A Fisherman's Tale Reviews

A Fisherman's Tale is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

A Fisherman's Tale has some fantastic puzzles and great level design, but the movement manages to ruin some of the puzzles.

8 / 10
Jan 23, 2019

A Fisherman's Tale succeeds in being one of the most interesting games on VR. It is charming, magical, and awe-inspiring. It manages to do all of this with you playing as a puppet, and feeling a huge amount of warmth towards that little puppet. It is just a shame that the playtime is so short, even just an extra couple of hours would have made this impossible to miss. As it stands, it is a wonderful game that deserves playing, but the play time is such a drawback to an otherwise impeccable game.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jan 22, 2019

A fascinating premise that is used not only to create a set of mind-bending puzzles but to ruminate on the nature of reality. It's just a shame about the controls and the short running time.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2019

All great VR experiences start with an idea. “Wouldn't it be cool if…?” As much as I enjoyed my time with A Fisherman's Tale, the unique concepts it bears and the surprisingly deep narrative carried on its roiling waves, it's hard to recommend something so brief. Not to mention, the game feels more like a proof of concept for something far bigger, rather than a proper VR title in its own right. This lighthouse will always carry a forlorn sense that infinity isn't quite as infinite as it is meant to feel.

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Windows Central
Cale Hunt
Top Critic
Jan 22, 2019

A Fisherman's Tale doesn't last long, but what it does have is a winning blend of puzzles, animation, and story that's worth the price of admission.

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Feb 3, 2019

High-concept, bite-sized, and a bit janky, A Fisherman's Tale's on PS VR offers up a mesmerizing puzzle adventure that reworks the brain.

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7 / 10
Jan 22, 2019

A Fisherman's Tale is a typical puzzle-solving first-person VR experience that stands a cut above with a good-quality gimmick that doesn't overstay its welcome. It barely stays long enough to finish saying hello, but it has the wit, charm, and novelty to make it worth the single sitting it's asking for.

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6 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

A Fisherman's Tale tells a charming story with surprising depth that is unfortunately marred by technical issues. Within its brief playtime, the game's story packs in enough thought provoking content that I found myself thinking about it for days after playing. Though I'm not recommending A Fisherman's Tale, I wouldn't blame you if you decided to play it anyhow.

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83 / 100
Jan 22, 2019

Fabulous, but very short VR adventure with innovative puzzle mechanics and great synchronization in a unique atmosphere.

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7 / 10
Jan 29, 2019

Looking at the big picture, A Fisherman's Tale has an original and absorbing gameplay, as well as an interesting story, brilliantly narrated. However, the collisions bugs and the shortness of the main story spoils a little bit the experience.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2023

A Fisherman's Tale is still great four years later, but if you've played it before there's not much reason to pick up this barebones port to the PS VR2. It would've been cool to see InnerspaceVR take the opportunity to flesh out its recursive puzzle concept even more, but hopefully there's more still to come from this franchise.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2023

While A Fisherman's Tale is shorter than many people's daily commute to work, its abundance of charm and clever use of the core puzzling mechanic make it a VR title worth cozying up with on weekend afternoon.

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9 / 10
Jan 22, 2019

I loved A Fisherman's Tale. I'm still relatively new to the PlayStation VR platform, but I found this to be a great example of what can be done with VR when a lot of hard work and care is put into a game. It has some really unique puzzles that have much more impact while wearing the headset, and the game tells a cool story. I was disappointed that it came to an end so quickly, but at least that means I can now look forward to what the team does next!

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9 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2023

A Fisherman's Tale is an experience that any PS VR2 owner should treat themselves to, but especially in conjunction with its sequel.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2023

A Fisherman's Tale arrives on PSVR2 with a good porting that enhances Sony's hardware. The incipit and the basic idea are really good, but the game fails to take off making the gameplay repetitive for more than half the experience, with puzzles that are easy to solve.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2019

A Fisherman’s Tale is one of the most imaginative and surreal narrative experiences on PlayStation VR. From the moment you put on your headset, you’ll be ‘hooked’ as you become fully ‘submerged’ within this fantastical and dream-like experience. The ‘as above, so below’ mechanic works seamlessly and turns a simple puzzle game into one which stands out above the crowd with its unique and interesting concept. The game itself isn’t very long, clocking in at around an hour from beginning to end, but if you wish to get the platinum then expect that time to be a bit longer as you backtrack for collectables and random trophies. If you like imaginative and thought-provoking puzzles, coupled with an interesting story and bizarre characters, then A Fisherman’s Tale is pulling on your line waiting to be reeled in today!

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8 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2019

It’s clear that more could’ve been done with this incredible premise, but what’s here is nevertheless a brilliantly paced and impeccably designed puzzler that’s easily one of the most inventive and memorable PSVR titles to date.

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