Monster Hunter World Reviews
If you haven’t tried Capcom’s Monster Hunter: World you really should. Whether it’s on PC or console the game remains one of the best RPGs you’ll ever play, and the most inviting the series has ever been.
Monster Hunter: World still has all the complexity expected from this series, but it dishes it out in much more palatable chunks than usual. It's still got a frightening amount of depth, but it feels manageable in a way that few in the series have pulled off before. Players may still feel a little lost from time to time, but a little guidance from series vets or other friends can drastically reduce the growing pains new players will likely experience. On top of all that, this is one of the best-feeling titles the series has had to date; so saddle up with some friends, and explore all the New World has to offer.
Monster Hunter World isn't just a gripping game, it's also beautiful, perfectly paced and immersive.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Arriving eight months late on PC, everything that can be said about Monster Hunter World already has done. Rest assured though, the wait was indeed worth it. Anyone looking for a deep action game they can potentially invest hundreds of hours into need look no further. This is Monster Hunter, back and better than it's ever been before.
Monster Hunter: World stomps its way onto PC, but not without suffering a couple of setbacks in the process.
When it comes to Monster Hunter, the level of depth in the game leaves a lot to talk about, and I don't think it's possible to capture everything in this review.
Capcom knocked it out of the park with Monster Hunter World.
I could play this game for so many more hours and still feel like I was learning something new and just scratching the surface at the same time. Monster Hunter: World isn't going to be for everyone with its challenge and controls, but for those who embrace the life of the hunter, there are so many good things to experience.
Monster Hunter World takes a huge step towards a new audience, not simplifying, but simply optimizing the old overloaded mechanics. Old fans will be delighted. [OpenCritic note: Zelliel separately reviewed the PC (8) and PS4 (9) versions. The scores have been averaged.]
Review in Russian | Read full review
Quotation Forthcoming
Review in Italian | Read full review
It's not the worst console port I have seen, but it surely isn't the best one. The only real flaw of the PC version of Monster Hunter World is the buggy multiplayer mode. Everything else works just fine and deserves some attention – after all, this is one of the most captivating adventures in the virtual world ever.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Monster Hunter World is one of the best games of the year, and it shines brightly on the PC.
The PC port of Monster Hunter World isn't perfect. But despite its flaws, no other game compares to the thrill and sheer wonderment that beating a monster in a perfectly co-ordinated group can bring. In its purest essence, Monster Hunter World is simply about killing monsters to make better gear to kill bigger monsters. But boy, when it all comes off – which it does impressively frequently – no game comes close to it.
The PC version of Monster Hunter: World brings everything fantastic in the original game to Steam, and it even has better graphics performance and higher frame rate.
Review in Chinese | Read full review
The series arrives for the first time on PC as a really well done adaptation. Monster Hunter World is a stable and ever so graphically satisfying experience.
Review in Italian | Read full review
PC players finally have the chance to try one of the best games of the year. After a great success in other platforms, it is time to play it in our PCs. Still, it needs a really high-specifications device in order to work properly.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
This Monster Hunter World PC version is not perfect, notably because of lack of details in textures definitions and some errors in binding of keyboard. And the game dont have cross-platform. For the rest, game is a good experience with lot of graphics options like 60FPS possibility and more. We just need to wait for HD textures pack to have the ultimate PC version.
Review in French | Read full review
Monster Hunter World is as demanding as previous series entries, but the streamlined controls make it accessible to newcomers. Incredible battles in a lush and danger-filled world will keep even die-hard fans thrilled for hours on end.
Monster Hunter: World is definitely among the best titles available on the market, and whether you are a fan of the saga, or you are approaching it for the first time, we recommend you play it.
Review in Italian | Read full review
All in all Monster Hunter World for the PC is an amazingly done port.