Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Reviews
Tales of Vesperia is a classic JRPG that goes back to the roots of what made the series shine. Despite its flaws when it comes to its setting and style, earnest storytelling, a fantastic combat system, and memorable cast of characters make the game worth that ten year wait.
I'm of two minds with Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition. On one hand, this is the most complete version of easily the best Tales game in the last ten years.
While Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition doesn't make an major changes to the original game that launched over a decade ago, it does combine practically every piece of exclusive content into one wholesome package. With the benefit of some improved visuals in both cutscenes and gameplay, it's very difficult to recommend this JRPG classic on any other system than Nintendo Switch thanks to how well it performs in both docked and handheld modes. If you've ever slept on this classic, there's never been a better way to rectify that error.
Fitting for a game called ‘Tales' Vesperia spins a good yarn, but ultimately the game is showing its age.
A great game that it's still valid and fun, despite being excesively linear and cliche-yd for the modern times.
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Fans who have been clamoring for a port of Tales of Vesperia can be put at ease as Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is one of the series' best.
Tales of Vesperia offers an exciting journey and a great gameplay for anyone who mastered it, but suffers from the poor quality of some of the elements that are not suitable for RPG games at the moment.
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It's a huge relief to find that Tales of Vesperia hasn't just aged well, but continues to prove itself to be amongst the best games in the Tales series. The enhancements made to the Definitive Edition tidy up and expand on an already enjoyable game, bringing the characters to life more effectively than ever before and making it more than capable of enthralling both returning players and newcomers alike.
Vesperia is one of the best games in the 'Tales of' series (maybe even THE best) and justice has been made after 10 long years: being able to enjoy Yuri's story, in the most complete versionof the game and (finally!) translated to spanish, it's the best gift to begin yhe year.
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Formulaic but not always predictable, this remains the best of the Tales series and one of the definitive Japanese role-players of the 2000s.
Without doubt a highly recommended title that, despite its small flaws, offers a playable experience that can reach the height of great exponents of the past generation.
A nice reharsal of the best "Tales of" chapter. Very nice if it the first time you play it, superfluous if you already played the original version.
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Nevertheless, though, Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition excels in the places that matter most to Tales game, and in doing so earns the timeless adulation lavished on it by its fans. I can't tell you if it's the best Tales game, but it's everything a Tales game needs to be, in order to be considered great.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition shows its age in some areas, but with its enjoyable characters, interesting story, beautiful aesthetic and fun combat, this is one game from 2008 that definitely still holds up in 2019.
Ultimately, the question for many will be if Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is worth picking up even if players have experienced it before. The answer, at least in my eyes, is a resounding yes. The addition of characters and story content makes it a fresh experience for western fans, and it is a game that still manages to capture the imagination even now. Audio issues aside, this is the best version of Tales of Vesperia we've ever gotten—and, to be frank, that we will ever get—and newcomers and veterans alike owe it to themselves to experience the Definitive Edition of one of the best Tales of games ever created.
Tales of Vesperia is a title fans will be happy to revisit.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a solid remaster of one of the best classic JRPGs released during the previous console generation. With a colorful cast of well-developed characters, an incredibly fun battle system, and engaging gameplay mechanics, the game still manages to hold its own ten years since release, even with minimal tweaking. The huge amount of new content is also meaningful to the experience, making the Definitive Edition truly the definitive way to experience the game,
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a polished version of an already great JRPG, and it also includes a bunch new contents that will please both the fans and those who approach this game for the first time.
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Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition brings one of, if not the best Tales game to PS4, and that alone will no doubt be enough to persuade fans of the series. But really, ten years after its original release, Vesperia deserves more credit than that. It's a borderline classic Japanese RPG, and one that still holds up in 2019 thanks to a great cast of characters and some finely poised action.