Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Reviews
Thanks to these improvements — alongside the entirely different flavour this JRPG offers compared to the other fare available at the moment — this is a game that, by all accounts is still worthy of your attention.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is out this Friday January 11th for Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam. Will you be picking this title up? Did you play the original? Who is your favourite member of the main cast? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter and Facebook, and check back for more coverage of JRPGs and other Japanese titles.
This is one of the most engrossing games I've ever played in an already well-loved franchise, and I can't recommend it enough to just about anybody out there. While there were some minor adjustments to systems in future Tales titles to make for a smoother experience (not having to forge an item to be able to swap characters mid-battle, for instance), not one has approached this level of depth or this high a skill ceiling. Without hesitation, I can say that the benefits in Vesperia outweigh the downsides by a landslide. This game deserves all your money and then some, regardless the platform on which you decide to purchase it. "All my heart baby, all my love~ Arrivederci! ;D"
Overall, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a great game to play and even the original was great in its time. It has great gameplay, beautiful visuals, small upgrades for resolution and frame-rates, a dark story, awesome English dubs, and the perfect replay value. Hands down to this beautiful JRPG, and thank you Bandai Namco Entertainment for finally bringing this version to western shores.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a remaster worthy of gracing your storage space and one that publishers should look to emulate, with an entire game plus previously-inaccessible content now made available for all to enjoy.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition shows its age in some areas, but with its enjoyable characters, interesting story, beautiful aesthetic and fun combat, this is one game from 2008 that definitely still holds up in 2019.
Ultimately, the question for many will be if Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is worth picking up even if players have experienced it before. The answer, at least in my eyes, is a resounding yes. The addition of characters and story content makes it a fresh experience for western fans, and it is a game that still manages to capture the imagination even now. Audio issues aside, this is the best version of Tales of Vesperia we've ever gotten—and, to be frank, that we will ever get—and newcomers and veterans alike owe it to themselves to experience the Definitive Edition of one of the best Tales of games ever created.
This is easily one of the biggest Tales experiences to date, and pretty much everything about Tales of Vesperia still holds up by today's standards. Whether you're experiencing the game new, or replaying it for the umpteenth time, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a JRPG worth adding to your collection.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition continues to be a wonderful entry in the long-standing Tales series and fits perfectly on modern consoles.
Tales of Vesperia stands as one of the best entries in the long-running franchise. Any issues I may have are minor compared to everything this game gets right. The Definitive Edition will be a treat for both returning players and newcomers alike.
Tales of Vesperia was one of the best JRPGs last gen, and Definitive Edition is easily one of the best JRPGs this gen.
All in all, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is a fantastic role-playing game with a varied cast, great story, and enjoyable combat. If you're a veteran of the original release or a newcomer, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is an adventure worth checking out.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is the best version of an already fantastic RPG. The game’s visuals hold up very well and have been remastered perfectly without any real flaws. This is an excellent port, and is absolutely worth checking out for newcomers and longtime fans alike.
Boasting the best script, best overworld, and best pacing the series has ever seen, Tales of Vesperia stands out as the single strongest entry in the franchise. Though later entries do feature stronger casts and gameplay mechanics, this is not lacking in either department. The members of Brave Vesperia all share an excellent amount of chemistry with one another, and the combat, while comparatively simple, actually thrives in how easy to pick up but difficult to master it can be. While not every addition exclusive to the Definitive Edition exactly benefits the narrative - a shame considering how thematically cohesive and airtight the overall story is - each gameplay addition is ultimately for the better, from the two new party members all the way to the new dungeons. Tales of Vesperia is a high point not only for its franchise, but for its genre.
From the perspective of a new fan, who wants to approach the series, this is undoubtedly an excellent starting point to really appreciate the Tales of and understand the caliber of the development team behind these famous JRPGs. In addition to having an outstanding cast and a compelling story, the gameplay is super fun, rich and solid at the right point, putting itself in a middle point between tradition and modern conceptions that we can observe in the current generation.
Review in Italian | Read full review
For a ten year old game, nothing about Tales of Vesperia feels like it doesn't belong today. The Tales series might be one of the most traditional JRPG properties out there, but when the core is this good, innovation isn't needed.
Tales of Vesperia is often hailed as one of the best entries in the series, and rightfully so. The new content of definitive edition gives it a fresh coat of paint, which is already a great action JRPG. What is slightly disappointing is the lack of proper visual upgrade, but the improved resolution and frame rate does make a big difference.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition brings back the fun and immersion that you've seen before in 2008. With a lot of extra content, the title is a must-have in the collection of any fan.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
” I had several of the PS3 entries, including the remake of Symphonia, but they all ran together, so I tended to float away from them after 5-7 hours. Tales of Vesperia is the first Tales game that I've put significant time into since the original PlayStation, and frankly the Switch has made it so I can't finish super-long RPGs without some sort of portability. If you're looking for a jumping-in point for the series, Vesperia is the way to go.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is well worth your time, the story and in particular the characters are some of the most fleshed out and unique individuals that you can't help but grow attached to. The flashy yet deep combat system enhances what is already a fantastic JRPG. Any fan of the genre needs to check this out.