Bloodborne Reviews
Bloodborne is an interesting mix of everything From Software has learned throughout its storied developmental career. Not everything will gel with fans old and new, but for the most part, the shift towards a combat-oriented game is a net positive. From Software is still one of the only developers left that makes you work for your satisfaction, and Bloodborne is damn satisfying.
Bloodborne may feel like a shapeshifted offshoot of the Souls series, but it remains a beast which carries that elite badge of honor for those who can slay it.
From Software's Bloodborne is quite the intimidating game, but if you're able to stick with it, you'll find an extremely worthwhile experience underneath its intimidating exterior.
Overall Bloodborne is a fantastic game and could be considered one of the best exclusives available on the PS4 so far. The gameplay will not be for everyone, with the difficulty and repetition a potential turn off, but if you are looking for a new challenge, Bloodborne is a fantastic choice. The twisted atmosphere of Yharnam, the great design of the monsters, and the fear it can instil within you is something that won't be forgotten in a hurry. There's a time when you realise a game will be revered and spoken of fondly years from now, and Bloodborne will be one of them.
Bloodborne is a significant evolution of the Souls series, but it comes with some new problems too.
When I finished "Dark Souls 2," I felt utterly burnt out with the series into which I had poured over 400 hours. But "Bloodborne's" labyrinths and fantastic creature design ensnared me from the first. Whereas "Dark Souls 2" felt to me as if it was laboring under the weight of its forebears,"Bloodborne" feels like the swaggering culmination of them. From Software has, in the best possible way, brought the evil back.
Bloodborne is something truly special – a barbaric horror RPG that will giveth and taketh away in perfect measure, wrapped up in a perverse world that will refuse to let you go.
Those that are up for the challenge of Bloodborne are going to find a game that plays better, looks better, and has more to keep you occupied than any of the Souls games had.
The PlayStation 4 finally has its exclusive killer RPG. Bloodborne is punishingly hard, but like the Souls series, not unfairly so. If you go into this game accepting of death and the lessons that it imparts on you, then you will have a much better time than if you were to approach the game thinking you were the next Kratos. With a light touch of thankfully, gratefully optional multiplayer options, Bloodborne will be played for years to come. If you see someone with a Platinum trophy for this game, you will know that you are in the presence of a badass gamer. Bloodborne cannot come any more highly recommended for RPG gamers looking for a true challenge.
From Software's daunting new RPG may not be to all tastes, but it can be pure masochistic pleasure if you let its claws dig in
Bloodborne is one of those experiences that totally consumes you when you're involved in it and working to see all that it has to offer. In that sense it's the digital edition of a round-the-world trip to foreign continents, each turning of a corner providing equal helpings of excitement and trepidation. That recipe brings it own rewards by simply being a part of it, the seemingly effortless delivery indicative of a design team and philosophy that is only getting sharper.
Its elegance, precision, humour, and challenge make Bloodborne irresistible. Ultimately, the horror is secondary; wonder is the true transfusion on offer here.
After about thirty hours spent in the company of Bloodborne, it is clear that we have the impression of playing a game radically different from what is proposed to us all year round. A vibrant tribute to the video game of before, the title proves to us every minute that it swims against the other AAA that ultimately all look the same.
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From Software's Bloodborne is a triumphant success in what's arguably been a lackluster generation thus far. It's taken just over a year for PlayStation 4 to get its first fully fledged must-have title. Thankfully for us, it's finally arrived. Bloodborne is an undisputed revelation.
Bloodborne is the next step in the Souls series, and the new, faster combat system opens up some new ideas and scenarios. For those that never could grasp the series, this new entry is not going to change your mind. It still represents all the previous games with the same difficulty and non hand-holding it has come to be known for. Still for those with patience and dedication, Bloodborne is the first truly must-own title for the PlayStation 4.
From start to finish, Bloodborne revels in its unique – if somewhat masochistic – approach to entertainment. There are very few games that cause you to curse their developer one minute and sing their praises the next – but this is one of them. It is, quite simply, a sensationally designed and superbly refined offering.
This nightmare is challenging, scary, and easily one of the best games I've ever played. Both fans of From's previous work and newcomers alike should really give this a shot, and see what you're made of. May the good blood guide your way.
The best title of this generation, and easily the best game on the PS4. The immense drive you get to explore its desolate, yet beautiful world, is almost unprecedented. Bloodborne is a true essential for any PS4 owner, and the best reason so far to purchase Sony's system. An Exemplary Gothic Masterpiece!
I want to keep playing, I want to discover its secrets, I want to fight every monster, try every weapon, discuss theories and explore as many of the community dungeons as possible. To put it bluntly, I want to bleed the game dry.
Bloodborne is a frustrating game, and I don't want anyone to go in thinking otherwise. But it's worthwhile, too. Despite some yelling, I've enjoyed nearly every moment with the game, and it's a world I can't wait to dive back into for more punishment and triumph.