like throwing a ball down a hallway, then this PSVR title will make you enjoy it like you were a kid again.

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Dec 22, 2017
Sparc First Impressions | ConsidVRs video thumbnail
8.1 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2017

Whilst there are plenty of multiplayer titles on Playstation VR at the moment, none of them capture the vibe of competitive sport quite like Sparc does. The focus on quick-paced one on one action makes for some virtual reality showdowns that aren’t only incredibly tense but also a hell of a lot of fun too. There isn’t a whole lot on offer outside of the online multiplayer options, though it’s understandable seeing as Sparc is at its very best when played with other players. Still, it does mean it’s going to live or die by its community, so hopefully there’ll be plenty of people playing Sparc for a long time. I don’t see why there won’t be though – it’s bloody great.

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